Estrogens Flashcards
What is the most common estrogen produced by the ovaries?
E2- estradiol
What are E1, E2 and E3?
E1- estrone
E2- estradiol
E3- estriol
What is the purpose of estrogen?
Development of female reproductive organs, secondary sexual characteristics, and the menstrual cycle.
Where and how are E1 and E3 produced? (2 ways)
In the liver via E2.
Adrenal cortex from androstenedione. (Or other androgens).
Which form of estrogen is most common in post menopausal women?
Estrone (E1)- from the adrenal Cortex
E2 is produced by…
Follicular cells and progesterone by the corpus luteum.
What is SHBG?
Sex hormone binding globulin.
Which estrogen binds the strongest to SHBG?
E1 and E3 have weak affinity for ER (estrogen receptor)
How does the liver effect estrogen?
1st pass effect and entero-hepatic recycling.
Pharmacodynamics of estrogen.
ER has nuclear localization. ER dimer binds ERE in the promoter regions of estrogen-responsive genes.
3 synthetic estrogen mimicking steroids:
Ethinyl estradiol
3 synthetic non-steroidal estrogen mimicking agents:
Estrogen mimicking phytochemicals
Flavonones: genistein(soy) and resveratrol(red wine)
Estrogen mimicking pesticides
Kepone, bisphenol, hexachlorophene
What is hypogonadism and how do you treat it in women?
Lack of maturation and development of secondary sexual characteristics.