BAS Wind Flashcards
Near-surface wind is the most variable of all meteorological elements. The portion of the air in which speed is affected by the earth’s surface is called the …
…“boundary layer,” (which extends several hundred feet above the Earth’s surface.)
Wind speed increases with height
above the Earth’s surface (Figure 2.1). Due to
friction, wind speed nearly disappears at ground level.
The recommended height to measure wind speed it –1– ft above the ground
1) 33 ft
True or false
Hurricane forecasts often refer to wind speeds measured by aircraft at heights well above the atmospheric boundary layer.
The effects of ground roughness are not accounted for and the actual near-surface winds may be significandy less (65 percent to 85 percent of measured speeds). Thus, structures that “survived” a reported 125 mph wind may have only actually been exposed to a 95 mph wind. Such variations in reported and actual wind speeds can lead to a false sense of security about the wind resistance of buildings.
In general, wind damage in typical built-up areas will begin at gust speeds of about –1– mph.
50 mph.
Some shingles and siding will come off, trees will begin to lose limbs or be uprooted, and overhead traffic lights and signs may come down.
The Saffir-Simpson Scale, which is based on site observations and instrument read- ings, is the preferred preliminary measure of hurricane intensity because..
Only from careful post-storm assessments of land-based or ocean-surface anemome- ter records and wind damage can the true distribution of surface wind speeds be ascertained.
A 50-year storm means that a storm of this intensity or greater would be expected to hap- pen about once every –1– year.
1) 50 years, or that there is a 2 percent chance each year that such a storm will occur.
What does ACSE stand for?
American Society of Civil Engineers
The flow behind a long cylinder held perpendicular to wind is charac- terized by the periodic shedding of vortices (whirling air flows). This is termed what?
Vortex shedding
It creates periodic lateral forces that can cause vibration of slen- der structures such as towers and tall buildings.
Vortex-shedding vibration takes place when the wind speed is such that the shedding frequency becomes approximately equal to the natural fre- quency of the cylinder—a condition that causes resonance.
When reso- nance takes place, further increase in wind speed by a few percent will not alter the shedding frequency. This phenomenon is called “lock-in.”
Classical flutter (or simply flutter) is…
… a two-degrees-of-freedom vibration involving simultaneous lateral (across-wind translational) and torsional (rotational) vibrations. It occurs in structures that have approximately the same magnitude of natural frequencies for both the translational and the rotational modes. Similar to galloping and torsional divergence, flut- ter is produced by aerodynamic instability completely unrelated to vor- tex shedding.
The four primary damage mechanisms associated with severe wind- storms involve:
(1) aerodynamic pressures created by flow of air around a structure;
(2) induced internal pressure fluctuations due to a breach in the build-
ing envelope;
(3) impact forces created by wind-borne debris; and
(4) pressures created by rapid atmospheric pressure fluctuations (associ-
ated primarily with tornadoes).
As winds increase, pressure against objects is added at a non-linear rate. How so?
Pressure force against a wall mounts with the square of the wind speed so that a three-fold increase in wind speed, for example, results’ in a nine-fold increase in pressure. A 25 mph wind causes about 1.6 pounds of pressure per square foot. Therefore a 4x8 sheet of plywood will be pushed by a force of about 50 pounds. In 75 mph winds, that force becomes 450 pounds, and at 125 mph, it becomes 1,250 pounds.9
Windnd pressures acting on buildings are distributed loads that are assumed to act normal to the building surface. Positive wind pressures–1–and negative pressures (suction) act –2–.
1) act toward the surface of the building element
2) away from the building surface
The fundamental char- acteristics of wind pressures are described below based on the building component affected and the orientation of the building in the wind environment.

As stated previously, the windward wall is subjected to positive pressures and the leeward wall to negative pressures. As the wind flows upward and over the windward edge of the roof, the flow is accelerated and there is a tendency for the wind flow to separate from the roof. These flow characteristics result in the roof being subjected to negative pressures. In addition, locally high negative pressures can occur at both the windward eaves and roof ridge. The magnitude of the local pressure excursions depends on the slope of the roof.

depicts the pressure distribution acting on a high-sloped roof with the wind blowing perpendicular to the roof ridge. The wind- ward slope is subjected to positive pressures while the leeward slope is subjected to negative pressures. In addition, locally high pressure excursions are to be expected at the roof ridge. The magnitude of the ridge pressure fluctuations will depend on the slope of the roof. Shed roofs experience the highest loads (worst geometry) for wind parallel to the slope and directed toward the high wall.

