EQs Flashcards
Natural EQs
tectonic, volcanic, collapse, oceanic microseisms
explosions, seismic noise (traffic), fluid injection, mining-induced
What is an earthquake
accumulated elastic strain causes rupture of a rock along a fault. sudden transient motion
location on earth’s surface immediately above the point of first energy release
location within the earth where the first energy is released
Depth of earthquake below surface
focal depth
measure of the amount of deformation that has been experienced by a volume of rock
Force acting per unit area on any defined plane within the volume of rock (shear or normal)
Epicentral distance
Distance from the epicentre to a seismic recording station
Earthquake focal depths: Shallow, intermediate and deep
0-70, 70-300, 300-700
Seismic hazard
pop density, building strength, infrastructure
Secondary natural hazards
ground shking, ground failure, landslides, avalanches, mud flows, liquefaction, subsidence, tsunamis
Structural damage
Northridge 1994
Mexico 1985
Tsunami generation
seafloor movement eg submarine EQs, landslides, volcanic eruptions
source characteristics: tsunamis
runup height relative to local shelf bathymetry and costal morphology
Submarine landlsides
slope failure submarine. may produce a tsunami
determining EQ potential
instrumented records, historic, paleoseismology
work out probability