Equation to memorize Flashcards
Slenderness ratio
Slenderness Ratio (SR) = end condition (k) x unbraced length in inches (L) / radius of gyration (r)"

radius of gyration
Radius of gyration (r) = √moment of inertia (I) / Area

To find shortening of a column or elongation of a horizontal member
Deflection (e) = Force (P) x Length (L) / Area of cross section (A) x Modulus of elasticity (E)”

To find deflection of a beam
Deflection (∆) = 5 x weight in lbs (w) x length in feet x 12”4 (L4) / 384 x 12” modulus of Elasticity (E) x Moment of Inertia (I)”

To find shortening or elongation due to temperature change
Thermal Change (∆) = Coefficient of Thermal Linear Expansion (e) x original length (L) x temperature change (∆t)”
Units are inches

To find thermal strength in a restrained member
Thermal Stress (ft) = Modulus of Elasticity (E) x Coefficient of Thermal Linear Expansion (e) x temperature change (∆t)”
Units are inches

To find slenderness ratio of a wood column (should be less than or equal to 50)
Slenderness Ratio (SR) = end condition (k) x unbraced length in inches (L) / cross section width of rectangle (b)”

To find the horizontal force on a retaining wall
Force(P)=total load(W)xheightofwall(h)2 /2

To find equilibrium by taking moments about a point:
Moment (M) = Force (P) x distance (d)”

To find base shear (units = kips)
Base Shear (V) = Seismic response coefficient (Cs) x effective seismic weight of “ building(W)

To find seismic designcoefficient
I(importance factor)
R(response modification coefficient)
Sds (attenuation parameter that varies according to soil condition and the structures fundamental period)
T (Actual period of building)
Cs(seismic design coefficeint)

To find force {units = kips or lbs}
Force (F) = Mass (M) x Acceleration (a)

Section modulus
{units = inch3}
Section Modulus (S) = Moment of Inertia / given constant (c)

Earth Pressure on a wall
(P) = 30 lb/ft3 x height of wall
to find wind pressure
p=wind pressure
K=a constant
V=wind velocity

To find Moment of Inertia (occurs about the centroidal axis)
{units = inch4}
MomentofInertia(I)=Base(b)xdepth(d)3 /12

To find stress
Stress (f): the resistance of a body to a load (also called an internal force) and
measured in kips (K)
Stress (f) = Total Force (P) / Area (A)

To find area of a circle
A= area
r=radius of circle

To find uniform load; moment
{units = kip ft, lb ft, kip in, or lb in}
Moment(M)=uniformload(w)xlength(L)2 /8”

The 3 Section Modulus Equations
Moment (M)
Bending Stress (Fb)
Moment of Inertia (I)
given constant distance from the cross section’s neutral axis to its extreme fibers (c)

To find total load
W= total load

To find defelction given total load (W)
Deflection (∆) = 5 x Total Load (W) x length in feet x 12”4 (L3) / 384 x 12” modulus of Elasticity (E) x Moment of Inertia (I)”

What is the seismic formula and the variables that it includes
S(DS) and S(D1) are the design acceleration, which depend on location of building site
I is the importance factor, accounting for the occupancy of the building
R is the the response modification factor, related to the type of structural system employed
T is the fundamental period of vibration of the building and is a function of building height.

To find Strain
Strain (ε) = Deflection (e) / Original Length (L)

To find modulus of elasticity
Modulus of Elasticity (E) = Stress (f) / Strain (ε)