EQ4 Flashcards
a sense of belonging to a particular nation or group
a feeling of allegiance to ur nation, which can also involve a feeling of dislike towards ppl or countries that r seen to be threateneing it
reinforce nationalism:
- ppl support their national team
- eg world cup/olympics
- winning against other countries/athletes reinforce ppls pride in their nation
- eg 2012 london olympics a survey of what makes ppl feel proud to be british found prouder of the olympic team than the royal family
reinforce nationalism:
- some politicians try to win support from voters by emphaising their loyalty to the nation
- often do this by talking about importance of institutions that=important to national identity
- eg in uk politicians stress their support for nhs
- political parties talk of their commitment to national values n ideals eg idea of british sense of ‘fair play’
reinforce nationaloms:
- in 2014- uk gov introduced idea of ‘british values’ into education system n said all schools should actively promote these values
- theyre demoncracy, rule of law, indivual liberty n mutual respect n tolerance of those of diff faiths n beliefs
- being taught these values in school may promote sense of national identity among students
- in some countries eg usa the schoool day starts w/kids swearing pledge of allegiance to their country or singing national anthem
- =reinforce national loyalty
reinforce nationalism:
education in britian
- since 2014, english schools have been leglly required to promote british values
- fundamental british values:
1. democracy eg right to vote over 18
2. rule of law eg right to trial by jury
3. indivual liberty eg right to choose where to live
4. mutual respect n tolerance of those of diff faiths or w/out faith
national identity n the english countryside
- ppls notion of english countryside= green, peaceful landscape- rainforced in art, music n literature eg william blakes poem jerusalem refers to ‘englands green n pleasant land’
- it may not exist but the image of its powerful
- often linked to nostalgia for diff period of english history before industrialisation n urbanisation- n for some a time before immigration made england more multicultural
- specific landscapes linked to national identity eg white cliffs of dover=symbol of britain as independent island nation n linked to defence n viewed as ‘home’
- these landscapes=used by gov during ww2 to encourgae patriotic feelings
- national parks n green belt
national identity n loyalty can be complex in a multinational world
- most countries=multinational-home to ppl from lots of diff countirs n ethnic groups
- globalisation has ^ diversity in many countries by encouraging greater exchange of ppl, culture n ideas between countries
- ^ multinational world has challenged ideas of national identity n loyalty eg immigrants might support sports teams from home N host country
- ppl from etyhnic minorities may decide to retain lamnguage, customs, food n traditions from orgin country or may combine elements of host n home country
- =lead to tensions as some believe u can only be loyal to 1 nation
- eg someone who supports 2 football teams=not proper fan
- some ppl also believe immigrants should embrace values of their host nation eg speak the language
- but can also lead to new undertsanding of national identity based around diversity
foreign owned uk companies
jaguar land rover
- in 2008, tata motors ltd(indian company) brought both brands n combined them into 1 new company
- it moved alot of manufacturing overseas eg to india, china n slovakia but some still happens in uk
- eg range rovers=made in solihull
- some=unhappy w/foreign ownership as feel british brands should be british owned
- others say it has economic benefits
- eg both companies were having financial problems
- investment from TML=help keep companies going n employs 30,000 ppl in uk
- but ppl also worry moving manufacturing overseas will=job losses
‘made in britain’
label complicated-jaguar land rover
- JLR continues to use british identity in adverstising
- eg using british actors to emphaise british identity
- but some ppl question how british brands really r
- some of the cars may be manufactured in uk but might be assembled using parts made elsewhere, n ultimately=owned by indian company
‘made in britain’ as comlex idea
- many uk based companies=foreign owned
- made in great britain campaign made in 2013
- aims to educate the public about brands that promote themselves as british but have little or no production in uk
big corporations have helped to promote us culture n capitalism
- globalisation has contributed to ‘westenerisation’
- one way its happened is by western corpoartions expanding to other countries
- entertainment companies promote western culture n lifestyles via media like films,music, literature n tv
- retail corporations sell west products
- theyve promoted positive view of capitalism n consumer culture
- some ppl have criticised it- argue traditional culture n values=being lost=challenge national identity
- but some say local cultures take on n adapt these west cultures via process of glocalisation
- since 1st maccies resturant opened in usa in 1940 its grown to become one of kost recognised brands in world
- it has over 38,000 resturants in over 100 diff countries worldwide
- other western corporations which have gained global recognition incl netflix, NIKE n apple
- globalisation has enabled these companies to expand across world n is eg of westernisation
capitalist theory n national identity
- capitalism=system of private ownership in which innovation n new ideas=encouraged, create new firms, owners n capital
- its greatest strength is its dynamism=change regardless of economic conditions n replace older outdated businesses
- but this dyanmism=capitalism greatest weakness as divide line between successs n failure=thin
