EPPP Review Flashcards
What is Erickson’s first stage of psychosocial development?
trust vs mistrust
What is Erickson’s second stage of psychosocial development?
Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt
What is Erickson’s third stage of psychosocial development?
Initiative vs Guilt
What is Erickson’s fourth stage of psychosocial development?
Industry vs Inferiority
What is Erickson’s fifth stage of psychosocial development?
Identity vs Confusion
What is Erickson’s sixth stage of psychosocial development?
Intimacy vs Isolation
What is Erickson’s seventh stage of psychosocial development?
Generativity vs Stagnation
What is Erickson’s eighth stage of psychosocial development?
Integrity vs Despair
Age of trust vs mistrust
0-18 mo
Age of autonomy vs shame and doubt
2-3 years
Age of initiative vs guilt
3-5 years
Age of industry vs inferiority
6-11 years
Age of identity vs confusion
12-18 years
Age of intimacy vs isolation
19-40 years
Age of intimacy vs isolation
40-65 years
Age of integrity vs despair
65+ years
Virtue developed during Erikson’s first stage?
Virtue developed during Erikson’s second stage?
Virtue developed during Erikson’s third stage?
Virtue developed during Erikson’s fourth stage?
Virtue developed during Erikson’s fifth stage?
Virtue developed during Erikson’s sixth stage?
Virtue developed during Erikson’s seventh stage?
Virtue developed during Erikson’s eighth stage?
Stage 1 of the Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model
Stage 2 Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model
Stage 3 Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model
Resistance and Immersion
Stage 4 Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model
Stage 5 Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model
Integrative Awareness
Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model Stages
- Conformity
- Dissonance
- Resistance and Immersion
- Introspection
- Integrative Awareness
Conformity Stage
Stage 1: positive views towards majority/depreciating attitudes towards minority. Prefers majority therapist. Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model Stages
Dissonance Stage
Stage 2: conflicting emotions towards minority and majority. Prefers minority therapist. Views problems as racially related. Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model Stages
Resistance and Immersion Stage
Reject majority, appreciating attitudes towards minority. Prefers minority therapist. Problems result of oppression. Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model Stages
Uncertainty about beliefs in stage 3. Prefer minority, but open to therapist with similar worldview. Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model Stages
Integrative Awareness
Want to eliminate oppression. More focused on worldview. Racial/Cultural Identity Development Model Stages
Stage 1 Black Racial Identity Development Model
Stage 2 Black Racial Identity Development Model
Stage 3 Black Racial Identity Development Model
Stage 4 Black Racial Identity Development Model
Black Racial Identity Development Model Stages
- Pre-Encounter
- Encounter
- Immersion-Emersion
- Internalization
Race has low salience. Assimilation (mainstream identity) and anti-Black substages. Prefer White therapist. Black Racial Identity Development Model
Exposure to race-related event(s) leads to racial awareness. Prefers Black therapist. Black Racial Identity Development Model
Race has high salience. Idealized Black culture and outrage towards Whites. Internalizes Black identity. Black Racial Identity Development Model
Race has high salience. Adopted either a pro-Black, non-racist, or biculturist orientation. Works to eradicate racism, healthy cultural paranoia. Black Racial Identity Development Model
Stage 1 White Racial Identity Development Model
Contact Status
Stage 2 White Racial Identity Development Model
Disintegration Status
Stage 3 White Racial Identity Development Model
Reintegration Status
Stage 4 White Racial Identity Development Model
Pseudo-Independence Status
Stage 5 White Racial Identity Development Model
Immersion-Emersion Status
Stage 6 White Racial Identity Development Model
Autonomy Status
White Racial Identity Development Model Stages
Stage 1. Contact status Stage 2. Disintegration status Stage 3. Reintegration status Stage 4. Pseudo-independence status Stage 5. Immersion-emersion status Stage 6. Autonomy status
Contact Status
Little awareness of racism. Racist attitudes/beliefs. Obliviousness and denial. White Racial Identity Development Model
Disitnegration Status
Increasing awareness of race/racism leads to confusion. May over identify with members of minority groups, act in paternalistic way. Suppression of information and ambivalence. White Racial Identity Development Model
Reintegration Status
Idealizes White society and denigrates minority groups. Blames minority groups for their problems and views Whites as victims of reverse discrimination. Selective perception and negative out-group distortion. White Racial Identity Development Model
Pseudo-Independence Status
An event causes the questioning of racist views. Acknowledge role of Whites in perpetuating racism. Intellectually understands racism. Selective racism and reshaping reality. White Racial Identity Development Model
Immersion-Emersion Status
Explores what it means to be White, confronts biases, believes they benefits from White privilege. Hyper-vigilance and reshaping. White Racial Identity Development Model
Autonomy Status
Internalizes non-racist White identity which includes a respect for racial differences/similarities. Seeks out interactions with diverse groups. Flexibility and complexity. White Racial Identity Development Model
Stage 1: Homosexual Identity Development Model
sensitization/Feeling Different
Stage 2: Homosexual Identity Development Model
