EQ1 Flashcards
What are the two alternative definitions of globalisation?
- the increasing ways in which people, goods, and services, information, and capital are being shared between countries and places.
- The increasing integration of economies globally.
What is economic globalisation?
Growth of TNC’s:
- increases transport, raw materials, and portfolio investment.
Growth of ICT supports:
- increases spatial divisions of labour, and internaitonal economy.
What is political globalisation?
Growth of global trade blocs:
- does the same as TNC’s.
Growth of IGO’s.
What is cultural globalisation?
Growth of Westernisation, and changing global culture.
Growth of glocalisation.
Ideas and Information has been accelerated.
What is social globalisation?
Extensive family networks from migration.
Social interconnectivity: Improvements in global healthcare and education.
What were the previous connections of globalisation pre-1940?
Colonisation - The Great British Empire.
Co-operation - IGo’s after WW1
Trade - After Columbus in 1400.
What is different about modern globalisation?
Lengthening - Connections between further places are possible.
Deepening - More aspects of people’s lives are integrating. with places further away.
Quickening - Higher-speed technology allows this.
Why do we live in a shrinking world?
Transport and technology:
horse-drawn carriages were 10mph (1500-1850). Now Jet aircrafts can go 700mph (1960’s).
Cyberspace introduction means immediate access to online info.
What is a network map?
- Not to scale
- Made of nodes and flows
- E.g., London Underground maps
How has the flow of people increased in recent years?
- Tourists: 150 million outbound trips made by China, who’s growing middle class are travelling abroad more. This is the result of mroe affordable air travel such as AirAsia.
- Migrants: Most governments have a pick-and-mix attitude. Only seeking migration to fulfil their needs. (Qatar encouraging Indian workers)
How has the flow of capital increased in recent ears?
The global stock market is used to transfer investments between places, into different currencies, in order to make profit. This resulted in $6.6 trillion made in the global stock market a day.
How has the flow of information increased in recent years?
- The internet has allowed 24/7 access to global info instantly. Facebook gained 2.5 billion users by 2019. All of this info is stored in ‘server farms’. One is the Microsoft data Centre in Washington State.
How has the flow of goods and services increased in recent years?
Raw matrials have always been traded between countries. Commody trading has ballooned in size. In 2019, the global GDP was $87 trillion.
What host country supplies the most remittances? Why?
- These remittances are worth $40 billion
- India receives most of these remittances ($28 billion)
- India has 17.5 million of its population living abroad.
- There are many white-collar migrants living in the US (2.5 million), and they are often granted legal migration status due to family reunification policy.
How much in remittance does China receive?
$25 billion.
Why do some people oppose globalisation?
- Nationalist movements believe it is a threat to national sovereignty. (UK leaving the EU, and Scotland wanting independence)
- TNC’s lead to cultural homogeneity. Totnes refusing to have a Costa Coffee and becoming a transition town)
- Fear of increased flows of info. ‘China’s Great Fire Wall’.
What is the interrelationship between trade and transport?
Innovation in transport allows for companies to make more profit, as they can access a wider demographic, quicker. Therefore, the needs of companies drives technological advancement.
How has steam power increased connectivity?
Steam power:
- Quick transport into Africa and Asia made Britain the leading transport power in the 1800’s.
How has Jet aircraft increased connectivity?
- Boeing 747 brought innovation to international travel of tourists, especially with the growth of companies such as EasyJet.
What is containerisation? How has it changed global trade?
2 million shipping transactions occur annually. This leads some to say that shipping is the ‘backbone’ of the global commodity market.
What is the largest container ship in the world? (2021)
Ever Ace:
- 400m long
- 24,000 container capacity.
How do TNC’s benefit from globalisation?
- Spatial division of labour occurs.
- Innovations in transport and technology have allows for faster flow of people. Therefore, increasing economic efficiency.
How have other factors impacted EasyJet’s flourishing?
- COVID meant that profits flopped because of less to no travel. Therefore, they could not pofit.
Easyjet Case Study
- Started with 2 aircraft just within the UK.
- Then increased scale to 337 aircraft by 2019.
- They made £6.4 billion in 2019.
- They had 96,000,000 passengers in 2019.
How has the decrease in travel due to COVID affected globalisation?
The Boeing 747 was decommissioned for flight in June 2020. It would no longer be in production by 2022.
Manchester Airport actually stopped using them, and therefore at its final decommission, it did a ‘wing wave’.
What were the dates of three important innovations on the internet?
- Email: 1971
- eBay: 1995
- Youtube: 2005
How has the growth in the telephone contributed to globalisation?
- First telegraph cables across the Atlantic made instantaneous connection instread of a two-week long boat journey.
- Africa is ‘leap-frogging’ because many places have no overhead wires.
How has the growth in fibre optics contributed to globalisation?
Fibreoptics under the ocean carry info. This was developed in the 1990’s.
How has the development of GIS and GPS contributed to globalisation?
- First Global Positioning System was launchd in 1970. 40 situated 10,000 km above earth.
- Deliveries can be tracked.
How has the development of the internet contributed to globalisation?
By 2020, 58% of the world’s population were using the internet. This technology aws developed in the 1960’s.
How is technology used by different players, and how does it contribute to globalisation?
Socially: Long distance relationships through Skype.
Politically: Environmentalists.
Culturally: TikTok and other social media spreads different cultural traits.
Economically: TNC’s keep in touch.
How has Africa’s use of mobile phones changed, and how does this impact globalisation?
