Epithelium Flashcards
- Epithelia lines? Function? (6)
- Types of simple? (3)
- Types of stratified? (2)
- Types of psuedostratified? All touch?
- Trasitional?
- Polarity occurs where? Maintained via? (3)
- Cell junctions:
1. ) Tight junctions: Seal formed to seperate? Proteins used? (2) Molecules must travel?
2. ) Adherins Junctions: Provide? Important for? Made of? Which interact with? What are desmosomes? Prominant where?
3. ) Gap junctions: Form passages for ions to pass via? Exist mostly where?
- Tubes of the body; protection, active transport, detox, communication, move substances, respond to stimuli
- squamus, cuboidal, columnar
- squamus, columnar
- columnar; BL
- Change depending on mechanical stress
- Both membrane and intracellular level; cytoskeleton, pumps and membrane composition
1. ) Apical from BL; occludins and claudins; through the cell and not between them
2. ) Structural integrity; signalling; cadherins; actin; type of cadherin that interacts with intermediate filaments; skin
3. ) Diffusion; cardiac muscle cells
Cell Surface modifications:
- ) Microvilli: Small protrusions loaded with? Important for?
- ) Cilia: Long wavy arms made of? Important for?
- ) BL infolds and outfolds: Increase what? Important for? Less organized than?
- Basal lamina made of? Functions? (5)
- Integrins attach what? What is hemidesmosome? What are focal adhesions? Control what? Other functions? (3)
- Actin; absorption
- Microtubules; moving substances along epithelium
- Surface area; transport; apical side
- Collagen and laminin; connect tissues, barrier, allow filtration, control polarity, info scaffolding
- Epithelia to BL; integrin that interacts with intermediate filaments; similar to adhesion junctions and attach to actin; polarity; transport, signals and gene expression
- Exocrine glands: Secrete onto? Generally? 2 components? Functions? 2 types of secretions?
- Endocrine glands: Ducts? Secrete where? Surrounded by? Rich in? Hormone route? (4)
- Epithelia to mesenchymal transition: Embryonic epithelia disassembles and move to? After that?
- Epithelia stem cells: Characteristics? (4) Live where? Divide how? What is slightly different?
- Apical side; multi cellular; acini secretory units = produce and secrete and ducts for passage and modifications; carb rich mucus and watery serous
- No; into blood stream; CT; vascularity and BL; BL membrane –> BL –> CT –> Endothelium of cap
- CT mesenchyme; migrate to new tissue or transform to non-epithelial cell lineages
- Proliferative, self-renewing, capable of cell division, can produce different cell types; bottom of crypt; slowly; skin division
- Cancer of epithelia? of exocrine tissue?
- 5 signal systems?
- 3 steps in Wnt pathway? What inhibits?
- LOF in WNT 7a =? Increased WNT 7A?
- How are tissue sections made? (6)
- Carcinoma; adrenocarcinoma
- Wnts, sonic, Notch, RTK, TGFB
- Wnt binds receptor, B catenin enters nucleus, increased cell division and decreased differentiation; APC inhibits B catenin
- Increased colon and ovarian cancer; increased lung cancer
- Biopsy, section, put on slide, fix with chemical, slice, stain