EPPD - Procedures Manual Flashcards
What are the core values?
We respect life We revere the truth We enforce the law We seek community partnership We honor out police powers We conduct ourselves with dignity
__________ is responsible for reviewing, revising, and updating the procedures manual.
Planning and research
The purpose of a chain of command is to establish _______. It ensures a working, structural relationship between the Chief of Police and each employee.
Clear lines of authority
Employees reporting sexual harassment or discrimination ________be required to use the chain of command for reporting purposes.
Will not
_________ is the chief administrative officer of the police department and is the final authority on all matters of policy, operations, and discipline.
Chief of Police
__________ is the Assistant Chiefs, The Director of Internal Affairs, and the Director of Administrative Services, and the Department of Human Resources Manager.
Executive Staff
___________ and Civilian Section Managers who are responsible for a shift or section and may supervise first line supervisors.
________ and Civilian Supervisors oversee a shift and support unit and supervise line personnel.
In the event an employee receives an order that conflicts with a previous order given by a supervisor of equal rank, the employee will notify their immediate _________ of the conflict. It will be the responsibility of the immediate supervisor to resolve the conflict with the supervisor issuing the original order.
The function of the Investigations Bureau is to provide follow up support to the department. It is divided into two divisions; ______ and ____.
Major Crimes
Organized Crimes
Command level officers may issue orders that affect their respective commands. Orders affecting more than one bureau will be issued only at the direction of the ________. All orders will be considered effective until rescinded, replaced or expired.
Chief of Police
__________ are issued to establish or implement department policy or procedure of an operational or administrative nature.
Special Order
In the event that an order or revision to the procedures manual is urgent, it may be disseminated as a ________ followed by a special order within six months.
________ are issued only by Executive Staff and affect only those under their command.
Bureau Orders
All employees shall review and acknowledge the order within _____ days. All orders shall also be discussed in shift meeting and documented in the station log.
14 Days
Every ______ years Planning and Research will conduct an audit of Department forms.
Inspections and audits are conducted by __________?
Risk Management
It is the policy of this Department that officers will use only that force that is ________ to effectively bring an incident under control while protecting the lives of the officer or other persons.
Objectively Reasonable
The legal standard used to determine the lawfulness of a use of force is the ______ amendment to the United States Constitution. See Graham v. Connor.
4 TH
Graham states in part that the “reasonableness of a particular use of force must be judged from the perspective of a ________ rather than with the 20/20 vision of hindsight.
Reasonable officer on the scene
Firearms are not to be discharged as ________, from moving vehicle, __________.
Warning shots
At the driver of a moving vehicle
Supervisors shall ensure that less than lethal munitions and launchers are deployed on each patrol shift.
In all use of force (UOF) incidents, supervisor(s) who are not involved in the incident shall:_____________
- Conduct a preliminary investigation
- If FMS is required/requested due to an injury resulting from UOF or there is an outcry at the scene, then the supervisors must go to the scene
- If no injury or outcry then supervisors are not required to go to the scene
- Review the incident report for proper UOF reporting and documentation
- Document the UOF in blue team within 5 calendar days
All units involved in a pursuit will proceed in a safe manner and take into consideration the following factors:
- Appropriateness of speed
- Amount of traffic
- Time of day
- Road conditions
- Weather conditions
The _________ initiating the stop has the authority to initiate the pursuit.
Direct involvement in pursuits will be limited to a ____ unit and a ________ unit.
Primary and Secondary
Upon notification of a vehicle pursuit, the ________ will take control of the pursuit and will ensure that all operations are conducted according to policy and procedure.
___________ will review all pursuit documentation before forwarding up the chain of command.
Lieutenants will ensure that all officers under their command are trained in pursuit policies and procedures at least ________.
Tire deflation devices shall not be deployed on vehicles with ____ wheels or less.
All officers will complete racial profiling training prior to the _________ anniversary of the date the officer is listed as a peace officer or the date the officer applies for an intermediate proficiency certificate.
It is ________ to videotape the request of a specimen from a child that is younger than 17 years of age.
