ESWS Navigation Flashcards
What is hard aground?
Lodged on bottom, ship cannot move itself from the bottom.
What is soft aground?
Resting in the bottom, ship can move itself
What is swing circle?
Distance from the anchor to the stern of the ship.
What is drag circle?
Distance from the anchor to the pelorus.
What is advance?
The distance the ship travels on its original course from the time it puts the rudder over till the time It steadies on its new course.
What is transfer?
The distance the ship travels in its perpendicular course from the time it puts its rudder over till the time it studies on a new course.
What are the true bearings?
Based on a circle of 360 degrees with true north being 000.
What are relative bearings?
Based on a circle of 360 degrees with the ships bow at 000.
What does DIW stand for?
Dead in water?
What does DIW mean?
The ship has no proportion.
Which type of situation consists of two power driven vessels meeting in course involving risk of collision?
Head on
In a head on situation, what is the recommended passage?
Port to port
Both vessels involved in a head on situation are recommended to do what?
Alter course to starboard and reduce speed.
What constitutes a crossing situation?
When two power driven vessels are crossing in courses that involve risk of collision.
What constitutes an overtaking situation?
A vessel coming up with another vessel from a direction of more than 22.5’ abaft her beam?
What is the vessel with the right of way, maintaining course and speed?
Stand on
The vessel that has to reduce speed the allow another vessel to pass is known as what?
The give way vessel
What is the arc of visibility on the port running light?
What is the arc of visibility on the starboard running light
What is the arc of visibility on the forward masthead light?
What is the arc of visibility on the aft masthead light?
What is the arc of visibility on the stern light?
What is the color of the port running light?
What is the color of the starboard light?
What navigation lights do we display when moored?
Aircraft warning, fwd jack staff, aft flag staff and security lights
What task lights do we display when engaging in special operations?
Red over white over red
What task lights do we display for man overboard?
Red over red blinking
What task lights do we display when not under command?
Red over red
What sound signal is used for low visibility while underway?
Ships whistle.
What type of blast is sounded in low visibility?
1 prolonged blast every 2 minutes
How many seconds is a prolonged blast?
4-6 seconds
What navigational equipment measures the distance of an object of known height?
What navigational equipment measures angles in degrees, minutes and seconds?
What is a bearing circle?
Penta-prism fitted to a gyrocompass repeater to determine true or relative bearing to objects
What is a telescopic alidade?
Telescope with crosshairs. Fitted to gyrocompass to determine true or relative bearing to objects.
What does a gyrocompass provide?
True bearing for ships course
What does a magnetic compass provide?
Magnetic bearing for ships course
What type of magnetic compass do we have onboard?
Digital flux gate magnetic compass
What does a Fathometer determine?
The depth of water under the ship.
A plotted line in which a vessel is located is called what?
A line of position!
What does EP stand for?
Estimated position.
What does DR stand for?
Dead reckoning
What is dead reckoning?
A method of navigation in which position is determined by plotting the direction and distance traveled from a known point of departure.
What is set and drift?
Set is the direction the current pushes the ship and drift is how fast it the speed of the current.
What does GMT stand for?
Greenwich mean time
How many time zones are there worldwide?
Which letter is not used as a time zone designator?
What is J used for?
Julian date
What is variation?
Difference between geographic and magnetic north
What is deviation?
Error cause by the magnetic effect of any metal near the compass
Which waters cover IALA region A
International/ eastern hemisphere
Which waters cover IALA region B?
United States/Western Hemisphere.
What is the cardinal system?
Used in conjunction with the compass to indicate where the mariner may find the best navigational waters
What is the officer of the deck responsible for?
The safe navigation of the ship and to the commanding officer
What is the QMOW responsible for?
Plotting fixes and course as needed as well as MOBI, the ships deck log, maintaining speed, distance and time to all waypoints and evolutions as needed.
What is the telltale panel do?
Indicates ships running light configuration
Who utilizes the JW circuit?
Bearing book recorder, bearing takers and combat for radar fixes
What instrument determines atmospheric humidity?
A psychrometer.
What day shapes do we fly for anchor?
What shapes are flown for no command?
Ball over ball
What shapes are flown for restricted maneuvering?
Ball diamond ball
Who loses most when ship runs aground?
CO, XO, navigator
Who is the navigator?
LT Schaff
What is the bravo flag used for?
Refueling/ ammunition handling
What is SOPA?
Senior officer present afloat
What is flag is flown for recalling personnel?
What flag is flown for divers?
What flag is flown for personnel working aloft/over the sides?
What condition is set when hauling up the flag Lima?
What flag is used for ready to receive a ship alongside are sea?
What flag do we use when ready to receive a ship along side in port?
Who is the assistant navigator?
QMCS Robles