- growth n economic decline can happen at same time
foreign owned london property
- ^ amount of property in uk=brought by foreign companies/ppl
- wealthy ppl buy expensive properties in exclusive parts of london like kesignton n mayfair bc its good investment eg make money by renting out places
- also help avoid paying tax in their own country
- these trends led to concern about **rising house prices, ^ pressure on housing ,market, tax avoidance where properties r bought by companies registered in tax havens **
- also question national identity- many famous landmarks=not british owned=see them as less british
foreign owned london property
- small n wealthy country in middle east has been 1 of biggest investors in london property
- biggest landowner in london=company jointly owned by qatari firm
- some of londons most iconic buildings eg shrd, queen liz olympic park n harrods=owned by qatar investment authority
foreign owned london property
- another big investor in london property
- eg over 200 russian owned properties in westminster
- following russias invasion of ukraine in 2022, the uk gov imposed sanctions on russian property owners w link to vladmir putin
indian tncs
- 38,000tncs w/over 200,000 subsidiaries
- emerging economies eg india have expanded their fdi via activities of tncs
- indian approach has been to acquire existing companies rather than set up new operations
- in 2013-there were 8 indian tncs in fortune top 500 n top 15 indian tncs had combined overseas assests totaal of $63bn
- tata group=largest n most evolved internationalised indian coorpartion-acquring 25 foreign companies in 10yrs w 58% of its revenues earned abroad
- eg corus in uk(tata steel), jarguar land rover (tata motors) n tetley (tata global beverages)
- imf said indias economic data has problems eg not all corpoartions submit their tax returns
- so each year they use a ‘wholesale price index’=makes data look more positive
- theres many shell corporations which make it diff to estimate acc no.of legitimate corpoartions
catolonia n independence from spain
- has own distrinct culture n language
- been campagining for indpeendence since 17th century
- its v wealthy- generates 19% of spain gdp n over 25% of its foreign exports
- they believe it contributes more to the economy than it gets in return
- anger grew after 2008 financial crisis
- in 1979 all regions in spain became ‘autonomous communities’=gave more control over how theyre goverened
- but for some its not enough
- in 2014 n 2017 ppl voted for it to become independent but spanish gov rejected saying it doesnt have right to break away
- 90% voters voted independence in 2017-some still dont want it bc it has many links to rest of spain eg many ppl have migrated there from andalusia in s spain
- some say for it to succeed it would need to be part of eu but as newly independent country it would havento apply to join eu n eu members would have to agree to it joining
globalisation has caused political tensions in emerging countries
- impacts of globalisation=uneven
- BRICS n other emerging nations have experienced biggest changes- as manufacturing n other industries have relocated there from developed countries
- changes have costs n bens: in china n india fdi n economic growth have helped create a new middle class of wealthy consumer w more disposable income
- but not all has this. china- rural inland provinces havent seen economic improvements- lead to migration away from these areas
- emigration can cause ^ economuc decline in these areas
- ppl feel exploited if their land has been claimed for dev project or if working for low pay for a tnc
- brics=40% world pop n 25% land area
rising tensions in BRICs
- russia involved in conflicts in ukraine n syria
- brazil n south africa have seen allegations of corruption at highest leevls of gov
- as economies have slowed the uneven pattern of the costs n benefits of globalisation has become more apparent w/in their societies
- these countries r vulnerable bc they lack strong democratic instituions to mediate between the ppl directly affected by economic downturn n those gov them
- =made worse by lack of independent media scrutiny of official gov
- in BCR= fear of spreading social unrest
- risk=^ in china where gov is seeking to restructure unprofitable state owned industries such as coal n steel w/potential loss of millions of jobs
- economic growth targets between 6.5. 7% for 2016 to 2020=unlikely
national identity can be weaker in ‘failed states’
- countrys gov can influence whether ppl have strong sense of national indentity
- some authoritarian states eg N korea try to enforce particular national indeitty on their citizens wheras countries w/ a weak gov might have weak sense of national identity espc if theres a lot of divisions between social groups
- theyre countries where gov=no longer able to assert authority w/in country n has lost control over its national boundaries
- =lead to weaker national identity w/in that country
- states often fail in situations where theres conflict or huge inequality between diff social groups
- can happen where combo of weak gov n globalisation leads to big diff between powerful, wealthy elite n wider pop
weakened national identity in somalia
- somalia=’failed state;
- dictatorial gov=overthrown 1991 n led to conflict
- 2 disputed territories- somaliland n puntland- gov independntly but not recognised internationall= lead to ongoing fighting between gov forces n clan based opposition groups
- =displacement of ppl, civillian casualites n human right abuses
- one of worlds poorest countries
- 70% ppl=poverty
- 60% access to clean water
- lots of inequality
- it attracts some fdi-$460mn invest in 2020
- but fdi=limited bc of conflict, corruption, weak gov n lack of infrastructure
- problems=undermine ppls trust in gov
- challenge its national identity