Essay plans Flashcards
ETV FPTP is fit for purpose
Produces majoritarian govts
HOWEVER, other systems do the same (STV, AV etc)
HOWEVER, limited choices that encourage tactical voting
Strong MP constituency link, representing the peoples views
HOWEVER, disproportionate system, L+C dominance
ETV the view that the UK has a democratic deficient
Referendums allow democracy
HOWEVER, low turnout on them
Pressure groups/lobbyists
HOWEVER, limited influence
FPTP produces strong MP links that allow their beliefs to be represented and many party choices
HOWEVER, disproportionate system
ETV that Political party funding needs reform
Enhances pluralism, groups to be involved
HOWEVER, gives too much power to wealthy groups to influence
Smaller parties can still play a role without finance
HOWEVER, allocation of funding, L+C gain the most (short money)
State funding would be expensive for taxpayer
HOWEVER, state funding would increase transparency
ETV that the emergence of multiple parties in the UK means that
the Westminster electoral system must be changed.
FPTP allows voter choice
HOWEVER, tactical voting will occur and voter disengagement
FPTP limits extremist parties
HOWEVER, also limits minor parties in growing
Produces majoritarian governments
However, other proportional systems do the same (SV)
ETV that the actions of pressure groups have been more significant
than government legislation in defending and promoting rights in the UK.
Pressure groups for Human rights
Pressure groups protect minorities
HOWEVER, Govt has an implementing role
DDA etc
Laws aren’t enough without pressure groups giving individuals access to their rights
HOWEVER, govt produced landmark legislation
ETV that the uk is a genuine pluralist democracy
Multiple parties
HOWEVER, 2 party system
Pressure groups etc
HOWEVER, limited influence
Free media
HOWEVER, censored media
ETV the Uk is a 2 party system
Maybe a 2 1/2 system
HOWEVER, still a conservative dominance
Emergence of smaller parties, UKIP and SNP
HOWEVER, due to FPTP C+L dominance for 34+ years
Minor parties have a main role in shaping ideas and providing choice
HOWEVER, media focus on them two