Erin Meyer The Culture Map Flashcards
What are Erin Meyer’s 8 dimensions?
- Communicating
- Evaluating
- Persuading
- Leading
- Deciding
- Trusting
- Disagreeing
- Scheduling
What are the characteristics of low-context Communicating?
Communication is simple, direct and clear.
It is common in monochronic and individualistic societies
What are the characteristics of direct negative feedback in Evaluating?
Negative feedback is given honestly, bluntly. Not softened, direct. Use of upgraders
What are the characteristics of principles-first reasoning in Persuading?
In cultures that prefer principles-first reasoning, individuals first develop theory and then present supportive facts and conclusions. Theoretical argument first
What are the characteristics of Egalitarian Leading?
Distance between boss and employee is low. Boss is a facilitator, organization structure is flat e.g. participative leadership, charismatic leadership
What are the characteristics of consensual Deciding?
Decisions made in group
What are the characteristics of Trusting?
- Task-based - Doing culture
- Relationship-based - Being culture, work relations are important in order to build trust
What are the characteristics of Disagreeing?
- Confrontational - Open confrontation is appropriate, no offense
- Avoids confrontation - Open confrontation is inappropriate and will damage the group harmony and the relationship
What are the characteristics of Linear (monochronic) Scheduling?
One thing at a time, focus on deadline, good organization
Cultural differences in negotiators’ norms and values.
- Negotiating goals: contract or relationship?
- Negotiating attitude: win/lose or win/win?
- Personal style: formal or informal?
- Communication: direct or indirect?
- Sensitivity to time: high or low?
- Emotionalism: high or low?
- Forms of agreement: general or specific?
- Building an agreement: bottom-up or top-down?
Effects of high collectivism on negotiations
- Getting to “yes” and win-win approach with ingroups
- reluctance to make connections to outgroups
- preference for holistic bargaining
Effects of low collectivism on negotiations
- Target is high gain for own party, though not necessarily to defeat the other party
- Preference for item-by-item bargaining
Effects of high power distance on negotiations
Strategies and tactics strongly influenced by perceived relative power and status of parties
Effects of low power distance on negotiations
Emphasis on strength of case and interests rather than power or status
Effects of high uncertainty avoidance on negotiations
- Preference for formality
- Use of adjournments to refer to constituents
- Reluctance to reach a binding decision
Effects of low uncertainty avoidance on negotiations
- Preference for informality
- Willingness to consider ideas and alternatives
Effects of high masculine values on negotiations
Competitive attitude - target is to win
Effects of low masculine values on negotiations
Cooperative attitudes - target is to achieve best joint outcome
Effects of high contextualism on negotiations
Flexible, especially regarding time management, signing of contracts, and closing deals
Effects of low contextualism on negotiations
- Formal agreement is the aim and signing it terminates the negotiations
Effects of long time orientation on negotiations
- Focus on relationship building
- Preference for prolonged exploration of issues before offers and concession-making
Effects of short time orientation on negotiations
- Focus on the particular transcation
- Preference for rapid testing of scope for reaching a deal
What are intercultural negotiation skills?
- Empathy – To be able to see the world as other people see it. To understand the behavior of others from their perspectives.
- Ability to demonstrate advantages of what one proposes so that counterparts in the negotiation will be willing to change their positions.
- Ability to manage stress and cope with ambiguity as well as unpredictable demands.
- Ability to express one’s own ideas in ways that the people with whom one negotiates will be able to objectively and fully understand the objectives and intentions at stake.
- Sensitivity to the cultural background of others along with an ability to adjust one’s objectives and intentions in accordance with existing constraints and limitations.
What are the characteristics of high-context Communicating?
Communication is layered and indirect. Read between the lines. Non-verbal communication
It is common in polychronic and collectivistic societies
What are the characteristics of indirect negative feedback in Evaluating?
Negative feedback is given diplomatically, subtly. Critcism is given in private. Indirect. Use of downgraders
What are the characteristics of application-first reasoning in Persuading?
In cultures that prefer applications-first reasoning, individuals first begin with real-world patterns, statement or facts, and then derive conclusions. Practical
What are the characteristics of Hierarchical Leading?
Distance between boss and employee is high. Boss is a ‘string director’. Status is important, organizational structure is layered e.g. autonomous leadership
What are the characteristics of top-down Deciding?
Decisions made by the boss
What are the characteristics of Flexible time (polychronic) Scheduling?
Doing many things at the same time, interruptions are accepted, focus on adaptability and flexibility