Episode 1 Flashcards
First thing Creon says, comes across as strong and commanding
-no delay, you are exiled, take your children with you
there is no appeal against this command
I shall not go back home before I cast you out of the borders of this land (his withdrawal from this shows him to be baseless and weak and lacks conviction)
Medea’s nautical imagery
-My enemies are sailing against me at top speed (nautical imagery) no heaven for me to land at and escape ruin. (shows her to be weak at the moment and no real strength or support)
Creon is afraid of her
he is right to be cautious
I am afraid of you, afraid you may hurt my child
you are clever, skilled in evil
I hear you plan some action against the husband and his bride and me
Better to be hated by you than weaken and repent too late.
Medea tries to convince him about stupidity and wisdom and that she wouldnt cause him harm
Creon even says her words are “soft to hear”
if you are clever then and present stupid people with new wisdom it seems useless and idiotic, if you are cleverer than those who are also you will be thought offensive. I am clever but not excessively so, but this is why you fear me.
It is not my way to offend a royal family
You haven’t wronged me, you did what was wise in my opinion, marrying your daughter as you saw fit
I do not begrudge you that your fortunes smile, good luck with you and the marriage
Wronged I may be but I am mastered by a stronger power
Is Creon moved by Medea’s oratory
her words are “soft to hear”
someone who is quick tempered is easier to guard against than those who are quiet and keep quiet.
Leave now, you cannot remain among us, my enemy
Medea supplicates him
Medea: “no” (commanding, power, switches) I beseech you by your knees (supplication) and your married daughter
She abuses the sacred supplication
recalls her fatherland
Creon shows his weakness
Oh fatherland how intensely I recall you know and he says he loves it above all else except for his children(the weakness exposed)
Medea’s request
and how does she persuade him
give me one day
I need it to find a heaven for my children, since the father is not helping
You are a father, you have children, think of mine.
Creon knows he is making a mistake
I am not tyrannical (arguably, this shows that you must be a harsh tyrant to rule)
I know I’m now making a mistake
You have your day (even though he said she could not persuade him
You will die if still here by light tomorrow (but all force has been lost)
Chorus sing of her misery
wherever can you turn, where, what home, what country
The God has brought you to an overwhelming sea of woes (nautical)
Why did Medea supplicate
I only fawned the man to suit my scheme and gain profit.
MEdea proves to be very cold
Her terrible plan
He has plummeted to such depths of stupidity (remorseless) she calls his compassion and humanity stupid,her colder side is revealed.
She will make three enemies corpses father, daughter, husband (not three but four, and not her husband his life is instead ruined) not pre planned
She debates how to kill them, she must use a method that allows her survival so that her enemies don’t get the last laugh. Poison with which she is the “supreme expert” use by women in greek tragedy, but being an expert suggest witchcraft
MEdea’s problem
but still there is no city to take me in
If her plans fail what will she do, unlike other women
If my plans are frustrated, I will take a sword (in spite of poison method, she is unlike other women) and will kill even if she herself dies
In contrast to Zeus, Artemis and Themis what god does she now pray to
Swears by Hecate, her mistress whom she refers above all other gods, her co-worker (divine level) beginning to lose contact with her humAnity (especially ancient greeks)