Equine Head and Neck Exam Flashcards
what is strabismus?
misalignment of the eye, cross eyed.
one eye may deviate inward or outward
what is nystagmus?
involuntary eye movement
what is the nasolacrimal duct?
tears are created by the lacrimal gland and nictitans gland.
tears are drained from the eye into the nose via the nasolacrimal puncta in the medial eyelid, eventually draining from the nasolacrimal duct
-an orfice visible on the floor of the nostril near the musocutaneous junction.
what is corpora nigra?
irregular iris projections. found on the upper and lower pupillary margins.
more prominent than the cows
evidence of CN VII (facial nerve) deficits
drooping of the ear, upper eyelid (ptosis), or lower lip.
the very mobile nose will deviate towards the normal side.
the palpebral reflex will be absent (V->VII)
What do you feel when you palpate the larynx?
from caudal to cranial
cricoid cartilage, the thyroid notch, cricothyroid ligament, then thyroid cartilage
by what age do permanent incisors erupt?
I1,2,3 erupt by 3,4,5 years of age
what age would a horse at least be if they have all 12 permanent incisors erupted and in wear?
at least 5 yrs
what does hypsodont teeth mean?
High crowns that continue to grow after the tooth erupts.
the incisors and cheek teeth continue to grow for most of their lives
what does floating mean dentally?
because of the continued growth, sharp edges often develop on the buccal side of the upper cheek teeth and lingual side of the lower cheek teeth.
theses sharp edges are filed down in a process called floating
what is diastema
the space between two teeth.
what is the only palpable lymph node in horses?
the mandibular lymph node.
occasionally, the superficial cervical LN is palpable.
what is the only salivary gland that is palpable in horses?
The parotid salivary gland.
located in the angle formed by the convergence of the maxillary and linguofacial veins, caudal to the mandible angle.
mandibular salivary glands are not palpable
can the thyroid glands be palpated?
They are easily palpable in normal older horses.
(difference to SA)
located dorsocaudal or lateral to the trachea.
mobile, ovoid structure
what is viborgs triangle?
what are the boundaries?
surgical access point used to provide ventral drainage from an abnormal guttural pouch
cranially by the mandible, ventrally by linguofacial vein, and caudaodorsally by the tendon of sternocephalicus
what are the borders of the viborgs triangle?
cranially by the mandible, ventrally by the linguofacial vein and caudodorsally by the tendon of the sternocephalicus muscle
what is the nuchal ligament?
The nuchal ligament, a large elastic structure in the dorsal cervical region, helps support the head and neck in the horse.
how do you evaluate the sinuses?
using percussion.
nomal air filled sinuses are resonant on percussions.
a dull sound may be fluid or tissue in the sinus.
where is the frontal sinus?maxillary sinus?
frontal sinus: located on either side of the dorsal midline, medial to the orbits.
maxillary sinus: rostral to the orbit and dorsal to the facial crest.