ESLPOD [030;031;032] Flashcards
to visit somewhere before continuing to another place
stop by/stop off
a product used in washing or caring for the appearance, e.g. shampoo, deodorant, or soap
a drug that you take to treat or cure an illness
a medical condition in which you become sick or your skin becomes covered with red marks as a reaction to something you eat, breathe, or touch
a medical condition caused by pollenpowder produced by flowers that affects your nose and eyes as if you had a bad cold
hay fever
to loudly blow air out of your nose in a sudden uncontrolled way
sneeze (up a storm)
a medicine that reduces the amount of acid in your stomach
another amount of a medicine that a doctor gives you after you have finished the previous amount
someone whose job is to prepare medicines for sale in a store or in a hospital. A pharmacist’s store is called a pharmacy.
a meeting with an expert or a professional person to get advice or discuss a problem, especially a meeting with a doctor; the process of getting advice from an expert or a professional person
to record an amount of money by pressing buttons on a cash register
ring up
medication fee paid by yourself
to suddenly be in a condition, esp. a bad one
fall into (the habit)
back at a certain time
back then
someone who is ____ only likes specific things and is not easily pleased
when it is mentioned
when it comes to
said when you think someone might not understand what you say, or be upset by it:
get me wrong
used about someone who likes doing something very much and who does it a lot
the collection of small advertisements in a newspaper, magazine, or on a website, organized, for example, by available jobs or types of things for sale
the section of a newspaper containing the comic strips
to quickly look through a magazine or book, or to quickly look at several different television programs
flip through
a newspaper article in which the editor gives their opinion on an issue in the news
to read something quickly and not very carefully
to be better than something else; used for saying that something is very good
to spend time relaxing or doing nothing when you should be doing something
lounge round
100 stamps
a roll of stamps
to step sideways to make a space for someone else:
step aside
to ignore someone’s ideas, feelings, or opinions because you do not think they are important
wave aside