EQ3 Flashcards
Tensions b/ S
Nothing unusual
Though some = argue the recent shifts in patterns of power + the emergence of multiple potential S has led 2 an inc unstable geopolitical landscape
Intellectual property rights
Grown sig since 1990s w/ globalisation of tech as well as rapid breakthrough in new technologies
Rise = emerging nations
Provided a key market 4 counterfeit goods
= one of the most prevalent ways 2 violate international property rights
Some commentators arg = these countries have weak ability 2 protect intellectual property rights + little or no interest in doing so
Counterfeit goods
Estimated 5-10% of world trade = CFG
Thought to cost hunters-thousands of jobs in places = USA+EU + hundreds of billions in lost revenue for businesses every year
China violating intellectual property rights
Leading violator - leading = heightened tensions
Tensions = territories + physical resources
South + East China seas
China, Japan, Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia all have competing claims for both island chains + sovereignty over ocean areas
Islands may have natural mineral reserves while the sea is a major shipping route + home 2 vital fishing grounds which support = livelihoods of ppl w/i the region
Tensions have risen dramatically over the last few years due 2 chinas programme of island-building + increasing naval patrols
Contested geography
Superpowers are fuelled by resources = inc Human Resources (innovation + skill) as well as physical resources (fossil fuels, ores + minerals)
Some resources are contested due 2 following:
LAND BORDER b/ 2 countries in dispute (India + Pakistan)
OWNERSHIP of a landmass in dispute
Extent of a nations EXCLUSIVE ECON ZONE is in dispute or claimed by another nation
Exclusive economic zones EEZ
Area of the ocean generally extending 230 miles beyond a nations territorial sea
W/I which a coastal nation has jurisdiction over both living + non-living resources
EEZ borders are decided by the UN in the event = dispute
Intellectual property rights
Ensures that TNCs individuals + governments agencies can protect new inventions, trademarks, artistic works + trade secrets from others
Important = w/o it innovations + ideas can be stolen + used by others
China intellectual property rights - apple
22 fake apple stores = China
Importance of intellectual property rights
Grown sig since 1990s w/ = globalisation of tech + rapid breakthroughs in tech
Rise of emerging nations = provided a key market = counterfeit food. One of the most prevalent way 2 violate IPR
These countries = weak ability 2 protect IPR + so little-no interest in doing so
Estimated 5-10% of world trade is in counterfeit goods
Chinas actions = S+E CS
Implications = USA + other countries in Southeast Asia
Building islands = direct attack on UN Law of Sea as construction is happening in areas = disputed
China is taking control of places claimed by other countries
China is challenging US naval + air traffic in the area. Begun 2 question the right of US ships + aircraft’s 2 sail + fly in disputed areas
Controlling who can pass through there with no actual rights 2 do so = one of the worlds most important trade routes
China = aggressive = SCS
Stealing resources in the SCS
Beijing uses intimidation 2 undermine the sovereign rights of SE Asian coast states (Philippians, Singapore, Malaysia) in the SECS
Bully them out of offshore resources threatening them out of shipping lanes
Assert unilateral dominance + deprive fishermen of access 2 their livelihoods
China + Africa
Chinas investment into = African continent has grown exponentially = recent times
Order 2 fuel it’s rapid econ development C needs 2 secure a reliable supply of raw materials + growing market = manufactured goods
C is now Africas’ largest trade partner buying 1/3 of its oil
Trade b/ them totalled around 160bn
Generate both opportunities + challenges w/I A+C
China + India
Concurrent rise = C+I has inc = geopolitical influence
Both = keen 2 reform global governance institutions 2 reflect the new balance of power
Evidenced through the creation = G20 + BRIC new development bank
H/ rise C+I has also led 2 econ + political tensions w/i the region such as S+E China seas
Refers 2 direct control exerted over territories conquered mainly = European powers in periods 1600-1900
Rules almost no power/influence being given 2 OG pop of the colonies
Indirect actions by which developed countries exercise a degree = control over the development of their former colonies
Achieved through varied means inc = conditions attached 2 aid + loans
Cultural influence (language) + military/economic support (covert/overt)
Neo-c + c control = China e.g.
Kenya opened a $4 bn Chinese built railway
Largest in structure project in 50 years
Rs based upon
NEO-C: S pulling the political strings = developing countries despite X ruling them directly as they did during the imperial era
UNFAIR TERMS = TRADE: cheap commodities exports for the developing world (coffe, coco, oil, copper) set against expensive manufactured import ants from HICs
BRAIN DRAIN of skilled workers from developing countries 2 boost developed world economies
Rs China + Africa developing countries have
Neo-colonial one where C exploits A = cheap raw materials but Africa gets little in return
Developmental rs where Africa does develop in some aspects through trade + development to the global economy (railway network construction)
Worlds econ timeline
1800-1900 the industrial rev = UK rapidly pulled world eco y towards Europe
2WW the dominant US pulled it across the Atlantic
Rise of EU edged the econ centre back east
1990 the shift is back towards Asia+China as the manufacturing sector growths
Shifts further 2 China + India as development of BRIC
Asia by 2030
Asia could be a v economically + politically crowded continent
String case for India + Indonesia 2 have a permanent UN Security Council Seat
C + I are competing for Superpower Twtays other Asian economies will be fighting for 3rd + 4th + 5th place = regional power ranking
Chinas 1 belt 1 road strategy
Aim 2 form a cohesive economic area by building infrastructure 2 increase trade + enhance cultural exchanges
EU + US uncertainty
Both regions face sig econ challenges that prevent them from maintaining their global importance going forward. USA = arguably in a stronger position than EU
1. USA is made up of states which are X sovereign. Unlike EU which has 28. Much easier 2 get the former 2 agree on policy
USA is X ageing as fast = EU. Fertility rate = 1.9 versus 1.6 = EU
So pop I’ll be youthful for longer
A multi polar world
Waffle about uncertainty for future - we can’t guess
There might be wars which will impact the pop size + GDP growth + impacts of global warming on planet
Potential scenarios
US Hegemony (unipolar world)
Multi-polar world (numerous S around world)
Asian century - unipolar world (China + regional powers around C)
New Cold War (bi-polar world) = USA + China competing as 2 global S