FMS shall be summoned for assistance when the subject’s breath test results are 0.35 or higher and the subject shall be taken to a medical facility by FMS.
Each approved outside employment is valid for _________.
2 years
Out employment is limited to ______ hours per week.
In no case shall an officer intentionally schedule themselves to work in excess of ___ actual hours.
Funeral committee members are on a volunteer basis. Volunteers are chosen from within the department, any rank, sworn or civilian, not to exceed ______ members.
Members of the department will report any change of telephone number or address within______ hours.
Ethics training will be conducted _____.
All supervisors, sworn and civilian are responsible from enforcement of ethics.
Each section shall keep print copies of __________, applicable to each section and division.
- Procedures Manual
- Critical Incident and Terror Plan
- Operations Manual
MAR report includes listing of items pending at legal (cheif’s office), stat tables of calls for service and response times, staffing report, staffing shortage impact, and city rep complaints and dispositions.
Chief oversees formulation and annual updating of written goals for the department. Each division will formulate goals and report progress to division commander _______.
Special Orders
Are issued to establish or implement department policy or procedure of an operational or administrative nature.
Special orders ________ amend the procedures manual.
Directives ________.
In the event that an order or revision to the procedures manual is urgent, it may be disseminated as a directive followed by a special order within six months.
The ___________ may issue directives.
Chief or designee.
________ are issued only by executive staff, and affect only those under their command. Distribution will only be made within the respective bureau.
Bureau Orders.
The _______ will be responsible for the approval of all forms used by the department.
Administrative Bureau Assistant Chief
After a form has been created or revised, it shall become the responsibility of _______ to ensure there is an adequate supply of forms ordered and on hand.
Central Supply
Every _____ years _____ will conduct an audit of department form to ensure the forms are current and that no unauthorized form are in use.
3 years, planning and research
Inspections and audits are conducted by _______ to identify and recommend corrections to organizational weaknesses.
Risk Management
Each member of the Risk Management, regardless of rank and status as a uniform or civilian employee, is acting on behalf of the ______.
Chief of Police or designee
_______ handles media relations and coordinates request of police band, chair and other specialized units.
Public Affairs
Petty Cash - Used only for emergency purchases under ____ requires approval of the commander or divisional manager. Petty cash over ______ require the approval from the Chief or his designee.
$100/ $100
Any ________ or above may request research of grant funding.
In cases of sexual harassment, the victim may choose to confront the offender but not a pre-requisite. The victim may contact ________.
- Any department supervisor
- Command Officer
- Chief
- Personal director
- City attorney office
To replace ID cards the cost is ______.
Restricted areas at headquarters include _______.
- 2nd floor - after normal working hours
- Traffic Office
- Training office
- Investigate offices at all times
All bomb threats will be reported to _____ and _____.
Reaction to a bond threat will be determined by the ________ of the facility affected.
Mourning bans will be worn the day of the death until midnight the day of the funeral.
_______ makes notification to TCOLE for 65 officer.
Budget and finance section distribute spreadsheets of all requests and expenditures to commander and manager ________.
_________ responsibility - responsible for effective leadership and accountable for activities of personnel under their control.
__________ will ensure that at least one patrol supervisor (sgt.) is in the field with the patrol shift at all times.
Patrol Lieutenant
FMLA allows up to _____ weeks of leave during a “rolling” ______ month period.
12 weeks, 12 month
FMLA can be used for what reasons?
- The birth and care of a newborn child of the employee
- The placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care
- The care for a spouse, child or parent who has a serious health condition
- A “serious health condition” that renders the employee unable to perform the functions of the job
In the event the employee is absent from work for more than ____ consecutive days, the employee will be required to submit FMLA documentation.
The selection of an individual for law enforcement contact or police action including a stop, detention, search, issuance of citation, or arrest based on a common trait of a group.
Biased based profiling
A type of biased based profiling wherein law enforcement decisions and actions are based on an individual’s race, color, ethnicity, or national origin.
