Equity Investments Formulas Flashcards
Margin Call Price
Po * ([1 - initial margin] / [1- maintenance margin])
Price weighted index
Sum(Stock Prices) / number of stocks in index, adjusted for split
Current Index Value
[Current Total Market Value * base year index] / base year total market value
Equal weighted
Change in Index = % difference / number of stocks
Dividend Discount Model
- Vo = SUM[Dt / (1+ke)^t] Vo = value of stock ke = Required RoR Dt = dividends at time t - based on rationale that the intrinsic value of stock is the PV of its future dividends
One-year holding DDM
value = (dividend + year end price ) / (1+ke)
Multiple Year Holding Period DDM
[D1 / (1+ke)] + [D2 / (1+ke)^2] + [ P2/(1+ke)^2]
Free Cash Flow to Equity
FCFE = Net Income + Depreciation - increase in working capital - fixed capital investment - debt principal repayments + new debt issues
= CFO - FCinv + net borrowing
Preferred Stock Value
Dp / Kp
Gordon Growth Model
Vo = [Do*(1+gc)] / (ke-gc) == D1 / (ke - gc)
- assumes annual growth rate of dividends, gc, is constant
sustainable growth
= (1 - dividend payout rate) * ROE
= retention rate * ROE
Multistage Dividend Growth Model
Value = [D1 / (1+ke)] + [D2 /(1+ke)^2] +…+ [Dn/(1+ke)^n] + {Pn/(1+ke)^n]
Price to Earnings Ratio
Price / EPS
Price-Sales Ratio
Price / Sales per share
Price-Cash Flow
Stock Price / CFops
Justified P/E
(D1/E1) / (ke-gc)
Enterprise Value
Mkt value of common stock + Mkt value of preferred stock + mkt value of debt - cash - ST investments
Earnings Multiplier Model
Po/E1 = (D1/E1) / (ke-gc) = payout ratio / (ke-gc)
Leading P/E
Price per share / forecast EPS next 12 mo.
Trailing P/E
Price per share / EPS previous 12 mo.
Price per share / book value per share
Price per share / Sales per share
P / CF
Price per share / Cash Flow per share
= COVmkt / sigma^2
= RHOmkt * (sigma,i/signma,mkt)
Equation of CML
E(Rp) = Rf + (E(Rm) - Rf)*( sigmap/sigmam)