Epilepsy Symposium Flashcards
What is epilepsy?
- a recurring unprovoked (spontaneous) seizures
- acute symptomatic seizures are provoked by acute insults such as
- stroke, infection, alcohol withdrawal, or a metabolic disturbance
What types of seizures are there?
- Primary generalized onset: electrical discharges appear to start over the whole brain at the same time on EEG
- Partial/focal onset: electrical discharge appears to start in one cortical region and then may remain localized or may spread over the whole brain - secondary generalized

What are the classifications of Idiopathic (Primary) Generalized seizures?
- Limited repertoire of seizures
- Tonic-clonic seizures (“grand mal”)
- Absences (“petit mal”)
- Tonic seizures
- Atonic seizures
- Myoclonic seizures
Give an overview of what Idiopathic Generalized Seizures are?
- Onset in childhood or adolescence
- Usually no focal symptoms/signs
- Often a number of seizure types cluster
- A polygenic cause is presumed with no identifiable structural lesion on imaging
- Generalized (all leads) spike and wave discharges on EEG may be induced by hyperventilation, and on photosensitivity testing
- Provoked by sleep deprivation
What is Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy (JME? - give an overview
- Commonest form of primary generalized epilepsy 3-12% all epilepsy
- Juvenile onset, probably lifelong
- Early morning myoclonic jerks (ask)
- Photosensitive, sleep deprivation triggers
- +/- absences
- generalized tonic-clonic seizures – occur without warning
Give an overview of the presentation of Generalised Tonic-Clonic Seizures “grand mal”
- sudden onset without warning in primary generalised epilepsy
- Tonic phase
- continuous muscle spasm, fall, cyanosis, tongue biting, incontinence
- Clonic phase
- rhythmic jerking slows and gets larger in amplitude as the attack progresses
- Ends; the duration is typically 1-3 minutes
- Post-ictal (post-seizure) phase
- coma, drowsiness, confusion, headache
- muscle aching
- red/blue, wakes in ambulance/A&E
Give an overview of Absences “petit mal”
- Abrupt, short, 5-20 seconds
- Multiple times/day, can lead to learning difficulties
- Unresponsive, amnesia for the gap, rapid recovery
- Tone preserved (or mildly reduced)
- If absences only, tend to remit in adulthood (childhood absence epilepsy)
What ways are there Focal Onset Seizure?
- a simple partial seizure where the patient is aware (used to be an aura)
- focal seizure with awareness
- a complex partial seizure- aura/warning with a level of reduced awareness
- focal seizure with reduced awareness
Where d partial seizures frequently present themselves in the lobe?
- Temporal lobe - 70%
- Frontal lobe - 25%
- Occipital lobe - 4%
- Parietal lobe - 1%
Give temporal lobe seizures by aetiology
- Hippocampal sclerosis: 50%
- have a history of febrile convulsion
- Tumour: 18%
- Birth Hypoxia: 10%
- Vascular: 10%
- Post Traumatic: 8%
- Other: 4%
What are the symptoms and signs of temporal lobe epilepsy?
- hallucinations of taste, speech and /or smell, visual distortion; memory déjà vu and jamais vu
- epigastric rising sensation (over humpback bridge)
- fear, elation, low mood
- pallor/ flushing/ heart rate changes (can mimic panic/hyperventilation attacks)
- automatisms- semi-purposeful limb movements
- Oral automatisms- lip-smacking, chewing movements
- dystonic posturing (limb rises)
- speech disturbance (dominant hemisphere onset) last 1-3 minutes typically

What are the symptoms of a frontal lobe seizure?
- brief 10-30 seconds, rapid recovery, frequent
- predominantly nocturnal
- forced head /eye deviation to the contralateral side
- motor activity often bizarre, thrashing
- often misdiagnosed as non-epileptic
- ictal EEG (during the seizure) is often normal
- Jacksonian spread with Todd’s paresis
- automatisms, dystonic posturing for example
- a fencing posture (overlap TLE)

What are Parietal lobe epilepsy symptoms?
- positive sensory symptoms (unlike TIA/stroke)
- tingling, pain
- distortion of body shape/image
- Jacksonian march of positive sensory symptoms
What are Occipital lobe epilepsy symptoms?
- typically simple visual hallucinations -balls of coloured or flashing lights
- amaurosis (blackout or whiteout) at onset -25%
What anti-epileptic drugs make myoclonic jerks and absences worse?
- Phenytoin
- treats tonic-clonic seizures
- safe to use in status epilepticus (when a seizure lasts more than 5 minutes or are close together)
- Carbamazepine,
- Gabapentin,
- Pregabalin
Which type of seizure patient would you give a scan to?
- Jacksonian motor or sensory seizures
- Patients with focal neurological deficit (including a temporary unilateral Todds paresis)
- Alcohol withdrawal seizure; only scan if subdural haematoma suspected fall, hit head, found on the floor, bruising on head
What is the physiological representation of Epilepsy?
- Epilepsy represents a hyperexcitation or a failure of inhibitory regulation, either focally (e.g. motor cortex, temporal cortex) or generally (whole cortex at once)
How are epileptic episodes physiological caused?
- Na+ channel inactivation too slow in excitatory neurons
- Reduced number of functional Na+ channels in inhibitory neurons
- Reduced number of functional K+ channels in excitatory neurons
- Mutated ion channels: voltage-gated and ligand-gated ion channels
How do Na+ channel dysfunctions lead to epilepsy?
Na+ channel inactivation too slow in excitatory neurons
- e.g., generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS+)
- a point mutation in part of Na+ channel (β subunit) –> abnormally slow inactivation
- action potential repolarization impaired
Reduced number of functional Na+ channels in inhibitory neurons
- e.g., generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS+)
- missense mutations or truncated protein results in reduction or loss of Na+ channel function
- action potential generation impaired
How do K+ channelopathies lead to epilepsy?
Reduced number of functional K+ channels in excitatory neurons
- e.g., benign familial neonatal convulsions
- defect in KCNQ2 or KCNQ3 K+ channel subunit –> impaired activation
- action potential repolarization impaired
Explain the development of Focal (partial) seizures
- synchronized ‘paroxysmal depolarizing shift’ (PDS, 20 to 40 mV, lasting 50 to 200 ms) overcomes inhibition
- increased extracellular K+ due to neuronal damage or reduced uptake by the astrocytes as well as glutamate release from neurons or astrocytes contribute to PDS
- during the PDS trains of action, potentials occur
- hippocampal neurons have similar responses under normal conditions, making the hippocampus more prone to seizures than the neocortex
- Focal seizures may spread to other brain regions along the normal neuronal pathways and may also show secondary generalization if the activity spreads to the thalamus (tonic clonic seizure)

