Estimation and Velocity Flashcards
What estimation method does waterfall projects use to get an idea of project duration?
Bottom-up meaning all tasks are decomposed and then estimated.
What is estimating in a Scrum project called Top Down?
Because you first do a gross level estimate at the high level. As features are known in detail JIT estimates are created for each sprint. JIT estimates are more accurate because the details are known at that time.
What are 2 methods of estimating in scrum?
Planning Poker
T-shirt Sizes
How is relative work effort compared to absolute time estimation?
Absolute time is used for waterfall method and is precise estimate.
Relative work effort compares 2 task to each other and their relative work effort.
What is planning poker?
It is relative work effort estimation methodology that estimates time to complete a task. Fibonacci sequence is most often used.
What are the common numbers of the Fibonacci Sequence?
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 40, 100.
When using planning poker, what is the difference between a low number (1) and a high number (100)?
Lower number, the details are well known and more accurately estimated. Higher number indicates that the user story needs to be decomposed further.
Why would the Fibonacci sequence have wider ranges as the numbers increase?
There is a wider difference so it is easier to place an item in a lower or higher number.
During planning poker, what happens if all agree versus disagree on the estimate?
Agree, then this is the number assigned to the estimate. If they disagree, then the team discusses their differences to resolve to the same number.
During planning poker, why are the cards shown at the same time?
Avoid anchoring which is when a person agrees with the first person who speaks or agrees with the person who expresses the most confidence.
What is the definition of velocity?
Amount of work a team can produce from a single sprint.
Is velocity tracked for an individual or team?
When tracking velocity, what should be considered about the dynamics of the team?
If members are coming and going on the team, the velocity is going to vary and will be challenging to measure.
Timeboxes must remain the same to make accurate measurement.
What can happen if the velocity estimate is wrong?
Lead to inefficient use of time, missed deadlines, micromanagement, stressed workers
What is technical debt?
Cost incurred when shortcuts are taken to deliver project results.
Why would an organization accept technical debt?
Bringing a product to market quickly.
Product life cycle is short and running out of time.
Seek early feedback that help to avoid making mistakes
Does a technical debt have interest?
Yes because the longer you wait to implement the full feature set, the potential of customers leaving for a competitor that has a fuller feature set.
Is technical debt always intentional?
No, it may be poor engineering, insufficient testing or poor quality overall.
The organization may lose a key vendor or supplier.
When would you not pay down technical debt?
Product nearing its end of life.
Backlog features are not meaningful to customers