Racial profiling
Racial profiling data ________ be collected for any motor vehicle stopped for an alleged violation of a law or ordinance.
Officers who initiate a motor vehicle stop, shall document such occurrence by one of the following methods:
- Citation
- Written warning
- i-Leads report
When an officer conducts a vehicle traffic stop and the initial PC or reasonable suspicion is found to be an oversight, the officer is ______ required to collect any racial profiling date or complete a written warning.
The information collected shall be compiled in an annual report covering the period January 1st through December 31st of each year no later than _______ of the following year.
March 1st
The academy will conduct _______ training with sworn personnel on subjects that include but are not limited to: profiling, cultural diversity, interaction with citizens, policy, ethics and related topics.
The department’s compliment and complaint process requires the officer to provide the 85 of the department’s ________.
Internal Affairs Division
Is it the responsibility of the _______ to maintain the integrity of the department.
Chief of police
Deviation from the recommendation of the discipline review board by the chief, ______ violate any procedural or substantive right of any officer, unless the deviation violates a specific right guaranteed by law or by contract.
Does not
The DRB/ SDRB shall consist of ______ uniformed personnel, HR director of PD personnel and designated attendee, and ____ civilians.
A minimum of ______ officers will be dispatched along with a supervisor to incidents related to EDP/suicidal subjects with weapons.
Unless there is a need for the immediate defense or protection of life of a third person, no less than _____ officers will attempt to contain , control and communicate with the subject.
________ is a person who appears to be mentially ill or temporarily deranged and is conducting himself in a manner which a police officer reasonably believes is likely to results in serious injury to himself or others.
Emotionally Disturbed Person
Verbal Abuse- Employees of the department are ________ to ridicule, mock, deride, taunt, banter or belittle any person or take any unreasonable action that may create an unnecessary confrontation.
Strictly Forbidden
The use of intoxicants to the extent the user becomes involved in any incident that may bring discredit to the department, while off duty, falls under which rule?
Major violation
Officers may not be in a position where they are directly accountable to a supervisor that is a ________.
Member of their family
An officer with direct authority over another officer, by rank or job classification, who becomes romantically involved with an officer, they must make notification to the ________ via their chain of command.
Office of the Chief
Officers assigned to the academy are __________ from engaging in social relationships that extends beyond the scope of their professional relationship.
The _______ is a diversion program offered by the EPDA’s office for the first time offenders who would otherwise be charged with possession of marijuana class ______.
First Chance Program
A or B Misdemeanor
The first chance program notice form must be emailed if the program is _________.
Refused or accepted
BWC technology provides a pre-event buffer that captures video events _______ seconds prior to camera activation. The __________ second buffer only captures video and does not capture audio.
30 seconds/ 30 seconds
The BWC shall be used _________ with the MVR to capture additional evidence.
Officers shall ________ for any termination of recording prior to turning the BWC off.
Verbally state the reason
As a general rule, if an officer must legally ask permission to enter a premise, the officer ______ the resident or person with standing if they will allow recording.
Must also ask
Officers and supervisors are required to make notation of BWC video availability at the _______ in the case report.
Top of narrative
Force is defined as _________ that is used to overcome physical resistance of any amount.
Any force
The department’s guiding value when using force shall be ______.
Reverence for all life
In _________ the Michael Morton Act (SB 1611) went into effect.
January 1, 2014
Michael Morton Act of 2013 falls under chapter _______ of the CPP
Notepads, pocket notes, are to be scanned to the __________ supplement on ILEADS for any offense class b or above.
Field Notes Supplement
______ are responsible for specifically verifying with officers or investigators wether all known evidence has been collected and turned in and or attached into the ILEADS supplement.
Ethics training for all employees will be conducted _________.
Is is the duty of every officer to ___________ within the officer’s jurisdiction.
Preserve the peace
Members of the department confronted with situations that are not specifically covered by this code, these procedures, or other department policies must use their ________.
Best judgment
Employees should strive to uphold the ________ as opposed to enforcing merely the letter of the law.
Spirit of the law
Administrative leave up to ten days can be approved by the Police Department _________.
