EPSP. action potentials stuff Flashcards
learn all the terms
Describe the difference plans of view of the brain
Dorsal- top
Ventral- bottom
Anterior rostral- front
posterior caudal- back
lateral- side
contralateral- oposite
ipsilateral- same
helps manage your body temperature, hunger and thirst, mood, sex drive, blood pressure and sleep
processing emotions, particularly fear, and in regulating various physiological and behavioral responses
memory and spatial navigation.
information relay station
Cingulate Gyrus
regulates emotions, pain, and behavior
Basal Ganglia
It plays a part in controlling automatic movements and behaviors, and it’s involved in reward processing
Parahippocampal Gyrus
spatial memory
what are the structors of the limbic system
Cingulate Gyrus
Parahippocampal Gyrus
Mammillary Body
Mammillary Body
Linked to memory processing, especially in the formation of new memories
what is the cerebral cortex
outermost layer of the brain and is divided into four main lobes
what are the four main lobes of the cerebral cortex
what are the functions of the frontal lobe
involved in higher cognitive functions such as reasoning, planning, problem-solving, and voluntary motor control. The prefrontal cortex, a part of the frontal lobe, is particularly important for personality, decision-making, and social behavior.
what are the functions of the parietal lobe
processes sensory information related to touch, temperature, and pain.
what are the functions of the occipital lobe
primarily responsible for processing visual information. It helps you perceive and interpret what you see.
what are the functions of the temporal lobe
important for processing auditory information, memory, and language.
draw and label a neuron
what are the three R’s to animal research
sagittal view of the Brian
divides the right and left hemisphere of the brain into two parts
Describe IPSP
a kind of synaptic potential that makes a postsynaptic neuron less likely to generate an action potentia
describe EPSP
temporary change in a neuron’s membrane potential that makes it more likely to fire an action potential. EPSPs occur when a neurotransmitter binds to a receptor on a neuron, causing positively charged ions to flow into the cell.
main inhibitory neurotransmitter
main excitatory neurotransmitter
reward and motivation
mood, sleep, memory
motor control, automatic nervous system, learning
Describe summation
the process where multiple synaptic inputs, both excitatory and inhibitory, are added together at the axon hillock to determine whether the neuron will fire an action potential, essentially acting as a “decision-making” mechanism based on the combined strength of all incoming signals; this includes both spatial summation (from different neurons firing simultaneously) and temporal summation (from rapid firing of a single neuron).
what is the cerebellum
motor coordination and balance
how do action potentials work
a rapid electrical signal that travels along a neuron’s axon, generated by the opening and closing of voltage-gated ion channels, causing a temporary shift in the membrane potential from negative to positive, then back to negative again
what is spatial summation
When signals from multiple presynaptic neurons arrive at the same time, their effects are added together.
what is temporal summation
When signals from a single presynaptic neuron arrive rapidly in succession, their effects are added together.
Tell me about Phineas gage
He had damage to his left frontal lobe due to a rod going through his head. He then became very impatient, profane, and unreliable. A few months after the accident he went back to work and lived another 12 years
measures changes in blood flow (blood oxygen levels)
magnetic field aligns with axis of rotation and tilts them with radio frequency
Hyperpolarization is when the membrane potential becomes more negative. Neuron goes below resting potential.
depolarization is when the membrane potential becomes less negative (more positive)