ESP 179 Quiz 1 Flashcards
What are the goals of CEQA?
To minimize impacts, identify impacts, disclose them to the public, facilitate interagency coordination, and to enhance public participation.
When was CEQA established?
1970 because of the environmental quality act
What does CEQA apply to?
Can apply to government activities that impact the environment, public and private projects.
Who approves projects?
The lead agency approves projects and in public project they often propose.
What does a project proponent do?
The project proponent is the party proposing a project
Any agency that MUST give approval (like with permits) are called…
Responsible agencies
Who performs impact analyses?
Who can carry out exemptions?
Legislation can catty out exemptions despite their impacts (policy decisions)
What exemptions are there for housing types?
Agricultural, infill, and affordable housing are all exempt.
How long does the public have to respond after a notice of exemption has been posted?
35 days or 180 if it is not posted.
What are certified regulatory programs?
functionally equivalent program to CEQA
What are environmental impacts?
Impacts on environmental resources, human environments or resource availability.
What is a life cycle assessment and how is it different from CEQA?
A life cycle assessment assess the lifetime scope of what we extract, use and distribute. CEQA is all about the actual construction and operation of a project while LCA is more about the actual resources and distribution of them
How many CEQA guidelines Appendix G resource areas are there?
There are 20
What are the levels of impact to decide if an impact matters?
No impact, less than significant, significant impacts.