ESLPOD [057;058;059] Flashcards
a complaint about something that is annoying but not very important
if a person or animal is ____ in a place, they have to stay there without being able to move around much
cooped up
a form of air pollution that is or looks like a mixture of smoke and fog , especially in cities
the special clothes and equipment that you use for a particular activity
extremely surprised, excited, or nervous
to relax
kick back
to feel extremely frightened or worried about something that may happen in the future
full of busy activity
if a machine is or goes ____, it has stopped or stops working correctly
on the fritz
to start making a noise as a signal or warning
go off
a small bag in which a woman carries money, keys, credit cards, and personal objects
a small flat container for face powder, with a mirror inside
a coloured substance in the form of a small stick that women put on their lips, or a stick of this
a long low comfortable seat that two or three people can sit on
a cloth bag filled with something soft such as feathers, used for making a seat more comfortable
done in a very urgent way; so worried or upset that you are not able to control your feelings
If you say that something bad ____, you mean that that person deserves it:
serve sb right
likely to forget things or to think about something different from what you should be thinking about
thinking about something so much or spending so much time doing something that you do not notice other things or cannot think about other things
to make someone feel silly or not important by criticizing them
put sb down
an ____ person behaves in a silly way, as though they are much younger than they really are; used about someone’s behavior
able to deal with people in a sensitive way that does not upset or offend them
to control one’s behavior
get the better of sb
Unable or unwilling to put up with something any longer
fed up with
to help someone to avoid problems and achieve something
run interference
to accept someone or something unpleasant in a patient way
put up with