Human Resources Manager
Administrative leave in excess of 10 days must be approved by the City of El Paso _________.
Human Resources Department Director
Gathering involving underage drinking - a gathering of _____ or more persons at a residence or other private property or rented public property upon which any minor is served, possesses or consumes one or more alcoholic beverages.
If criminal and social host ordinance violations both exist, a ________ will be requested.
Second case number
Upon completion, the social host report will be forwarded to the regional __________ for follow up investigation.
Police Area Representative
Notice of violations and warning letters will be mailed to the responsible parties within _____ days of the date of occurrence
EPPD officers assigned to G4S will make themselves available by ___________ to each other and to the G4S transport employees.
EPPD officers will report to the ______. EPPD officers should rotate ______ of their time in the booking area and the other in the jail magistrate/Municipal Court.
EPCDF and/or Municipal Court
EPPD supervisors shall review and approve all incidents reports ________ prisoners are turned over to G4S transport employees.
EPPD supervisors will update their ______ to identify the EPPD officers working G4S duty.
Daily schedules
EPPD requires G4S contractors to do a ________ scanning process on all prisoners, regardless of whether there was a hit.
A person is considered a first time offender and eligible to participate in the First Chance Program if he or she: is an adult ____ or older
- 17
- Class A or B POM
- Sufficient identifying Information
- Resides 50 Mile radius
Explain that by signing the First Chance Program Notice Form, the offender promises to appear at the ____________ within five business days or his or her detention with the signed form.
Criminal Justice Coordination Office
All CJIS information is for official use only. Any violation of security policies, any misuse of such information, or unauthorized release of any information is a _________ and is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
When using any communications equipment in a vehicle, _______ is of the utmost importance.
Lost or stolen - If the property is a radio, supervisors will immediately notify Communications via _________. Supervisors shall follow up such notification via ________ to the communications supervisors.
If the carrying and use of personal cellphone becomes disruptive to an employee’s ability or his/her co-workers ability to perform their job duties, an employee’s commander or, in those units without a commander, an employee’s _________, may revoke the right to carry and use a personal cell phone.
All employee’s are granted email access and are required to check email at least _______.
Once each work day
Social Media Communications - The ________ are responsible for all social media accounts and postings.
Regular ________ employment includes any employment that will not require the use or potential use of law enforcement powers by the employee.
Any employment outside the department that is conditioned on the actual or potential powers by the officer, is considered ________ employment.
Extra duty
Officers are prohibited from participating in _________ employment while on administrative leave.
Officers are prohibited from participating in _______ employment while on administrative duty.
Extra duty
Employee’s wanting to work outside employment, must submit the Outside Employment Application Form in writing to the Chief of Police via the chain of command, within _________ working days prior to accepting outside employment.
The application must be approved by the officer’s _______, prior to approval by the Chief of Police.
Chain of Command
Employees working outside employment must be in __________, _________, must have met the ___________ requirement, and have _______.
- Good standing with the department
- No longer on initial probationary status
- College hour
- Acceptable evaluation ratings
Each approved application is valid for ______ years, unless suspended or revoked by Chief of Police.
Positions that are typically viewed as desirable, would typically receive interest by many qualified applicants and or require additional levels of knowledge or training.
Coveted Positions
Positions within patrol shifts and regional detectives (excluding CID sergeants and lieutenants). Such are positions are not deemed to be coveted and transfers into or out of such positions are accomplished via the form in Appendix D of the CBA.
Lateral Positions
Positions that may meet the criteria of coveted positions as defined by this policy but are deemed to be of critical and strategic importance to the department.
Non-coveted positions
To prevent a situation where the officer might feel pressured to answer a question about their health to a supervisor, supervisors _________ ask an officer on medical TDY about their medical condition.
Shall not
Officers on transitional duty shall wear _________ unless their duty assignment requires specific attire.
Professional attire
While on duty, officers ______ carry a firearm in which they are currently qualified.
Officers who request a ______ will be temporarily assigned to PD headquarters or other PD facilities that have an HR approved __________.
