Equine wound evaluation and treatment Flashcards
What are the 4 important areas to assess when evaluating a wound?
- bone
- soft tissue
- synovial structures
- others (foreign body)
What are the steps to wound evaluation?
- Observation & History
- Restraint & Sedation
- Local Anaesthesia
- Clip
- Clean
- Digital palpation
- Probe wound
- Imaging/ Synoviocentesis?
- Closure?
- Bandaging?
What should you include in your observation?
Assess Lameness
Clinical Examination: Palpation
* Weight bearing & Non-Weight bearing
* Range of motion
* Pain on flexion
Site / Extent / Severity
* Heat
* Pain
* Swelling
* Crepitus
* Effusion
What questions should we make sure to ask when getting history?
- When / Where / How?
- Tetanus vaccination status?
- Any NSAIDs administered?
What does limb positioning tell us?
Which associated structures are affected
How would you desensitise wound? What is the aim?
- Local Anaesthetic
- Allows safe examination
- Allows closure
- Regional Nerve Block > Local Infiltration
What information will you get from digital palpation and probing?
- Extent / Direction / Depth
- Associated structures
- Often innocuous wounds have deep pockets
What imaging could you use to evaluate a wound?
- prior to ultrasound and synoviocentesis
- 4 orthogonal views for limbs
- probes useful
- foreign body
- surface of bone
- to confirm synovial involvement
Name the structures highlighted by A, B, C, E and H
A - metacarpo (tarso) phalangeal joint
B - proximal interphalangeal joint
C - distal interphalangeal joint
E - digital flexor tendon sheath
H - navicular bursa
Name the structures highlighted by A, B, C and D
A - radiocarpal joint
B - intercarpal joint
C - carpometacarpal joint
D - carpal sheath
Name structures highlighted by letters A, B, C, E, F and G
A - Tarsocrural and proximal intertarsal joints
B - Distal intertarsal joint
C - Tarsometatarsal joint
E - Gastrocnemius calcaneal bursa
F - Subcutaneous calcaneal bursa
G - Intertendinous calcaneus bursa
How is synoviocentesis undertaken when assessing a wound?
- Sterile Prep
- Insert Needle into Joint/Sheath/Bursa (*site distant to wound NOT through wound)
- Aspirate fluid for macroscopic analysis
- Inject sterile saline until fully distended
- Either fluid egress from wound (=communication) or pressure built up and distends synovial structure (=no communication)
What factors influence our decision making for referral in wounds where synovial contamination is identified or suspected?
- Financial constraints
- Insurance
- Horse’s purpose
- Horse’s age
- Age of wound
What are the different ways to debride a wound? What is the aim?
Scalpel blade and forceps most used. Least traumatic / least expensive
Saline lavage, scrub pads
Hypertonic saline
Occlusive dressings, Maggots
Remove devitalised tissues, foreign material and bacteria
What are the recommendations for lavage of contaminated wounds in horses?