Explain the development of Primary Generalized seizures.
- Primary generalized seizures reach the cerebral cortex via normal neuronal pathways from the thalamus
- e.g. tonic clonic seizure; absence; juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
- pathways originate in the brainstem and are normally involved in regulating the sleep/wake cycle and arousal of the cerebral cortex
- Ca2+ channels and inhibitory GABA receptors in thalamic neurons have been implicated in ‘spike and wave’ seizures, showing that inhibition (the wave) is preserved

What is the general action of Anti-epileptic drugs?
- work to inhibit Glutamate
- this is an excitatory molecule in the brain
- work to increase GABA activity
- this is an inhibitory molecule in the brain
What AEDs work by inhibiting the excitatory process in neurons?
- Phenytoin, Carbama/ Oxcarba-zepine, Eslicarbazepine acetate, Lamotrigine, Lacos/ Zonis-amide
- inhibits voltage-gated Na+ ion channel
- Ethosuximide
- inhibits Ca2++ entry into postsynaptic neuron
- Retigabine
- increases excite of K+ from the postsynaptic neuron
- Perampanel
- inhibits the AMPA receptor which glutamate binds to and allows NA+ into the postsynaptic neuron

What AEDs work by increasing the activity of the inhibitory process in neurons?
- Levetiracetam
- increases activity of SV2A- regulates action potential-dependent neurotransmitter release
- Retigabine
- increases the activity of KCNQ K+ channels in the pre and postsynaptic neuron
- Gabapentin, Pregabalin
- inhibit alpha-2-beta-subunit of Ca2+ channels in the presynaptic neuron
- Tiagabine
- Inhibits GAT-1 in presynaptic neurons and on glial cells
- Benzodiazepines, Barbiturates
- increases activity of GABAA more Cl- moved into the postsynaptic neuron

Perampanel as an AED
- non-competitive blockade of AMPA glutamate receptor
- release of glutamate cannot overcome the block
- reduce spread/generalisation of seizure
- can also affect behaviour and mood
What role or lack thereof does GABA play in the occurrence of a full-blown seizure?
- Focal epilepsy characterised by intermittent high amplitude discharges at site of epileptic focus during inter-ictal (seizure) periods.
- Two phases:
- synchronous depolarisation (caused by strong excitatory inputs to the region of the focus),
- followed by a period of hyperpolarisation, (activation of GABA inhibition)
- Transition from inter-ictal discharges to full-blown seizure is a decrease in the hyper-polarisation phase
- failure of inhibition to kick in, therefore treating with GABA stimulants helps control the seizure
What drugs enhance GABA-ergic synaptic transmission?
- sodium valproate (sodium channels)
- benzodiazepines (clobazam, lorazepam)
- barbiturates/ primidone pro drug
- tiagabine (inhibits GABA re-uptake)
- vigabatrin (inhibits GABA –T breakdown)
What is Levetiractem?
- high-affinity synaptic vesicle protein-2A ligand that modulates glutamate neurotransmitter release
- rapidly up titrated and is effective
- IV formulation; no drug-drug interactions
- keeps patients alert but causes mood lowering/agitation side-effects
- brivaracetam second-generation version
What drugs would be suitable for Primary Generalized Epilepsy?
First line
- Sodium valproate
- Lamotrigine
Second line
- levetiracetam, topiramate, zonisamide, benzodiazepines
What drugs would be suitable for Partial (focal onset) epilepsy?
First line
- Carbamazepine
- Lamotrigine
- all other AEDs have efficacy
Go over the toxicity effects of Benzodiazepines
Dose related (acute)
- Drowsiness
- Ataxia
- Hyperactivity
- cognitive impairment
Long term
- Tolerance/ Dependence
Go over the toxicity effects of Phenytoin
Dose-related (acute)
- Ataxia
- Diplopia
- Nystagmus
- Gingival hyperplasia
- Osteomalacia
- Cerebellar atrophy
Go over the toxicity effects of Sodium Valproate
Dose-related (acute)
- Sedation
- Tremor
- Hair thinning
- Weight gain
- Menstrual irregularities
- Encephalopathy
- Parkinsonism
(is an enzyme inhibitor)