ESLPOD [048;049;050] Flashcards
moving stairs that carry people between different floors of a large building
breathing fast and with difficulty, for example because you have been running
out of breath
come across a traffic jam
hit a lot of traffic
someone who is paid to admit only those who have purchased tickets
ticket taker
the part of a ticket or check that you keep to prove that you paid for something
a stand where visitors to a place can buy food and drinks, operated by someone who is not directly employed in the place itself
concession stand
a small wide, usually round, plastic or paper container with a lid, used for food, etc.
extremely full of people
eat hastily
wolf down
happening suddenly, usually when you are not expecting it
all of a sudden
if a vehicle or driver ___, they stop by the side of the road; if the police pull a vehicle over, they order its driver to stop at the side of the road
pull over
the part of a car that covers the engine and that can be raised. The British word is bonnet
appear suddenly
pop out at sb
the part of an engine that keeps it from getting too hot
the activity of pulling one vehicle or boat behind another
if something costs ____, it is very expensive
(cost sb) an arm and a leg
the total amount of money paid by a company to the people it employs
to write your name on the back of a check or official document to make it legal
if someone has money ____, they want to spend it as soon as possible
burn a hole in one’s pocket