Equality Flashcards
What is prejudice?
A (negative) preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.
Define discrimination
The unjust treatment of a category of people based on prejudice, usually on the grounds of race, age, or sex.
What does it say in article 1 of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights?
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
What is the name for discrimination based on gender (usually against women)?
The Good Wife’s guide published in 1955 states that “a good wife always knows her……”
A good wife always knows her place.
In what year were women first allowed to own property?
Which movement pushed for the right for women to have the vote in the UK and in what year were they successful?
The Suffragettes 1918
In what year did the Sex Discrimination Act make it illegal to discriminate against women in work, education and training?
What proportion of women have been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused in her lifetime?
1 out of 3 (according to a study based on 50 studies globally)
What percentage of her male colleagues wage will a female working in full time in the UK earn?
82 percent
What is the ratio of healthcare spending male:female and how does this effect men’s health as a whole?
£1 : £8 - Lower life expectancy, higher death and suicide rates
In what year was the website Everyday Sexism launched and how many entries did it have within 18 months?
2012 50,000 entries
What role does the Book of Genesis in the Bible play in forming Christian attitudes towards women?
Eve is created as the second human and from the rib of Adam. Her purpose is to be his partner and it is her who commits the ‘original sin’. All of this causes some Christians to believe that women are inferior.
What did Paul The Apostle say about women in church?
They should “learn in quietness and full submission”.
Galatians 3:28? There is neither…..
“There is neither Jew nor Gentile….nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
What is the Book of Esther about?
A young woman of Jewish heritage who is praised for her bravery as the queen of Persia who saved many from being killed.
Name two women who are important in the story of Jesus
Mary (his mother, also known as Queen of Heaven) Mary Magdalene
How did Jesus show kindness to a woman when she was just about to be punished for adultery?
He stopped a crowd from stoning her to death and lets her depart with the words “go and sin no more”.
Which Christian church do not ordain women as priests or bishops? Which other Church granted women the right to be priests in 1992 and have recently announced that females may be able to become Bishops in 2015?
The Roman Catholic Church does not ordain female priests/bishops. The Church of England
What did Rowan Williams, The Archbishop of Canterbury at the time, say when the Church of England voted against women being ordained as priests in 2012?
The church had lost a “measure of credibility”
What is the instruction to wives in the Bible Extract Ephesians 5:22?
“Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do the lord” In Peter 3:7 it also states that women are the “weaker partner”.
Which religion has been widely criticised for its oppression of women continuing in the 21st century?
How is the story of creation in the Qur’an different to that in the Bible?
Adam and Eve are created at the same time and they both commit original sin. Muslims believe all humans are created from the same soul.
Which Islamic law states that divorce and a woman being victim to rape is punishable by stoning or whipping to death?
Sharia law