Self-Recognition/Identity Confusion
Stage 3: Homosexual Identity Development Model
Identity Assumption
Stage 4: Homosexual Identity Development Model
Commitment/Identity Integration
Stages of the Homosexual Identity Development Model
- Sensitization/feeling different
- self-recognition/identity confusion
- identity assumption
- commitment/identity integration
Sensitization/Feeling Different
Middle childhood, feels different/ interests differ from peers. Homosexual Identity Development Model
Self-recognition/Identity confusion
Onset of puberty realizes attracted to same sex, leads to turmoil and confusion. Homosexual Identity Development Model
Identity assumption
Becomes more certain of homosexuality. Homosexual Identity Development Model
Commitment/Identity Integration
Adopted Gay way of life and are publicly out. Homosexual Identity Development Model
Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development
- Sensorimotor stage
- Preoperational stage
- Concrete Operational stage
- Formal operational stage
Sensorimotor stage
- learns through objects through the sensory information
- reflexive, circular reactions, mental representation
- object permanence
Preoperational stage
- symbolic (semiotic) function- extension of representational thought and permits learning through mental images, language, and other symbols (sophisticated play, mentally solving problems)
- Limited by: Precausal (transductive) reasoning (aka magical thinking); animism; egocentrism; irreversibility; centration; unable to conserve
Concrete operational stage
- capable of mental operations (logical rules for transforming and manipulating information)
- can classify more sophisticated ways, seriate, understand part-whole relationships in relational terms, and conserve
Formal operational stage
- able to think abstractly, capable of hypothetico-deductive reasoning
- renewed ego centrism (personal fable, imaginary audience)
What is Piaget’s first stage of cognitive development?
What is Piaget’s Second stage of cognitive development?
What is Piaget’s third stage of cognitive development?
Concrete operational
What is Piaget’s fourth stage of cognitive development?
Formal operational
What are the major tasks of the sensorimotor stage?
object permanence
What are the major tasks of the preoperational stage?
- precausal (transductive) reasoning
- magical thinking
What are the major tasks of the concrete operational stage?
- conservation
- horizontal decalage
What are the major tasks of the formal operational stage?
adolescent egocentrism
Kohlber’s stages of Moral Development
- Preconventional
- Conventional
- Postconventional
What is Kohlber’s first stage of Moral Development?
What is Kohlber’s second stage of Moral Development?
What is Kohlber’s third stage of Moral Development?
Preconventional stage
- Punishment & Obedience orientation- the goodness/badness of an act depends on the consequences. Right course of action is that that avoids punishment
- Instrumental Hedonism- Consequences still guide moral judgments, but they are based more on obtaining rewards and satisfying personal needs than avoiding punishment
Conventional stage
- “Good boy/girl” orientation- the right action is one that s liked or approved of by others
- Law and order orientation- moral judgments are based on the rules and laws established by legitimate authorities
Postconventional stage
- morality of contract, individual rights, and democratically accepted laws- the morally right action is the one that is consistent with democratically determined laws
- Morality of individual principles of conscience- right and wrong are determined on the basis of broad, self-chosen universally applicable ethical principles
Postconventional stage
- morality of contract, individual rights, and democratically accepted laws- the morally right action is the one that is consistent with democratically determined laws
- Morality of individual principles of conscience- right and wrong are determined on the basis of broad, self-chosen universally applicable ethical principles
Gilligan’s stages of moral development
- Level 1: Orientation of Individual Survival (focus is on what is best for oneself)
- Transition 2: From Selfishness to Responsibility (recognition that is connected to others)
- Level 2: Goodness as Self-Sacrifice (sacrifice of one’s own desires for those of others)
- Transition 2: From Goodness to Truth (focus is on coordinating one’s responsibilities to self and others)
- Level 3: Morality of Nonviolence (avoiding harm to oneself and to others is the foremost consideration)
Insecure (anxious)/Avoidant Attachment
- baby interacts very little with mom
- shows little distress when mom leaves
- avoids/ignores mom upon return
- mom- impatient and unresponsive or provide too much stimulation
Insecure (anxious)/ Ambivalent Attachment
- baby alternates b/w clinging and resisting their mother
- becomes very disturbed when left alone
- ambivalent when mom returns; may become angry and resist attempts at physical contact
- mom-moody, inconsistent
Disorganized/Disoriented Attachment
- fear of caregivers, dazed/confused facial expression
- 80% of mistreated infants exhibits this pattern
- hostile/aggressive bx, low self-esteem, low academic achievement
Secure Attachment
- baby explores the room while mom is present
- mildly upset when mom leaves
- actively seeks contact when mom returns
- mom–emotionally sensitive and responsive
Benefits of secure attachment
- more curious, less dependent on adults at age 4-5
- more positive interactions with peers
- engage in more prosocial bx
- greater empathy
- perform better in school
- high self-esteem
Discriminant analysis is used to predict
group membership
formative evaluation
evaluating the program on an on- going basis as it is being implemented
summative evaluation
program evaluation that occurs only at the end of the program.