Establishment Cases Flashcards
Reyners v Belgium
Art 49 right of establishment is directly effective horizontally and vertically
National rules that might hinder exercise of fundamental freedoms must be:
1 applied in non-discriminatory way
2 justified in general interest
3 suitable for attainment of their objective
4 proportionate to attaining objective
ECJ uses broad interpretation
- demonstrates Art 49 is directly effective
- MS must recognise adequate professional qualifications
Establishment is without a forseeable limit to its duration
- Rule preventing members of Paris bar maintaining offices in other states caught because it stops German lawyers applications for membership
- Rule was applied without discrimination to all members but still had indirectly discriminatory effect
Thieffry v Cour de Paris
Need mutual recognition of equivalence of qualificaitons to ensure adequacy of qualifications
UNECTEF v Heylens
MS entitled to assure themselves on objective basis of equivalence of foreign diploma exclusively in light of level of knowledge and qualifications
His skills equalled national requirements so had to be recognised.
- National authorities must take into account the education, training, knowledge, acquired skills, of applicant and compare them to those required by national qualification
- if a MS has allowed an individual to already practice it is too late to complain about their qualifications
Where member state already allows individual to practise job or profession it is too late to complain about qualifications.
Fernandez de Bobadilla
Partial equivalence of qualifications entitles the state to require full qualifications BUT must also take into account any knowledge gained by a course of study or work experience
Hugo Fernando Hocsman
Extends Bobadilla approach to situations where a profession is covered by EU law
Haim v Kassenaertzliche
Period of training makes up for lack of minimum requirement considered necessary by member state
Tawil Albertini
If a non EU qualification has been recognised by some MS, it doesnt automatically mean its recognised by others
Caixa Bank France
Test of obstacle to freedoms widened to “anything which should prohibit impede or render less attractive”
Different tax rates between residential and non residential tax payers are discriminatory BUT can be justified if the differences between two groups were genuine objective differences.
NO objective differences here
Knoors v Secretary of State for Econ affairs
- returned to his home MS to practice using a qualification from another MS
- So long as there is a directive in an area allowing the activity on possession of certain qualifications, the MS shall accept as sufficient evidence of ability the fact that the activity in question has been pursued in another member state
MS must follow directive setting out professional standards and ignore their own national standards
Wilson v Luxembourg
- Prior test of linguistic knowledge is precluded in legal profession
- if they are incapable of speaking the language this will be a breach of professional conduct.
Company defined under Art 54 TFEU: must be profit making and non-profit making firms are excluded
Viking Line
can balance workers right to strike against companies’ rights ti establish overseas.
- use of strike right must be proportional conisidering other options
Daily Mail and General Trust
Companies enjoy same establishment rights as individuals. discrimination can apply to companies
Centros Ltd
Where company forms under law of MS and was not allowed to form branch in another MS, this is breached their of Right of establishment
Commission v France
French company branches in other states had branches taxed by French state as if they were in France but received none of the benefits
- breached Art 49
Marks and Spencer
Tax issues. Objectively justifiable action but still disproportionate breach of Art 49
Derogation Art 51 defined narrowly. Commissioner of insurance companies does not fall under this exception - lacked final powers to stop companies pursuing certain policies
Commission v Italy (Freedom of Establishment)
Italian rules allowing only Italians jobs in tourism, pharmacies and journalism breach Art 49, Art 56 and Art 45
allowing an individual to participate on a stable and continuous basis in the economic life of a member state other than his state of origin.
- duration
- regularity
- periodicity
- continuity
- mutual recognition of professional qualifications requiring a higher education diploma in a number of professions
mutual recognition of legal qualifications
Art 49
Freedom of Establishment
Factortame No 1
buying premises or licenses in another MS is evidence of establishment
recognition of qualifications leading to a recognised profession is to be on the same basis for a migrant EU citizen as for a national EU citizen