Lactation room
Officers must give a minimum of _____ notice to their supervisors that they will need a lactation room to allow time for accommodation.
2 weeks
Officers on transitional duty _______ work off duty/extra duty employment that requires working in a law enforcement capacity.
The _______ or his designee will respond to all OIS and will direct CAP criminal investigation accordingly.
CAP Lieutenant
The CAP Lieutenant or his designee will coordinate the investigation with the __________ and the _______.
Texas Rangers
Information and documents related to the criminal investigation will be made available to SRT and the Texas Rangers. However, to protect the integrity of both the criminal and administrative investigations certain documents and/or information may not be shared between CAP and SRT that include:
- Grand Jury documents and testimony will not be made available to SRT.
- “Garrity” protected documents and information will not be made available to CAP and the Texas Rangers
Pursuant to the contract, the supervisor may ask questions relating to the:
Welfare of the involved officer and/or subject to determine if medical attention is required.
The field supervisor is not permitted to interview the involved officer(s) about the incident at issue other than to _______.
- Obtain public safety information
- Urgent investigative information
- Information to define the scope of the crime scene(s), and/or
- Spot broadcast information
The SRT supervisor, in coordination with PD HR, shall place the involved officer(s) on administrative leave for the remainder of his/her tour of duty plus a minimum of _________ following the OIS. The administrative leave will commence at the time the officer is released by CAP.
2 days (48 Hours)
Community rooms may not be reserved more than _____ in advance.
One calendar month
Community rooms may only be used between the hours of __________.
6am - 10pm
Rooms may not be used for __________.
- Profit-making commercial activities
- Political activity or function with a political affiliation
A cleaning/damage deposit is required in the amount of _________ if no food or beverages will be consumed or ________ if food and beverages will be consumed.
$25/ $50
_______ is a violation of federal and state law and of City and Department policy.
Sexual harassment
The city and the department take a ________ stance on sexual harassment.
Zero Tolerance
Employees who witness conduct they believe is sexual harassment ________ report the incident to a supervisor immediately.
Supervisors observing or made aware of any action or do cut that maybe interpreted as sexual harassment ____ initiate an internal investigation. There is _____ on the part of the supervisor under this circumstance.
No discretion
All complaints will be reported to the ______ through the chain of command.
Personnel Director
The department ___________ the recording of conversations between employees unless all parties have been made aware that the conversation will be recorded and have given their expressed consent in advance.
Digital and other security recordings at all department facilities will be retained as long as the ______ of the system allows.
Current storage capacity
When an officer of the EPPD is arrested for a criminal office about the grade of Class C misdemeanor or for any class C Misdemeanor involving the duties and responsibilities of office or family violence, it is the ______ responsibility to make written notification to TCOLE.
The Officer’s
Written notice must be made within _____ days of the incident to TCOLE reporting the fact of the incident.
An officer’s written notice of arrest to TCOLE shall include:
- The name of the arresting agency
- The agency case number
- The officer’s address where to mail action
- NO department address may be used in lieu of the officer’s address
When an officer of the EPPD, a Texas peace officer or jailer is arrested, it is the responsibility of the handling officer to notify a supervisor. The supervisor handing the incident will make immediate notifications via email to _______.
PD Academy Supervisors
The following MUST be contained in the email submitted:
- The officer’s complete name and DOB
- The officers ID #, PID and/or social security number
- The date and nature of the arrest (all charges)
- The case number for the incident
Supervisory employees shall ensure that subordinates receive all _________.
Required training
Supervisors shall regularly _________ their subordinates.
Counsel and mentor
At all times supervisors shall ____________.
Lead by example
Uniform police bureau I also includes:
HQ Traffic Division
Uniform Police Bureau II also includes:
Training/ Special Teams/ Human Resources Divisions
The Administrative Bureau serves as the administrative branch of the Department. It provides administrative, financial, planning, operational, and staff support to the department. It includes the following three divisions:
Administrative support/ Planning and Research/ Auxiliary Support
Sworn personnel assigned to the 5-8 hour or 4-10 hour days shall have _______ days off.