If either a pitched or flat roof has an overhang, the roof will be subject- ed to high positive pressures on the windward overhang as depicted in Figure 3.10. If the overhang is associated with a flat roof or a low-slope roof, these forces will combine with negative pressures and add to the overall roof uplift that must be resisted.
If breaches occur in the exterior building envelope during a windstorm, the internal building pressure is changed. If the breaches occur primarily on the windward wall, ….
…the internal pressure of the building will be increased and the walls and roof of the building will be forced outward
The most common source of breaches in a building during windstorms is the failure of doors and windows. Debris impacts, as discussed in the following section, are a major cause of such failures.

If the breaches occur primarily on the side walls or the leeward wall the internal building pressure is reduced and the walls and roof of the building are pulled inward.

For current purposes, wind-borne debris can be divided into two groups:
1) small missiles:Small wind-borne missiles also can be blown about in relatively moderate wind storms when measured wind speeds only marginally exceed 60 mph
- include objects such as roof ballast, small pieces of building materials, and natural materials such as pine cones and tree limbs
2) large missiles: include pieces of timber, sheet metal, plywood, trusses, roof-top HV AC equip- ment, large glass panels, and siding
The architect should consider the difference between cladding and structural walls.
Brick veneer, for example, is cladding normally attached to wood frame structural walls with corrugated metal straps. However, a single wythe of brick can also serve as the facing on a con- crete block wall so that the brick and concrete block form an integrat- ed structural bearing wall.28 Veneers are consistent problems in high-wind environments. Integrated structural walls are less so.
While wind speeds on tall buildings are magnified at the base, they increase in strength at …
…the building corners. Architects should keep these wind dynamics in mind in terms of pedestrian comfort when locating entrances in tall buildings (Figures 3.22 and 3.23). Corner entrances at the base of a high rise will be sub- ject to the highest wind loads

When wind blows from a diagonal across a corner, it creates…
… conical vortices, which can be seen in wind tunnel testing (Figure 3.27). By placing a vertical element at the corners of the form, the diagonal wind is split and the conical vortices broken up and dissipated. There are still high localized loads going over the top of the configuration, but they don’t compound at the corner, and a relatively small element at the corner will interrupt it.

by far the biggest problem in the per- formance of wood walls in high winds.
The structural connections
the most prevalent cladding failures involve …
…vinyl siding that was simply stapled onto the sheath- ing (Figure 4.1); exterior insulating finishing systems (EIFS) (Figure 4.2); and brick veneer walls that were not properly tied back into the structure
Damage investigations show that unreinforced masonry walls are a common structural failure point even when they are subjected to winds well below the design level.

According to the FEMA team that investigated damage from Hurricane Andrew, the main cause of failure in masonry buildings was …
…a lack of vertical wall reinforcing.
FEMA suggests that a tie beam of reinforced concrete should be placed in all walls of unit masonry, at each floor or roof level, and at such intermediate levels as may be required to limit the vertical heights of the masonry units to 16 ft. The use of concrete tie-columns at all corners, and at intervals not to exceed 20 ft on center of columns, is also suggested. The maximum area of wall panels of 8-in-thick unit masonry as measured between concrete members that frame the panel, such as the tie-beams and tie columns, should not exceed 256 sq ft (Figure 4.4).
The most effective solutions to wind loads on a roof structure include:
• using special connectors (clips, plates, straps, etc.) instead of toenails
at every rafter-to-top-plate joint and every joist-to-plate joint;
• using stronger-than-normal, special connectors near the corners
of roofs;
• placing all rafters next to ceiling joists so that the two can be tied
The primary observed problems on damaged asphalt shingle roofs were:
shingle fastening; poor attach- ment at eaves; and incorrect fastener placement. Typically fasteners were above the self-seal strip, and on some roofs, they were located several inches from the rake. Although six fasteners per shingle are normally recommended for high-wind regions, on the problem jobs investigated typically four fasteners were used. On some jobs where shingles had been installed using the racking method, only three fas- teners were used to attach several of the shingles
structures with adequate roof ventilation were observed to have performed better due to…
… tie ability of the ventilation to relieve induced internal pressure.
Venting with adequate openings to relieve induced internal pressures on roof structures is recommended. However, venting must be designed so that the entry of water is not allowed, although water pen- etration due to venting is typically minimal. The soffit should be prop- erly attached.
The team observed that roof overhangs or soffits 3 ft or less, with ade- quate venting, suffered comparatively less damage from wind forces. Overhangs exceeding 3 ft in many instances failed to resist the uplift forces and were the source of progressive roof structure failure. Large overhangs need to be properly engineered.
Windows can be designed to resist impacts from wind-borne debris and to maintain the integrity of the building envelope. What type of glass is this?
Laminated glass is one material that meets this criterion; annealed, heat-strengthened, or tempered glass will no
The critical load path failure points, readily observable in the wake of high-wind damage, are individual structural members connected without adequate attention to design and construction details (Figure 4.29). Deficiencies include:
improper sill-to-masonry and sill-to-concrete foun- dation connections, unbraced stud/columns, inadequate connections between exterior and interior shear walls, and faulty spliced wall top- plate systems.
Masonry walled commercial structures with light metal roofs are par- ticularly vulnerable to high winds because …
..their roof spans are usually long and the walls are high in proportion to their thickness. In many cases, such structures are more exposed because they are surrounded by extensive parking areas and are usually more vulnerable to high inter- nal pressure because of large glazed areas subject to failure.
The weight of contemporary roofs has a large impact on the stability of masonry wall construction. How so?
Although most modern roof systems do not impose a lateral thrust on the walls, some have become very light, often with a dead load of less than 10 lb/sq ft. The wind can produce uplift loads greater than this weight. Thus, far from holding the walls in compression, the modern roof may, under certain circumstances, actually induce tensile stresses in the walls. In addition, the desire for clear open spaces in build- ings has reduced the number of interior walls, which in earlier buildings intersected with and provided support for the exterior walls.
Traditional anchor rods embedded in the top of a masonry wall usually are capable of transmitting shear forces, but often lack…
… the capacity to transmit tensile loads.
Typical code-approved roof-to-wall anchors embedded in unreinforced masonry walls rely …
on the masonry-mortar bond strength. As such their capacities are highly variable, often well below the requirements of a building in a high-wind area. The tensile capacity of mortar is so unre-
As mentioned previously, the critical issue for the architect to remem- ber in roof framing is …
…for the structure to be adequately attached to the top of the wall to maintain the building’s load path.
Detail for roof hold down

