Ergogenic Aids in Exercise Flashcards
Mechanisms for how ergogenic aids may work (6)
- CNS or PNS stimulant
- increase storage/availability of limiting substrate
- supplemental fuel source
- reduce or neutralize inhibiting metabolic by-products
- facilitate recovery
- enhance resistance training responsiveness
Pharmacudical ways to get ergogenic effects
- anabolic steroids
- hormones
- beta 2 agonists
- diuretics
- stimulants
- narcotics
- cannabis
- gluco-cortic-steroids
- alcohol
- beta-blockers
nonpharmacological ways to get ergogenic effects
- blood doping (RBC reinfusion)
- oxygen inhalation (hyperoxia) - inc. vo2
- modifying carb intake
- chromium
- creatine (most popular)
- lipid supplementation
- pyruvate (rare)
What is considered on the WADA Prohibited List?
must satisfy 2/3 of the criteria:
1. potential to enhance or enhances performance
2. represents an actual or potential risk to athletes
3. violates spirit of the sport
What is RBC reinfusion?
taking blood, then putting only its plasma back. RBCs are kept frozen for later infusion, 1-7 days before endurance event
- your body will get its RBC back to normal levels, & then you re-infuse to get increased levels
How does RBC reinfusion help performance?
- increases RBC count & Hb from 8 to 20%
- VO2 max is increased
- helps with thermoregulatory response (good for hot environments)
since lots of O2, it can go to the skin for heat dissipation and still give enough O2 to tissues
What is Doping-Epoetin?
synthetic version of the hormone erythropoietin from liver
- regulates RBC produc. in bone marrow
- important for lactate exchange
How does doping epoetin help performance
increase –> Hb & hematocrit & endurance performance
Is EPO easily detected?
EPO is detected using urine, but hard to detect during competitions (short half-life)
What are risks to anabolic steroids?
- impairment of normal endocrine function
- decreased tendon tensile strength
- alterations in cardiac structure & function
- decreased testicular volume
- mood alterations & psychiatric dysfunction
What are the specific risks of anabolic steroids for women?
- altered menstrual function
- acne
- hirsutism (body & facial hair)
- irreversible deepening of voice
- decreased breast size
What is the effect of HGH?
(positives don’t really out weigh the negatives…)
enhances fat breakdown
conserving glycogen reserves
amino acid uptake & muscle protein synthesis
What is Clenbuterol? (beta-2 agonists)
supposed to help tissue building & fat reducing
(showed in horses)
increased type II fiber’s, increased muscle size
(showed in rats)
What are the negative effects of clenbuterol?
- bone growth is inhibited but muscle mass still increases.
result = increased fracture risks, fragile bones - alters heart’s structural dimensions
- aortic enlargement, risk of rupture & sudden death
What is the purpose of diuretics?
greater urine production, so more water
= harder to detect drugs
= but can be tested for
What is the purpose of stimulants, like amphetamine?
CNS stimulant
= reduce tiredness
= increase alertness (low doses), aggression (high doses), competitiveness
What are some positive effects of amphetamines?
- physical energy
- mental aptitude
- talkativeness
- restlessness
- excitement
- good humour
- food intake
What are the risks to amphetamine?
- lead to physiologic or emotional dependency
- headache, tremulousness, agitation, fever, dizziness, confusion
- drug tolerance increases with prolonged use
- suppression of body’s normal mechanisms for perceiving/responding to pain/fatigue/heat stress
- longterm effect of high dose unknown
How does Caffeine benefit performance? (stimulant)
mild CNS stimulation (less fatigue, increase concentration/alertness)
Caffeines effect on metabolism
- directly on adipose & peripheral vascular tissues
- indirectly by stimulating epinephrine release from adrenal medulla
How to modify carb intake to benefit performance
- Depletion: reduce muscle glycogen content with prolonged exercise 6 days b4 competition
- Loading: 3 days before competition, high-carb diet & maintain until pre-competition meal
(100% higher in post-loading)
How does creatine help energy systems?
- accelerate ATP turnover to maintain power
- delay PCr depletion
- diminish dependence on anaerobic glycolysis
- facilitate muscle relaxation & recovery from repeated bouts of intense brief exercise