ER, Golgi, Lysosomes & Endocytosis Flashcards
endomembrane system components
ER Golgi endosomes lysosomes cell surface
Rough ER has:
Protein targeted to ER recognised by:
signal sequence which is part of growing polypeptide chain
Signal sequence recognised by:
Signal recognition particle (SRP)
SRP binds to:
SRP receptor in ER membrane
SRP receptor recruits:
Translocation channel
Co-translational translocation transports ______ proteins into _______ & cleaves signal peptide with ______
ER lumen
signal peptidase
Start-transfer and stop-transfer sequences are important for translocation of:
transmembrane and multi-pass membrane protein
ER functions (2)
- disulphide bridge formation
- N-glycosylation
Export from the ER is highly ______
Chaperone proteins responsible for
protein folding
Unfolded protein response
presence of unfolded protein trigger chaperone protein production and ER expansion
(feedback response)
Retention in ER
some soluble proteins like chaperones have a KDEL C-terminal tag which allows them to remain in the ER
Vesicle coat functions (2)
- concentrates specific membrane proteins in specialised patch, creating vesicle membrane
- moulds forming vesicle
3 main coats:
- clathrin
clathrin coated vesicles transport
from Golgi
from plasma membrane
COPI & COPII coated vesicle transport
from ER
from Golgi cisternae
coat assembly controlled by:
monomeric GTPases
GTP-binding proteins activated by ______ and inactivated by ______
coat recruitment GTPase that controls COPII assembly on ER membrane
COPII vesicle formation:
Sar1 binds to Sar1-GEF embedded in ER membrane which causes Sar1 to bind GTP and become active
Active Sar1
inserts amphipathic helix into cytoplasmic leaflet of ER membrane and is ready to recruit coat protein like Sec23 & Sec24
Outer coat of COPII formed by
Sec13/31 which assembles the vesicle into a symmetrical cage
coat disassembly
hydrolysis of bound GTP to GDP
Rab proteins
- guide vesicle targeting
- monomeric GTPases
- cycle between membrane and cytosol
GDP-bound Rab
inactive and bound to GDI
GTP-bound Rab
active and tightly associated with a membrane
SNARE proteins mediate:
membrane fusion
3 types of SNARE protein
SNARE protein structure
alpha helical domains which form a 4-helix bundle resulting in a trans-SNARE-complex
trans-SNARE-complexes have to disassemble, which is catalysed by:
NSF (ATPase)
Coats for anterograde and retrograde transport:
Antero: COPII
Retro: COPI
In the Golgi, transported molecules undergo an ordered series of:
covalent modifications
cis-Golgi-network (CGN)
collection of fused vesicles arriving from ER
trans-Golgi-network (TGN)
where proteins exit the Golgi in vesicles bound for cell surface or another compartment
constitutive secretion
vesicles move directly from Golgi to plasma membrane
regulated secretion
fusion of vesicles with plasma membrane depends on a signal
membrane-bound sacs of hydrolytic enzymes
At what pH do acid hydrolases function?
4.5 - 5
acid hydrolases e.g.
nucleases proteases glycosidases lipases phosphatases sulfatases phospholipases
acidic pH in lysosome maintained by:
H+ influx into lumen by vacuolar H+ ATPases
Metabolic transportes in lysosomal membranes deliver:
sugars, amino acids, nucleotides… back into cytoplasm
Lysosomal functions (3)
- endocytosis
- autophagy
- phagocytosis
lysosomal protein signal
M6P groups added exclusively to:
N-linked oligosaccharides of lysosomal enzymes
M6P recognised by ___ in __
M6P receptor protein
TGN packages lysosomal protein into _____ coated vesicles which are delivered to _____
early endosomes
addition of M6P groups catalysed by:
GlcNAc phosphotransferase
When GlcNAc is cleaved off it leaves:
M6P signal marker
lysosomal storage diseases:
I-cell disease
clathrin-coated vesicle structure
3 large and 3 small subunits form triskelions which assemble into a convex framework of pentagons and hexagons
adaptor protein in clathrin-coated vesicles
form discrete 2nd layer of coat between clathrin cage and membrane which traps transmembrane proteins that capture cargo in vesicle
- forms spring-like as clathrin-coated vesicle is forming
- GTP hydrolysis causes conformational change which separates vesicle from membrane
defend against infection by ingesting invading microorganisms and digesting them with lysosomal enzymes
macromolecules bind to complementary transmembrane receptor protein, accumulate in clathrin-coated pits and enter cell as receptor-macromolecule complexes
receptor mediated endocytosis
Receptor mediated endocytosis examples
- LDL receptor
- Transferrin receptor
- EGF receptor
Lipoprotein particles are bound by:
Apoprotein B-100
Transferrin cycle
gets iron into cell
epidermal growth factor (EGF)
small signal protein that causes epidermal cells amongst others to divide
When EGF binds to receptor:
- receptor becomes a dimer, which activates its’ enzyme activity
- tyrosine kinase phosphorylates itself
- cells proliferate
Mutated EGF receptor
breakdown of membrane spanning protein with signalling end on cytosolic side involve:
multi-vesicular bodies
(multi-vesicular bodies) vesicles produced into endosomes with help of:
- ubiquitin tags
- Escrt complexes
multi-vesicular bodies break what rule?
topology rule