Equality⚖️ Flashcards
Strict/Simple Equality
Everyone has the same amount of goods
Equality of need
Goods should be distributed for each according to his ability/need
Equality of desert
Goods should be distributed to the extent that people deserve
Equal opportunities
No matter the individuals background,gender or race they should be able to pursue whatever course of action best fits their abilities
Religious Concepts of Equality Quotes
“You are all one in Christ Jesus”
“Made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another”
Gender Equality
God created Eve as a ‘helper’ for Adam - story invoked to justify hatred and oppression of women
Movements such as ‘Quiver full’ seek to restore the traditional gender roles at home and in society
Racial Equality
The parable of the Good Samaritan - Jews and Samaritans hated each other
The measure of a good Christian is their capacity to aid the stranger
Some elements of the church have supported slavery while others have opposed it
Disability Equality
Many miracles involve Jesus curing deaf, blind or those who are unable to walk
Campaigners DE are not seeking for pity or healing, but respect
J.E.Tada emphasises the crucial role disabled people have in the faith
Simone de Beauvoir
A feminist philosopher
What does this quote mean:-
“If you are not born a woman, then how do you become one?”
There is no difference between an individual’s biological sex (based on their reproductive organs) and their gender (based on how society defines them)
Women’s position
Women have been placed in a position they did not choose and have had to suffer in it
Simone de Beauvoir’s thoughts on men and women
The differences between men and women should ❌ prevent them from being ⚖️
Simone de Beauvoir’s thoughts on Religion
- Religion ✅ oppressive to women.
- Used my men to control women
- false belief that in heaven they will gain equality
El Saadawi’s thoughts on Religion
- Religion itself ❌ oppressive. Men are✅
* Due to the ⬆️ in monotheistic religions where men dominate
Woodhead’s thoughts on Religion
There is ‘religious feminism’
• women use religion to gain freedom and respect