Epithelia Flashcards
Simple Squamous
Thin Scales
Facilitates rapid passage of molecules
Simple cuboidal
Secretion and absorption of molecules requiring active transport
Kidney tubules and ducts of glands
Simple columnar
Absorption and secretion of molecules using active transport
Majority of GI tract
Ciliated surfaces line fallopian tubes to move egg, and parts of respiratory system to remove particulate matter
Psuedostratified columnar
Single layer of cells with appearance of multiple layers as nuclei at different levels.
All in touch with basement membrane
Some do not reach the apical surface
Ciliated or unciliated
Ciliated cells can be interspersed with goblet cells
Stratified squamous epithelia
Most common type of stratified epithelium in the human body
Apical cells appear squamous, basal cells cuboidal or columnar
Areas of high abrasion
Stratified columnar epithelia
Rare, found in conjunctiva, pharynx, anus, male urethra and embryo
Allows tissue to stretch and contract