Establishment of a republic Flashcards
When was the first republic established and ended ?
22nd Sept 1792-1805
When was Louis executed ?
21st Jan 1793
Voting on Louis’s fate and controversy
- Appel nominal : Each representative had to cast their vote publicly (reduced the chance they would vote in favour of Louis)
- Nov 1792 : Armoire de fer documents discovered showing correspondence between Luis and Austria
- Jan 1793 : 361/749 voted for his death (Majority of only 13)
Shared beliefs of the Jacobins/montagnards and the Girondins
- Republican government
- Supported the war
- Believed in further enlightened reform for society and the economy
Disagreements between the Jacobins/Montagnards and the Girondin
- Increase central control
- Favoured by the SC + ready to respond to their demands eg controls over prices of food
- Radical + militant approach in order to bring about change
- Decentralisation (support base in the provinces)
- Suspicious of the SC and feared activism (favoured a free market economy)
- Moderate approach to change
What decrees did the Girondins win support for ?
- Edict of fraternity Nov 1792
- River Scheldt would be made free and open to all river traffic Nov 1792
What period was the Republican calendar used ?
1793-1804 (Napoleon’s declaration of an Empire)
When did time end ?
- 22nd September 1792
How was the Republican calendar different ?
- Still 12 months to a year BUT 10 days to a week and 3 weeks to a month
- The remaining 5 days became patriotic holidays
What were the repercussions within France from the war ?
- Growing inflation (increased restlessness of the san-culottes)
- Sporadic peasant rioting (Chouan rebellion)
How did the Jacobins exploit the issues caused by the war ?
- Exploited such problems to argue for their policy of greater central control
Jacobin/Montagnards attitude to Louis ?
- Wanted the Louis Capet to be put on trial and executed
Girondins attitude towards Louis ?
- Were hesitant to take action against the King
- Prepared to accept his guilt but less inclined to support the death penalty
What views were most of the deputies of ‘the plain’ inclined to follow ?
- Girondin views but their loyalties were fickle and divisions sometimes unpredictable
What did the Jaconbin/Montagnards accuse the Girondin of ?
- Lacking faith in the revolution and trying to form a ‘party’ (which was discreditable at the time) to block legitimate change
What did the Girondin see the dominant Robespierre, Danton and Marat as ?
- potential dictators
- Marat was loathed by men such as Roland and Brissot (spokesmen for the Girondin) fro his association with the September massacres and the insurrectionary Paris Commune
Who made up the constitutional committee and what was their purpose ?
- Sieyes, Danton, Condorcet and Paine and 6 others
- To draw up proposals for a new constitution to replace that of 1791
- However the constant arguments between the Jacobins and Girondins made it difficult to achieve any agreement
When were the Austrians defeated and by who ?
- 6th Nov 1792
- Austrians were defeated by the Girondin general Dumouriez (occupied Austrian Netherlands)
- Successes vindicated the Girondin belief in spreading the ideas of the revolution across Europe through war
What decrees did the victory against Austria allow the Girondin to win support for ? (3)
- 16th Nov 1792 : The river Scheldt was to be made free and open to all river traffic (anger GB and the United Provinces)
- Declared ‘The glory of the French Republic requires that wherever the protection of her arm extends, liberty should be established and tyranny overthrown’
- 19th Nov 1792 : The convention issued the ‘edict of Fraternity’ promising ‘fraternity and assistance to all people who wish to recover their liberty’
What happened 1st Nov 1792 ?
- Committee set up to consider the legal problem concerning a trial
What happened on the 3rd Dec 1792 ?
- Decision taken to try Louis
- National convention would act as the judge and jury
- Was of doubtful legality since there was no provision in the constitution for the legislative body to act as a court
What happened on 20th Nov 1792 ?
- Announcement of the discovery of the Armoire de fer (proof of Louis’ counter-revolutionary activities)
What happened on the 4th Dec 1792 ?
- Robespierre argued for the immediate death of Louis
- Proclaimed ‘louis must die because the country must live’
- Nevertheless the convention proceeded to draw up a indictment to present to Louis
What happened on the 11th/26th Dec 1792 ?
- Indictment read to Louis, his conduct was questioned through his involvement with the Austrian enemy, he was a threat to the future of France
- Louis’ defence was presented to the Convention + argued that a King couldn’t be accused of treason
What was proposed on the 27th Dec 1792 ?
- Girondin’s proposed ‘an appeal to the people’ to determine the verdict and punishment
- Dismissed by the Jacobin and Plain who felt it would undermine their status as elected delegates
How were votes taken by the convention and what were the results ?
- Guilt of the King : 693 voted guilt and none against (there were some abstentions)
- Whether there should be a referendum : rejected 424 to 283
- What Louis’s sentence should be
When was the fate of Louis decided and what was it ?
- 15-17th Jan 1793
- 361 voted for death without conditions
- 286 voted for detention and banishment
- 46 voted for death with conditions attached eg only after the war
When was the verdict read to Louis and when was he executed ?
- Read on 20th Jan 1793 and executed the following day
What were the proceedings of Louis’s execution ?
- Thousands of troops lined the streets
- Louis was taken from the Temple to the place de la revolution where a guillotine had been set up (Oct 1792)
- Final words were drummed out by a drum roll
- Executioner held his head aloft for the crowds to see and cries of ‘Long live the republic’ were heard