Detail for roof at lintel

The air retarder is the critical layer in the roof’s resistance to wind loading because..
As wind passes over the roof, the roof system has an upward thrust from within the building, rather than a “wind grab” from above the membrane. This upward load is exerted on the first layer it meets that is impermeable to the air.
With high wind it is impractical to apply enough ballast to resist the uplift, so architects must specify this device on roofs
air retarder
- With ballasted loose-laid sys- tems that do not have an air retarder, the membrane will lift from the substrate, unless the weight of the ballast aggregate or pavers/boards is equal to or greater than the uplift load. Architects should specify an air retarder when the ballast load is less than the calculated uplift.
- Mechanically attached systems need air retarders to avoid flutter/fatigue loading. To avoid fatigue problems, architects should consider specifying an air retarder in areas that experience high wind loads. In areas with high winds, air retarders can also enhance a built-up roof’s wind uplift resistance.
Because they are optimized in strength and construction, pre-engineered metal buildings are susceptible to …
…“weak-link” behav- ior, in which the failure of any of the parts may lead to catastrophic failure of the structure as a whole. They may lack the redundancy and ductility of conventional building structures.
Wind tunnel testing can reveal how the building structure will behave under these loads. What can an architect discover during wind tunnel testing?
It is important to understand the building’s horizontal drift (how much the building deflects) in response to different wind loads and its accelera- tion (the rate of change in deflection). This knowledge is critical to ensure that building occupants are comfortable (sensing acceleration can be disturbing to occupants).
-Wind tunnel tests are also important in studying the performance of different cladding and roofing systems. Sensors applied to the wind tunnel model can measure both negative and positive pressures on the cladding and roof surfaces, revealing where “hot spot” loads are likely to occur.
Damping is the ability of a building,…
through moving mass and weight (usually friction), to counter the effects of wind. Current damping practice includes the use of tuned mass dampers (massive weights near a building top that are attached to the building frame through springs); viscoelastic dampers (thousands of small devices placed throughout a building to dissipate kinetic energy in the structure); or aerodynamic farings (changes in the structure shape to reduce the wind loads causing the motion—a technique used on bridges but not practical for buildings). These approaches to limiting motion of an existing structure are relatively
Most damage to high-rise buildings involves failure of the …
…roof covering, which frequently results in damage to the building contents.
Roofs on high rises are most often membrane systems or metal panels. The suction forces on high-rise roofs are a function of the height of the building. The higher the building, the higher the load on the roof.
Most communities in the United States adopt, in large part, one of three model building codes:
the National Building Code of the Building Officials and Code Administrators International, the Standard Building Code, or the Uniform Building Code.
Wind-load provi- sions in these model building codes are pat- terned to some extent after the…
… ASCE Standard on Minimum Design loads for Buildings and Other Structures, ANSI/ASCE 7.1
This is the only consensus wind-load standard currently available in the United States
The factors that influence the magnitude of wind loads on a building, in addition to wind speed, are …
…the terrain surrounding the building, the shape of the building, and the desired level of safety of the building frame and components.