Domande erasmus Flashcards
Hematopoietic stem cells are characterized by:
ability to self-renew
ability of phagocytosis
ability to transport oxygen
the ability to differentiate into targeted hematopoietic stem cells
ability to differentiate into nonhematopoietic cells
ability to self-renew
the ability to differentiate into targeted hematopoietic stem cells
ability to differentiate into nonhematopoietic cells
In a healthy adult, erythrocytes are formed in:
red and yellow bone marrow
red bone marrow
yellow bone marrow
red bone marrow and lymphatic organs
red bone marrow
Erythroblasts are characterized by:
as it matures, the cell shrinks
they have no core
marked cytoplasmic basophilia occurs during maturation
basophilic granules are present in the cytoplasm
as it matures, the cell enlarges
as it matures, the cell shrinks
(a. as the cell matures, it becomes smaller)
Hemoglobin A consists of
2 alpha chains and 2 beta chains
2 alpha chains and 2 delta chains
2 alpha chains
2 alpha chains and 2 gamma chains
2 chain gamma
2 alpha chains and 2 beta chains
A multipotent myeloid stem cell matures into all of the following directed stem cells EXCEPT:
red species
neutrophil - monocyte species
lymphatic species
megakaryocyte species
eosinophilic and basophilic species
lymphatic species
Among the mature cells of the white species - leukocytes - are:
The first cell of the granulocyte species that no longer divides is:
rod-shaped granulocyte
Neutrophilic granulocyte is characterized by:
that the core has 2 to 5 segments
intense orange-red colored granulation
absence of granulations
a nucleus is visible in each segment of the nucleus
that it has no sails
that the core has 2 to 5 segments
Neutrophilic granulocytes are characterized by:
to be found only in peripheral blood
that they pass quickly from the blood into the tissues
to live in tissues for several months
to transform into macrophages in tissues
to remain in the bone marrow at all times
that they pass quickly from the blood into the tissues
Eosinophilic granulocytes:
they do not pass from the blood into the tissues
are not capable of phagocytosis
are important in an early hypersensitivity reaction
are an important site of antibody formation
are a precursor of plasma
are important in an early hypersensitivity reaction
Among the mature cells of the lymphocyte type are:
lymphocytes B
T lymphocytes - inhibitor cells
T lymphocytes - killer cells
T lymphocytes - helper cells
lymphocytes B
T lymphocytes - inhibitor cells
T lymphocytes - killer cells
T lymphocytes - helper cells
Plasmas (plasmacells) develop from :
helper T-cell lymphocytes
from lymphocytes B
from granulocytes
from non-hematopoietic cells
from monocytes
from lymphocytes B
are formed from a stem cell of the lymphatic type T
are formed from a lymphatic type B stem cell
form immunoglobulins
are converted in tissues into macrophages - histiocytes
they are found exclusively in peripheral blood
are converted in tissues into macrophages - histiocytes
Macrophages participate in the immune response by
synthesise immunoglobulins
mediate antigen to T lymphocytes
mediate antigen to B lymphocytes
transmit antigen to plasma cells
mediate granulocyte antigen
mediate antigen to T lymphocytes
Adult spleen: (3)
is an important organ of hematopoiesis
is an important lymphatic organ
is important in removing aged / damaged blood cells
an important reserve of erythrocytes
an important platelet reservoir
is an important lymphatic organ
is important in removing aged / damaged blood cells
an important platelet reservoir
Platelets are characterized by: (3)
- they are formed by the decay of the marginal part of the cytoplasm of megakaryocytes
- they are formed by the decay of the megakaryocyte nucleus
- they contain alpha granules, dense granules, and lysosomes in the cytoplasm
- they have a three-layer membrane with a high content of phospholipids
- that they have only a few hours of life
- they are formed by the decay of the marginal part of the cytoplasm of megakaryocytes
- they contain alpha granules, dense granules, and lysosomes in the cytoplasm
- they have a three-layer membrane with a high content of phospholipids
Which of the following is not a change in the size, shape and colour of erythrocytes?
It is recommended that a peripheral blood smear be examined if :
the leukocyte count is> 15 x 10 9 / l (> as 30)
the platelet count is <100 x 10 9 /
the proportion of lymphocytes is > 0.50
the leukocyte count is 4-10 x 10 9 / l
the eosinophil ratio is <0.20
the platelet count is <100 x 10 9 /
the proportion of lymphocytes is> 0.50
The normal ratio of hematopoietic cells to fat in the bone marrow is :
1: 2
1: 1
2: 1
3: 1
4: 1
1: 1
The average amount of Hb in the erythrocyte (MCH) is calculated from:
blood Hb concentration (g / L) and erythrocyte count
blood Hb concentration (g / L) and mean erythrocyte volume
blood Hb concentrations (g / L) and hematocrit
blood Hb concentrations (g / L)
blood Hb concentration (g / L) and erythrocyte count
Chronic myeloid leukemia is characterized by chromosomal translocation :
T (8; 21)
T (12; 21)
I nv (16)
T (9; 22)
D el (13) (q14.3)
T (9; 22) (BCR-ABL1 gene)
Determination of chromosomal abnormalities in leukemias and lymphomas is important for:
a. Determination of immunophenotype
b. Definitive diagnosis
c. Prognosis
d. Monitoring treatment effectiveness
e. FAB classification of leukemias
A. The correct answers are: a,b,c
B. The correct answers are: b,c,d
C. The correct answers are: c,d,e
D. The correct answers are: a,c,e
E. The correct answers are: a, b, d
B. The correct answers are: b,c,d
In acute leukemia, the following changes are usually found in the blood picture:
a. Increased or decreased number of leukocytes
b. Always reduced leukocyte count
c. Anemia
d. Decreased platelet count
e. Increased number of platelets
A. The correct answers are: a,b,c
B. The correct answers are: b,c,d
C. The correct answers are: c,d,e
D. The correct answers are: a,c,d
E. The correct answers are : a, b, d
D. The correct answers are: a,c,d
A 72-year-old patient with rheumatoid arthritis is being treated with gold salts, among other things. She has weakened in recent weeks, breathing faster. She noticed small hemorrhages on her shins, bleeding from her nose a few times. For the last 3 days she was in pain when swallowing, body temp. has risen above 38.0 ° C. She was taking a penicillin antibiotic, with no improvement. Examination: febrile, pale, with occasional hemorrhages across the palate and tiny purpura on the shins. The throat is red, without lining. There are no enlarged lymph nodes, liver and spleen. Rheumatoid arthritis has characteristic deformities on the hands. Blood count is as follows: L 1.1 x 10 9 / L, in DKS 0.2 x 10 9 / L neutrophilic granulocytes, no immature cells, hemoglobin concentration 67 g / L, platelets 12 x 10 9 / L. Which of the following diagnoses would be most likely?
acute myeloblastic leukemia
pure aplastic anemia
hairy cell leukemia
aplastic anemia
aplastic anemia