Estuaries Flashcards
semi-enclosed area where freshwater from river runoff meets seawater (includes lagoons, sloughs, bays)
become colonized by sea grass; sea grass traps more sediments; taller, less aquatic vegetation can colonize
derived from terrestrial plants; adapted to the salty, anoxic shores; have pneumetophoes (root extensions above the sediment that collect oxygen); prop roots (stem from the trunk or branches); salt glands, nutrients are from the water and not the sediment
Ecosystem services of Estuaries
- provide habitat for over 75% of the US commercial sea catch
- shrimp, crabs, bivalves
- commercial value in some estuarine organisms (oysters and clams as fertilizer/lime for acidic soils; horseshoe crab’s blood aids in freeing vaccines of bacterial contamination)
- plants in estuaries filter out nutrients and sediments in the coastal regions
- pollutants: herbicides, pesticides, and heavy metals
Ecosystem services of Mangroves
- stabilize shorelines, protect coastal areas, inland habitats and human communities from floods and storm surges during storms
- protect streams, river channels, and coastal shores from excessive erosion
- ie. Carrie Bow Caye
Ecosystem Engineers
Low oxygen?
organisms whose existence in habitat, facilitate use of the habitat by other organisms (abundant burrowers act to oxygenate deeper soils - ghost shrimp and hemichordate)
Physical Characteristics of an Estuary
- Salinity
- Substrate
- Temperature
- Turbidity
- Oxygen