Epithelium Lab Flashcards
Simple Squamus:
Mesothelium (nuceus open-faced BUT looks close-faced) = outer layer of epithelium in inner organs; covers the myometrium
Endothelium = Cells that line the vasculature
Simple Columnar - line the Lumen (also uterine glands = Endometrium)
Squamus to Cuboidal to Columnar
Increase in cytoplasm = increase secretory and absorptive function
Thyroid Gland
Follicle contains Colloid, surrounded by Simple Cuboidal
Microvilli (Brush Border - increase absorption) = covered by Simple Columnar
Goblet Cells w/in epithelium = secretes mucus
Lumenal surface = Pseudostratified Columnar w/ cilia (Ciliated Pseudostratified Columnar) = stratified but all cells touch basal membrane
Goblet Cells
Lumen lined with Non-Keratinized Stratified Squamus: Pykonotic cells (small condensed nucleus = close-faced) w/in surface cells = dying cells (formed at basal membrane (basal layer) and move towards apical)
Basal layer (germinal layer) - middle layer (pleomorphic) - apical layer (dying cells)
Intercellular Bridges (Desmosomes)
Papilla - better attachment b/c increase SA & allows for accessibility to blood vessels in dermis (increases nutrition
Epidermis - Keratinized Stratified Squamus Epithelium
Keratin layer = dead cells with keratin = protection
Basal Infoldings
Lining of lumen = Transitional Epithelium (stratified) w/ clear cytoplasm = stretching and relaxing w/out breaks in cell-to-cell attachments
Relaxed = variable shape
Stretched - squamus appearance
W/in lamina proper (connective tissue under the membrane epithelium) = Mucous Gland (not membrane epithelium BUT epithelial glands) EXOCRINE GLAND MEROCRINE bubble-shaped Flat nucleus at base Basophilic Granules Grey color of cytolplasm granules (lightly basophilic) smooth lumenal cells
Salivary Gland
Parenchyma and Stroma
Serous Gland: EXOCRINE Acinus Round Nucleus at base Merocrine
Pink Granules = zymogens
Mixed Gland
Serous (pink) + Mucous (light grey)
Serous Demilume = serous gland hat on mucous gland
Ducts = light pink lined by stratified columnar/cuboidal
Sebaceous Gland EXOCRINE Lipid product Holocrine Closer to edge = pyknotic cells = dying (closed face)
Apocrine Gland
squeeze out products with cytoplasm
Projections of myoepithelial cells (basket cells) = helps with contraction
Merocrine Sweat Gland
only products released =exocytosis indicated by smooth surface of lumen