Estim Flashcards
What are the 3 types of current
Pulse tile , AC, direct
What is pulsitile current
What is AC current
IFC, Premodulated, Russian
What is pps
Pulses per second . High pps is more comfortable. Low pps is noxious
What is pulse duration
Wide duration is more uncomfortable,
Mono vs biphasic pulses
Monophasic is unidirectional, doesn’t change directions. Has predictable polarity for HVPC. negative is cathode. Positive is anode.
Biphasic is the norm for pulsitile. Can be asymmetric balanced (net charge is 0) or unbalance (not zero).the unbalanced is how your could get a charge but since it’s such a short time it wouldn’t be noticed.
What pps do we usually need to get muscle contraction
35-50 pps
If using ionto and the drug is negative, what charge do you use
Negative (cathode)
When would you use monophasic pulsitile
Open wounds, deem, and spasm. HVPC
When would you use biphasic pulsitile
Pain relief, mm contraction
What is micro current
Can never exceed 1mA, 1000 times less current than TENS. Promotes healing cutaneous wounds
What is alternating current
Continuous bidirectional flow of charged particles, equal ion flow in each direction, ( so no polarity). Burst modulated (Russian) is most common
What is IFC
Low frequency that results from crossing two or more mediums. They intersect and produce a higher amplitude when both are in the same phase and lower current when In opposite directions
What is the Beat frequency
Difference In frequency 4100-4000 is 100.
What is sweep vs scan IFC
Sweep varies the width of the leaves. Allows use of low and high frequency at the same time. Minimal evidence
Scan is for Intensity. Rotates and scans the cloverleaf, circular shaped field. Makes it feel like they are moving
What is Russian current
BURST modulated ac. Has 10 ms polyphasic waveform and interburst interval of 10 ms. We would use this on someone grade 4 or above. (Pulsed biphasic is good for lower grades)
What is iontophoreis
Increases permeability across skin. Used for small areas.
What is amplitude
Same as intensity. Noted as amps or voltage. Measured by PATIENT response. Subsensory, sensory, motor , or noxious
What are leads
What’s attached to The red and the black (electrodes) There MUST be two leads per channel
If a box has polarity what kind is it
If a box has scan sweep beat
If there are pulse duration knobs
How does flow travel via action potential vs estim
AP is only in one direction, estim can travel in both (however, only has an effect in the physic illogical direction normal AP direction
What amplitude needed for nerve depolarize
Sensory is Less than 80 ms. Motor is 150-350 me. >1ms depolarize C fibers (noxious)
How does estim activate muscle fibers
Largest axonal diameter first then smaller. It normal physiology is opposite
What are the clinical applications of estim
Increase muscle endurance, sub luxe shoulder, spasticity, urinary incontinence improvements,
Small vs large muscle duration
Short 150-200 for small. 200-350 for larger
Why would we never exceed 80 pps for muscle strengthening
Because of fatigue
How should you ramp for spasticity
Longer ramp time like 4-8 seconds do you don’t get more tone
When would you use positive and negative electrode for tissue healing
Negative if acute or inflamed to start the tissue healing process.Positive if necrosis without inflammation and if wound is in proliferation
How should you clean carbon electrodes
Warm soapy waiter. NOT alcohol
What kind of gel do we use for estim
Electro therapy gel. It is ion rich unlike ultrasound gel
How should You place electrodes for deeper current
The farther apart the deeper goes
Why are larger electrodes more comfortable
Because the density is more spread out
What do you do for a demon from lack of motion
Use muscle contraction such as NMES
What are the contraindications for electrotherapy
Pacemaker placing electrodes over the carotid sinus insulin pumps thrombophlebitis pregnancy within 15 feet of diathermy machine
What are current specific contraindications
HVPC over heavy scarring that adipose tissue extreme Adema osteomyelitis .for NMES when muscle contractions contraindicated . Iontophoresis damage your open skin lesions sensitivity to allergies impaired sensation
What are the precautions for electrotherapy
Cardiac disease impaired cognition impaired sensation malignant tumor’s obesity before and after other physical agents
What is the pulse duration for acute pain tens
50 to 80 µs
What is the pulse duration for chronic pain tense
100 to 300 µs
What is the poster ration for muscle strengthening using a pulse by phasic machine
150 to 200
What is the pulse duration for muscle contractions reeducation with the biphasic
150 to 350
What is the posterior ration for muscle contractions muscle spasms with biphasic
150 to 350
What is the pulse duration for biphasic chronic edema using muscle pumping
150 to 350
What is the pulse duration for Russian stem using muscle pumping for chronic edema
50 Hz
What is the pulse duration for using HVPC for edema due to inflammation
Fixed from 40 to 100
What is the pulse duration for a pulse biphasic for edema for lack of motion
150 to 350
What is the pulse duration for tissue healing using HVPC
Fixed from 40 to 100
What is the pulse duration or dose for iontophoresis
40–80 mA times minute
What is the frequency for acute pain tens
100 to 150 pulses per second
What is the frequency for chronic pain tens
2 to 10 pulses per second
What is the frequency for Russian the stem for muscle strengthening
50 Hz
What is the frequency for post biphasic for muscle strengthening
35 to 80 pulses per second
What is the frequency for pulsed biphasic for muscle reeducation
35 to 50 pulses per second
What is the frequency for pulsed biphasic for muscle spasms
35 to 50 pulses per second
What is the frequency for pulsed biphasic for chronic edema
35 to 50 pulses per second
What is the frequency for HVPC see for edema due to inflammation
100 to 120 pulses per second
What is the frequency for pulsed biphasic edema from lack of motion
35 to 50 pulses per second
What is the frequency for tissue healing using HVPC
60 to 125 pulses per second
What is the amplitude for iontophoresis
0.1 to 4mA
What is the amplitude for acute pain tens
What is the amplitude for chronic pain tens
Visible contraction
What is the amplitude for muscle strengthening
What is the amplitude 4HVPC due to Adema