Sworn personnel requesting split days off or withholding a previous request for split days off, must complete and submit the Request for Split Days Off form to their immediate supervisor. This must be turned in no later than the _________ of the month, prior to the requested shift rotation.
15th day
_________ is commanders, designated Lieutenants, and Civilian Division Managers. They are responsible for operations, special services and administrative support.
Command Staff
Employees in ______ positions are responsible for effective leadership and are accountable for the activities of personnel under their immediate control.
Chief’s selection committee will consist of:
FTO/ Detective/Sergeant/Lieutenant/ Commander/ HR Representative
While assigned to a board, sworn employees will wear ______ or business attire.
Class A Uniform
_____________, Officers will give a verbal warning before using any force including deadly force.
When feasible
A motor vehicle ________ be impounded at a traffic checkpoint for FTMFR. A citation may still be issued in this circumstance.
When an officer is unable to verify financial responsibility, impound if at least one of the below criteria are met:
- The operator has been arrested
- The operator is involved in an accident
- Speeding 15 MPH or more
- Reckless driving
- Improper or erratic traffic lane change
- Following too closely
- No driver’s license
- Stop sign or stop line violation
- Previous conviction of FTMFR
CVSA inspection
The _____ must also include a hold for FTMFR.
Impound slip
When a roadside test is not practical, Officers shall transport the subject to ________ and conduct the SFSTs in the intoxilyzer room.
The nearest regional command
Officer will complete all the submission forms located in the blood specimen collection kit accurately and legibly. Officers will also complete the specimen routing report ________ when submitting the blood specimen into evidence.
Needed to make an arrest for DWI
Needed for Commercial DWI arrest
- DIC 54 (Peace Officer Sworn Report)
- DIC 55 (Statutory Warning)
- DIC57 (Notice of Disqualification)
_________ seize out of state license from driver.
Officer’s may use the _______ procedure in lieu of jailing a subject for DWI when the subject has been involved in a traffic collision and has sustained serious bodily injury, when the subject had been admitted to the hospital for treatment of alcohol poisoning or when is need for further investigation. Officers will get supervisor approval before following _____ procedures.
Family/ Dating violence is a serous crime. The department takes a _______ stance to safeguard victim’s rights and provide victim assistance.
After the scene is made safe, medical aid has been summoned, and officers have conducted preliminary investigations, officers shall video record the following:
A: All witness at the scene and use recommended questions for interviewing witnesses that is provided inside the camera case.
B: Children, as defined in Title 5 of the Family Code, only after obtaining parental or guardian consent to conduct a recorded interview.
C: An accused, officer shall comply with Article 38.22 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
Officers shall refrain from asking victims if they ______ against the alleged offenders.
Want to prosecute
Upon determination and verification that Family/Dating violence incident occurred at a licensed foster home and/or involved a resident of a licensed foster home, officers shall notify __________ as soon as possible.
Upon determining that the offender is on active-duty, the officer will notify an on-duty supervisor. The supervisor will ensure that immediate written notification is sent to the ______ via email.
Provost Marshal’s Office
The notification will include the following:
- Offender’s name
- Offender’s SSN if known
- Case Number
- Date, time and location of incident
- Brief synopsis of the incident
- Means of determining and verifying that the offender is on active-duty
Emergency Protective Orders are effective for not less than _______ days and not more than ____________ after the date of issuance as ordered by the judge.
When the owner of a firearm who was involved in a 58 voluntarily surrenders their firearm, the officers will take control of the weapon and issue a ____________.
Voluntary Surrender Firearms Receipt
OPSG - Officer and supervisors shall be limited up to an _______ hour shift on the day which they worked regular shift. If day off __________ hour shift.
Driver’s crash reports are no longer retained by the TexasDOT effective ___________.
September 1, 2017
Signal 37 and the initial PC is found to be an oversight.
- Shall verbally advise the operator and release motor vehicle
- Annotate the traffic stop on his or her DAR
- The officer is not required to collect any racial profiling data or complete a written warning.