Ethical costs of conducting research Flashcards
2 points for the benefits to individual pps
- Clinical trials
- Infamous studies like Milgrams obiedence to authority
How do Clinical trials benefit an individual
- They have their symptoms reduced (schizophrenia)
- Placebo effects make them better
How was Milgrams study of benefit to an individual
- many pps said they were glad to be part of the research and felt they learned something
2 points for the costs to individual pps
- Pps that take part in clinical trials are vulnerbale individuals
- Ethical costs were high in Milgrams research
How are pps in clinical trials at risk
- risk of harm from side effects
- deception through double blind trials
How were pps in Milgrams study at risk
- Deception
- Physical and psych harm
- Issues with right to withdraw due to prods
Points for benefits to society and the economy
- Clinical drug trials lead to successful treatments for psychological disorders
- Bowlbys research
- Prevents undesirable behaviour
Points for clinical trials being good for economy and society
- Clozapine reduces schizophrenia
- ## Drugs cheaper than CBT
Points for Bowlby being good for economy and society
- Improves the care children get so they grow up healthier
Points for psych research preventing undesirable behaviour being good for economy and society
- Stanford prison experiment and Milgrams findings will help prevent events like holocaust occuring again
Points for costs to society and the economy
- drugs very expensive
- Bowlby attachment theory puts pressure on mothers to stay at home
- Prison reform on global level would be required to implement zimbardos research
- Research into sensitive topics has social consequences
Points for drugs being expensive
- mental health treatment costs £22.5 billion a year
- masks symptoms rather than treating underlying cause
Points for Bowlby attachment theory puts pressure on mothers to stay at home
- Women cant keep their jobs
Points for Prison reform
- Would be very costly economically, socially and politically
Points for Research into sensitive topics has social consequences
- Can impact on individuals and their family
4 principles in BPS guidlines
- Respect
- Competance
- Responsibility
- Integrity