EQ1 Flashcards
Nation with the means to protect its power + influence anywhere in the world
Global dominant force
Demands huge resources
Timeline of superpowers
1850-1950= UK + USSR
1945-1990= USA + Russia
1900-present = Russia, Japan,USA
21st century
Emerging superpower
Rising primarily economic influence of a nation
Steadily increased their presence in the world
Hyper power
Unchallenged superpower that is dominant in all aspects of power
E.g. USA 1990-2010 + Britain 1850-1910
Emerging superpowers
Some countries are emerging as powerful forces + may attain superpower status in the future
EU + China are key contenders with Russia, India,Brazil + oil rich Gulf states powerful in particular ways
Soft power
Power of persuasion
Some countries can persuade others follow their lead by making policies attractive + appealing
Hard power
Getting your own way by force
Military action/conquest or the force of it
Creation of alliances both economic + military to marginalise others
Use of economic sanctions to damage a nations economy
Economic power
Economic or development aid from one nation to another
Signing favourable trade agreements to increase economic ties
Criteria defines a superpower
Military strength
Demographic (pop)
Economic strength
Countries w/ resources necessary for economic development should hold sig power
E.g. Russia-gas Middle East-oil
H/ these countries w/ sig resources are not necessarily powerful because:
- exporting raw materials adds little value (e.g. Australia- iron ore)
- TNCs control large volumes of resources (e.g. BP-Nigeria)
Military indicators
Countries w/ large military may be viewed to be more powerful e.g. India
H/ type of weapons owned is also representative of power
I.e. countries in possession of nuclear weapons: USA, Russia, France, China, North Korea, Israel
Economic indicators
Countries w/ largest economies have a sig influence over global economies
2007 woirld 12 largest economies were: USA, China, India, Japan, Canada, Brazil, UK, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Russia
B/ these countries they earn 2/3rds of worlds GDP
Control investment
Use worlds most powerful currencies
Determine economic policies which affect the globe
Maintaining power
International influence needs 2 be maintained
S. Do this by using different mechanisms - some hard (overt) some soft + more subtle (covert)
S. Use hard power mechanisms because these are the most obvious + threatening. E.g. the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) is a military alliance providing the USA with allies in North America, Europe, Middle East
SP - culture + ideology
Using media 2 promote a particular image + message
Values + ideology of some nations are seen as appealing
Exporting culture in the form = film + TV or globally recognised brands
MP - Economic power - aid and trade
Favouring certain trade partners
Trade blocs + alliances
Giving allies economic + technical help
Using aid 2 influence policies
HP - Military presence + force
Military action or threat
Military alliances = NATO
HP - Military presence + force
Military action or threat
Military alliances = NATO
Mechanisms of power are changing - Dubai
Planes leaving Dubai can reach any other location in the world non-stop
Become a major hub airport, threatening global dominance of Heathrow
Mechanisms of power are changing HEARTLAND THEORY
Halford Mackinder believed that 2 exert influence it was crucial for a country 2 control strategic areas of land (geostrateguc theory)
Identified a region = Eurasia from Russia - China named the heartland
Heartland theory
Whoever controls the heartland controls the world island
Whoever controls the world island will soon rule the world
Different types of polarity
As patterns of power change over time there may be 1 2 or multiple superpowers extending their power globally
Uni-polar world = dominated by one superpower e.g. British Empire
Bi-polar world is one in which 2 superpowers with differing ideologies compete for power E.g. Cold War
Multi-polar world is more complex - many superpowers + emerging powers compete for power in different regions
Rs of political, economic or cultural control b/ geographical areas
Colonisation - physical settling of people from a colonial power within their colony
Importance of Navy + Military (HP)
British empire was founded on exploration + sea power
Royal Navy dominated the seas from around 1700-1930s
Protected trading routes
Navy provided a link b/ the home country + overseas colonies
Navy = symbol of military power
How were colonies controlled - India
British military personnel, civil servants + entrepreneurs emigrated to India
Educated Indians (speaking English) occupied lower administrative positions
Symbols of imperial power were built by the British as a symbol of political power, wealth, prestige (presidential palace = Dehli)
Acculturation took place - British traditions were introduced
British ‘modernised’ India building an extensive rail network - enabling exports
Fall of British Empire
Britain overspent on war. Was effectively bankrupt + after WW2 was showing serious signs of economic ‘slowdown’
Heavy losses during the war - beaten in Europe + Asia.
Many colonies fought for the allies with their own independent armies. One by one after the war most of the colonies became independent.
Cold War Superpowrs
World today = Uni-polar
During Cold War era = Bi-polar with 2 superpowers USA + USSR
2 superpowers acted in different ways + the world was known as multi-faceted (2 sides)
Two different ideologies: Communism vs Capitalism
After 2nd WW 2 global superpowers emerged the USA followed a policy 2 globalise its sphere of influence + become a stronger player in the world system
H/ the beliefs + politics of the USSR DIDNT agree with USA
In order = become m powerful the USSR took advantage of collapsed countries in Europe + enforced a communist regime
Cultural hegemony
Most obvious way of maintaining power is through direct force
H/ power is X generally maintained in this way unless a society’s leaders feel under threat of being overthrown by their people
CH = power is maintained hugely by consent
Values of those in power were accepted by people + this kept them in power
Media subtly reinforces such values - idea of the powerful then becomes accepted as the way things are
Refer 2 an indirect form of control that meant new,y independent countries were not actually masters of their own destiny
Indirect control
How developing countries could be influenced + controlled after they gained independence from their former colonial masters
Mechanisms of Neo-colonial control
Strategic alliances
TNC investment
Terms of trade
Strategic alliance
Military alliances b/ developing nations + superpowers make the developing nation dependent on military aid + equipment from the superpowrr
Developing countries borrow money from developed ones + then end up in a debtor-creditor rs
Development aid comes with tied aid. Forcing the recipient 2 agree to policies + spending priorities suggested by the aid donor
TNC investment
Investment from abroad may create jobs + wealth but be dependent on the receiving country
Terms of trade
Low commodity export prices contrast w/ high prices for imported goods from developed countries inhibiting development
Future superpowers
BRIC: Brazil Russia India China
G20 Major Economies = Mexico Indonesia South Korea Saudi Arabia Turkey
Intergovernmental organisations
Free market capitalism + free trade have been promoted by many global IGOs
IGOs are regional or global organisations whose members are nation states.
Uphold treaties + international law as well as allowing cooperation on issues = trade, economic, policy, human rights, conservation + military operations