ESWS Anti Terror Flashcards
Force (definition)
to do violence.
Deadly Force (word for word)
Force that a person uses causing, or that a person knows, or should know, would create a substantial risk of causing death of serious bodily harm.
Serious Bodily Harm
Does not include minor injuries, such as a black eye or a bloody nose, but does include fractured or dislocated bones, deep cuts, torn members of the body, serious damage to the internal organs and other life-threatening injuries.
3 conditions of deadly force
opportunity, capability, intent
which of the 3 conditions of deadly force is the hardest to prove
opportunity (3 conditions of deadly force)
when a weapon or explosive device is in effective range to cause death of serious bodily harm
the ability of means to inflict death or serious bodily harm
demonstrated through aggressive actions or lack of compliance
RAM - definition
required in FPCON alpha & bravo. takes selected measures from higher levels to supplement basic FPCON measure already in place
Examples of RAM
- 100% ID checks
- Baggage check
- Vehicle inspections
- Military working dog
- Gate closures
- Extra personnel on post
- Dressing up like a mall cop and wearing penis helmet
- Flashy blinky police lights to scare away baddies
- Smacking Beckner in the face
Goals of terrorism
political, religious, ideological
soft target
a person of thing that is relatively unprotected of vulnerable, especially to military or terrorist attack
hard target
an installation that appears to be well protected and difficult to penetrate
improvised explosive device
counter terrorism
measures taken to prevent, deter, preempt, and respond to terrorism
in-port security plan
shipboard reaction force
back up reaction force
reserve force
anti-terrorism training team
pre-planned responses (step by step procedures that need to be taken to stop terrorist or white trash (mainly Texans) from taking over the ship
crew served weapons
security officer - LTJG ELLIS
Anti-terrorism Officer - LTJG ELLIS
anti-terrorism tactical watch officer - responsible for anti-terrorism efforts on the bridge
command duty officer - reps CO in his/her absence
tactical duty officer - has weapons release authority
chief of guard. in charge of all security personnel on pier
rules of engagement
4 types of Logs
1) Watch turnover Log,
2) Visitor Security Log,
3) Vehicle Access Log,
4) Firearms Turnover log.
3 Layers of Zone Defense + HVA
Assessment zone
Warning zone
Threat zone
HVA - high value asset - (the ship)
Ranges of 3 layer Zone defense
threat zone - 100 yards
warning zone - 300 yards
assessment zone - 500 yards
How many levels of FPCON
5 - seriously, if you get this wrong you’re an idiot
What are the FPCON levels
normal alpha bravo charlie delta
Types of cells (terrorism)
Operational - carry out attack or other mission or wear ninja mask
Intelligence - conduct surveillance and obtain orders and other communications from higher ups in the terrorist organization.
Auxiliary - collect money, obtain supplies, provide info
Objectives of terrorism
obtain recognition for the groups cause
eliminate western influence in the region
get the US and Israel out of the middle east
establish a radical fundamental islamic regime without borders throughout the middle east
influence government decisions
free prisoners
satisfy vengeance
yell - allahu akbar everyday
Techniques of terrorist ops
bombing hijacking skyjacking assassination hostage taking
How many steps are in the terrorist training cycle
7 (SEVEN!!!)
What are the steps to the terrorist training cycle
1 - broad target selection 2 - intelligence and surveillance 3 - specific target selection 4 - pre-attack surveillance and planning 5 - attack rehearsal 6 - actions on the objective 7 - escape and exploitation
Security Alert
INTERNAL threat - alert set by the ship to allow ONLY emergency personnel to transit to respond to a threat
Reasons for a security alert (examples)
suspicious package
unauthorized personnel onboard
ships penetration
hostage situation
What is Boxer’s covert security alert
ENS Pompeo, your presence is requested at …..
Force Protection
low flying aircraft
small boat attack
civil disturbance on pier
IED on pier - either vehicle or person