Equilibrium Flashcards
Dynamic equilibrium
- Dynamic equilibrium emphasizes that while the reaction is at equilibrium reverse and forward reactions still occurr simultaneously
- Homogenous equilibirum, reaction occurs in the same stater
- Heterogenous equilibrium, reactions occur in different states
1. Equilibrium never changes unless temprature changes
Reaction quotient
- calculated by using that same formula
- If Quotient is larger than equilibrium constant, reaction will shift to the left
- If Quotient is smaller the reaction will shift to the right
Equilibrium law
Reaction is reversed- go 1/(K values)
Reaction coefficients are doubled- (K value)^2
Reaction coefficients are halved- sqrt(K value)
Two reactions added together- Multiply k values
- Concentration time graph
- Equilibrium is reached when there is no change in concentration - Rate time graphs
- Equilibium is reached when the rate of the forward and reverse reaction are the same
ICEE tables
I- initial in mols
C- Change in mols
E- Equilibrium in mols
E- convert mol into concentration
Le Chatelier’s principle
LCP- If an equilibrium system is subject to change, the system will adjusts itself to partially oppose it
- Inert gas does not effect equalibrium
- Catalyst does not effect equilibrium
Changes that effect equilibrium:
- Removing and adding products/reactants
- Changing presure through, changing volume
- Changing temp
- Adding water/diluting
Graphing concentration time graph
Changing volume:
- all lines instanously go down or up
- the reaction is partially opposed to do the oposite
- Look at mol infront of each one, cos thats how much it gets changed
Removing product/reactant:
- The one you add/remove instantously changes
- then just do the partially opposed one
Changing temp:
- no instanous change, as nothing is being removed or added,
Rate time graph
Changing volume:
- if volume is increased rate of reaction decreases, if volume is halfed rate increases
Removing/adding product/reactant:
- adding, the rate of the one you add increase
- removing, the rate of the one you remove decreases
Changing temp:
- Increase temp, everything instanously increases, but the one that is favoured decreases less
- Decrease temp, everything instanously decreases, but the one that is favoured decreases more