Episode 6 Flashcards
Messenger on happiness
Fortune lifts and fells the lucky and unlucky everyday
Creon was a man to rouse your envy once
he set us true on course
Brings attention to the importance of “true joys” no amount of riches is worth it
What does the messenger announce and Eurydice’s reponse
Messenger: announces Haemon has killed himself
Eurydice: I heard and everything went black, tell me again, I can bear the worst (she can’t)
burying Polynices
We washed Polynices in holy water, burned him on branches, buried him (should have done this ages ago, wasted time) made our way to her tomb
Creon is afriad
we heard a long wail rising(just happened) Creon let out a cry of his own “going down the darkest road I’ve ever gone”
Creon loves his son
“My son it’s his dear voice”
Antigone has hung herself, Haemon arms around her waist
what does Creon do
Creon rushed in shouting, crying
begs him to come out
Haemon’s actions
Haemon spits in his face, drew his sword, lunged and missed, buried it in his body.
embraced the girl and released a gush of blood, red on her white cheek (moving and powerful)
-“he has won his bride at last, poor boy, not here but in the houses of the dead”
The greatest ill
Creon show that the worst of ills afflicting men is lack of judgement.
Eurydice has gone
Leader informs us that Eurydice’s gone
Messenger: she will mourn inside away from public, she’s too discrete, she won’t do something rash.
Leader: To me a long heavy silence promises
Leader- What is Creon arriving carrying his boy’s head in his hands proof of
: “damning proof…. of his own madness (like Acrisius) …his own blind wrongs.”
Creon blames himself
so insane, my crimes, my stubbornness
he realises that he was the mad fanatic
he killed his son through his own insanity
Messenger announces more grief
Messenger says theres more grief, Creon asks what could be worse than this, informs that the queen is dead
Creon’s reaction to Eurydice’s death
“I died once, you kill me again and again”
How Eurydice killed herself
he stabbed herself at the altar
with her dying breath she called down torments on creon’s head for killing her sons
Creon’s wish
wishes to die
Creon diminishes himself
-the misery, anguish
I admit it all! (like Oedipus)
I don’t even exist- I’m no one. Nothing (like Oedipus)
- a rash indiscriminate fool (As Antigone said)
Chorus’ ending speech
Three important things we should learn
wisdom is the greatest part of Joy
reverence toward the gods must be safeguarded
words of the proud are paid in full by the blows of fate, these blows will teach us wisdom