- in 2005, 6% of Africans owned a mobile phones. Now, 60% do. (due to cheap providers such as Kenya’s Safricom)
How has mobile pay revolutionised life for individuals in Kenya?
Positive impacts for Kenya:
- M-Pesa system allows for the transfer of capital between users.
- Phone bills and school fees can now be paid instantly.
- Women can now have evidence of good credit, and therefore be given micro- loans.
How has Asia changed its usage of mobile phones?
- 1 billion people in Asia now own a smartphone. This means there are more mobile phones than people in the world.
What development in ICT has accelerated globalisation the most?
The development of Social media. As it is accessible to every generation, and is becoming increaingly affordable.
Who hasn’t gained from developments in ICT?
- Switched-off places:
North Korea, parts of Northern Canada, and most of Africa.
(This may be due to physical or political isolation.)
What is the UK’s experience of free market liberalisation?
- Poineered by Margeret Thatcher in the 1980’s
- also known as ‘neo-liberalism’.
- belif in ‘trickle down’
- removal of ‘red tape’ in London in 1986, led to its growth as the world’s leading financial centre.
What is the UK’s experience of privastisation?
- Used to reduce government spending on public sector such as railways.
- Foreign and private investors could invest.
- Eventually, many of these assets were sold overseas.
What’s the UK’s experience with tax breaks?
Areas where corporation tax was reduced or removed as a method of attracting outside investment in an area. Such as Canary Wharf in the 1990’s.
What is a subsidy?
Money given to a failing business by the government in order of resparking more profit.
What is the brief history of the EU?
- Schuman DEclaration - 1951
- The UK, Denmark and Ireland joined in 1973.
- This then turned into the Schengen agreement in 1985.
How do Trade Blocs benefit TNC’s?
- Increasing demands through a large market.
- Specialist manufacturers should prosper through advantage. E.g., French Wine-makers.
- Removing barriers increases demographic to sell to.
How have emerging governments, such as the Chinese government increased globalisation?
-Reform occurred after the ‘Open Door Policy’ in 1978.
- Farmers were allowed to make profit for the first time, after agricultural communes.
- 250 million people left rural areas searching for better life in cities.
- TNC’s could invest in SEZ’s by the 1990’s.
- Employers such as Foxxcon were paying employees £40 a day to make iPhones
How did the IMF positively increase globalisation?
The International Monetary Fund:
- Aims to give money to countries suffering from debt.
- Has aided in the development of many emerging countries into developed state.
- Hopefully increases the flow of capital into a country.
How has the IMF negatively impacted globalisation?
- Strict rules and regulations such as SAP’s has led to the cut-back of government spending in many areas.
- Or, negative impacts from privatisation.
How has the World Bank positively impacted globalisation?
- Gives grants to developing countries, and loans for programmes such as the Pilippine poverty-reduction programme.
How has the world bank negatively impacted globalisation?
- All World Bank presidents have been American Citizens.
- They also impose strict conditions to their loans.
How has the WTO positively impacted globalisation?
Advocated for trade liberalisation.
Advocated for countries to lift protectionist perspectives.
How has the WTO negatively impacted globalisation?
Failed to stop large developed countries from subsidising their food industry, which can be harmful to farmers in developing countries.
What is the role of TNC’s in accelerating globalisation?
- Link countries through the production line of goods.
- Patterns of consumption connects people.
How does motive accelerate TNC’s influence?
TNC motive = profit
- minimising costs
- expansion and emergence
- achieving economies of scale
- horizontal integration
- vertical integration
- diversifying
How do Means accelerate TNC’s influence?
TNC means =
- free flow of capital
- reverse colonialism is occurring as flows of capital change over the long term
- In 2015, there were 800 Indian-owned businesses functioning within the UK.
How does Mobility accelerate TNC’s influence?
TNC Mobility =
- Dependant on transport links
- rapid communication
- flexible production systems ‘JustInTime’
- Global production networks
What is the reason for glocalisation?
- regional taste differs
- religion and culture differs (MT avoids overly sexual music videos in the Middle East)
- differing laws
- lack of avalable raw materials.
What are the benefits of TNC’s outsourcing?
- The strengthening of Latin America has led to TNC investment, and the subsequent raising of 2 billion people to higher income brackets.
What are the costs of TNC outsourcing?
- Natural hazards disrupting supply chain
- High demand causing injury such as the Rana Plaza incident.
Describe and explain the Rana Plaza incident:
1100 died, and 2,200 injured in the collapse of the Rana Plaza garment factory in 2013.
Bangladesh agreement was subsiquently signed.
Quotas meant that complaints about building safety were ignored.
Why do some places stay politically ‘switched off’?
- N. Korea wishes to stay politicall isolated due to its ideologied.
- Places such as the DRC have civil unrest.
Why do some places stay physically ‘switched off’?
They may be landlocked, and cannot reach ports. E.g., Niger
Hugh vulnerability to climate change (Mozambique)
Why do some places stay swiched off because of both physical and human factors?
Infighting over ‘resource curse = Sudan
Resources are controlled by small elite = Zimbabwe
What measures how connected countrie are?
- the flows!
What are ways in which we can measure globalisaion?
KOF index
A.T. Kearney index
What is the A.T. Kearny index?
measured in:
- personal connection
- political engagement
- economic integration
- Lots of data gaps
- trade bloc countries will have the highest scores due to trade
What is the KOF index?
Measured in:
- cross- Border transaction
- cross-border contacts (TV ownership)
- Lots of gaps in data
- Invalid measures (TV ownership)