Equine reproduction Flashcards
reproductive problems
-seasonal breeders
-prolonged estrus/variable ovulation time
-low foaling rates
methods for mating
-pasture breeding
-hand mating
-estrus detection
pasture breeding pros and cons
-less labor
-breeding date unknown
-mares that don’t show estrus/decreased uterine defense won’t get pregnant
-more risk to inexperienced stallions
hand mating pros and cons
-allows more mares per stallion
-safer for stallion
-better for mares with decreased uterine defense
-shouldn’t be used for young stallions that havent bred mares before
AI pros and cons
-breed larger numbers of mares
-identifies reproductive problems
-helps mares who dont show estrus/decreased uterine defense
-safer for animals
-labor intensive
score meaning(0-4) for estrus detection
0: fights presence of stallion
1: does not pay attention to stallion
2: interested in stallion with raised tail
3: raising tail and winking near stallion
4: raise tail, wink, and urinate near stallion
how often are mares tested for estrus
every other day
at what follicle diameter is the mare ready to breed
35 mm
when should you ultrasound post pregnancy to detect pregnancy
day 14
how to deal with twins in equine pregnancy
- crush one of the vesicles
OR - administer PGF2a to abort pregnancy
how does cervical tone impact estrus detection
if cervix is tight mare is likely in diestrus
Missouri style AV
-flexible and lightweight
-looses temp easily
colorado style AV
large outer casing to maintain temperature
cleanout procedure
first two weeks of breeding season sperm collection get discarded
steps to prep AV
-add non spermicidal lubricant to halfway down AV
-add collection bottle to end with gel filter
-fill with water and release to adjust pressure(you should be able to make a fist in it)
steps for sperm evaluation
-remove filter and check for urine or blood
-check volume and concentration
-look at sperm under the microscope
desired motility for fresh, chilled, and frozen sperm
fresh: 85%
chilled: 60%
frozen: 30-40%
what is the scale for body condition? what is the desired body condition for brood mares?
how can the vulva be checked to determine the body condition
-do the lips close
-where is it in relation to rectum