Essay questions Flashcards

  1. Did the Framers intend for the Constitution to be a purely democratic document? (5 points) Why or why not? Hint: it has to do with how the framers perceived human nature (5 points). How has the Constitution primarily changed since its inception in 1789? Hint: it is in relation to democracy and participation (5 points). Give at least three examples (10 points).

No the framers wanted to keep the illiterate and poor citizens from voting. They believe that you couldn’t always trust human instincts.

Since 1789 the Constitution has slowly became a more democratic document. This is shown with the abolition of slavery and an expansion of voting rights. This is because politicians over time have tried to say people deserve more rights and freedoms. The founding fathers didn’t tackle the issue of slavery or really illteracy in govt.

  • 17th Amendment allows People could finally vote for the Senate in 1913;
  • 13th amendment abolished slavery
  • 15th amendment allowed african americans to vote
  • 19th amendment woman suffrage
  • 26th amendment set voting age to 18.
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  1. What is the Bill of Rights? (5 points) Who were its biggest proponents and why? I am not referring to a specific ethnicity or race or gender, rather the emphasis is on ideology. (5 points) Name five rights specified in the Bill of Rights from five different amendments (5 points). In what major way was the Bill of Rights limited? Why did that situation slowly change? Give one example (10 points).

First ten amendments of the U.S. Constitution.
Anti-federalists were big proponents because they wouldnt ratify the U.S. constitution.

1st amendment freedom of religion/no national religion
2nd amendment speaks of the right to bear arms
4th amendment protects against unreasonable searches.
5th amendment speaks of due process and equal protection
8th Amendment protects against excessive bail.

-The Bill of Rights was limited to only covering the National Govt at first but has slowly began to be connected to how the state approaches rights over time (selective incorporation). This changed because of the due process clause. In the 14th amendment states couldn’t violate the due process clause.

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