Epidermis Chapter 3 Flashcards
How many layers is epidermis composed of
Epidermis is composed of five layers of what kind of squamous epithelial tissue
Layers of stratified squamous epithelial tissue
That become tough and hard through a process called keratinisation
What is the process called When stratified squamous epithelium tissue becomes tough and hard
What makes up 90% of epidermal cells (they produce a protein called Keratin)
Keratin helps protect the skin it also helps do what
Waterproof the skin
Melanocytes produces a black-brown pigment called what
Melatonin contributes to the skin colour by absorbing what
Ultraviolet light
Melanin granules actually for protective layer over what
The nuclei of cells
Melanin granules actually form a protective layer over the nuclei of cells but it’s only over one side of the nuclei which faces which direction
The surface of the skin - the melanin is like a sun hat protecting the nuclei from ultraviolet light
Langerhans cells Arise from bone marrow and move to the what
Langerhans cells respond to foreign bodies and thus play a role in what
Skin immunity
Merkel cells are found in the stratum basale of hairless skin and are attached to what
Merkel cells make contact with nerve cells from the merkel discs which function in which sensation
The deepest layer of the skin is called what
stratum basale (Or stratum germinativum)
The stratum basale Is the deepest layer of the epidermis and is the base for what
New cells to germinate (sprout)
Stratum spinosum Is the second deepest layer of epidermis and consists of prickly cells that are beginning to go through what process