Esame sloveno 19/01/2023 Flashcards
Hemochromatosis, most frequently affected organs are: (2)
- the heart
- the liver
- the lungs
- kidneys
- the heart
- the liver
Late hemolytic reaction after transfusion:
Hb drops
Hb drops
Problem with asplenia:
higher risk of infections
higher risk of infections
Anemia of chronic inflammation:
- normal or lower MCV, serum iron decreased
- normal or lower MCV, serum iron decreased
Proteinogram with monoclonal gamma spike:
disseminated plasmacyte
disseminated plasmacyte
CLL stage A asymptomatic:
you watch and wait
you watch and wait
it is treated differently from other ALs
In plasmacytoma, it most often causes hyperviscosity: IgM/IgA/IgG
Hemolytic anemias: delas Coombs test
delas Coombs test
Thrombocytosis in: essential thrombocythaemia, chronic inflammation and Fe deficiency,
but not in cirrhosis of the liver - there is thrombocytopenia
essential thrombocythaemia, chronic inflammation and Fe deficiency,
Difference between folate deficiency anaemia and B12 deficiency anaemia:
no neurological effects with folate
Myeloftistic anaemia:
bone marrow filled with malignant or other cells
What a positive direct Coombs tells us:
that the antibodies are bound to erythrocytes
What we check with the cross-test: if there are any clinically significant erythrocyte
Think of essential thrombocytosis with: elevated platelet count, elevated leucocytes, splenomegaly
- one prou or combinations available
Select the correct one regarding polycythemia rubra veri:
EPO is not elevated
EPO is not elevated
(is reduced)
Select wrong statement polycythemia rubra vera EPO is elevated
EPO is elevated
Essential thrombocytosis with a low risk of thrombosis is treated with: venepunctures
to maintain haematocrit below 0.45
maintain haematocrit below 0.45
MGUS: less than 10% plasmacytes
less than 10% plasmacytes
Plasmacytoma patient, vomiting, ice failure (?), hyperCa, what do you do?
diuretic possible; corticosteroids;
Primary thrombocytopenia, where antibodies are produced and platelets are lost.
where antibodies are produced and platelets are lost.
Nodular sclerosis: old (most common + lymph nodes of the neck and mediastinum
Lymph nodes in lymphomas are: elastic, movable, painless (possibly still hard,
non-movable, painless, but some with pain)
Description of a patient with a clinical picture of haemolytic anaemia, with no problems other than weakness, how
what do you do: do Coombs tests, give medrol (all the other options were to give
You didn’t give a transfusion here because he had an Hb of 85 and lots of reticulocytes.