Epidemiology of cancer Flashcards
How have mortality rates from cancer changed?
They’ve remained stable
How do cancer incidence rates vary depending on level of development of a country?
Developed countries have a higher incidence of cancer
Why is melanoma of higher prevalence in Australia than china?
Higher exposure to UV radiation in Australia
Many fair skinned people in Australia, more susceptible to mutation
Why is lung cancer more prevalent in Eastern Europe than Western Africa?
Higher incidence of tobacco smoking in Eastern Europe
How can we test whether genes or environment have more of an influence on cancer incidence?
Migrant studies
If cancer was caused by environmental factors what would be observed?
Migrants from low risk area moves to a high risk areas
Their risk + incidence of cancer increases due to changes in exposure
Describe a migrant study that demonstrated the environment majorly influenced cancer incidence
Japanese had high incidence of stomach cancer
Those who remained had high risk
Hawaiians had low incidence of stomach cancer
Japanese who migrated to Hawaii had incidence equal to Hawaiians within 2 generations
What is the trend of cancer incidence in developed and less developed countries?
Developed: Increased, but now plateux
Less developed: Increasing
What explains the trend of cancer incidence in developed and less developed countries?
Introduction of screening programmes
Increased accessibility to healthcare
Changes in exposure to risk factors (e.g. less popular to smoke now)
What is the trend of cancer mortality in developed and less developed countries?
Developed: Decreasing
Less Developed: Not decreasing
Why is the total cancer burden increasing?
Demographic changes (ageing populations, increasing populations) Westernisation of lifestyles
What % of cancers are due to hereditary causes?
List 4 main risk factors for cancer
Had risk factors been reduced to the optimal levels, how many cancers could have been prevented?
How many cancer deaths are caused by smoking?
How many lung cancer deaths are caused by smoking?
What dietary factor increases risk of colorectal cancer?
Low intake of fibre
What synergism of risk factors largely increase risk of oesophageal/ laryngeal cancers?
Which cancers are associated with obesity?
Post-menopausal breast
What are the guidelines for dietary prevention of cancer?
Be lean Be active Avoid sugary drinks/ energy dense foods Plant based diet Limit red meat Limit alcohol Limit salt Don't use supplements
How can sex steroids influence cancer risk?
Increase risk e.g. Breast cancer
What are the key factors influencing incidence of cancer?
Common environmental causes
Geographical variation + secular trends
How many new cases of cancer per year and how many deaths caused by cancer per year?
New cases: 14 mil
Deaths: 8 mil
What are the 5 major forms of cancer contributing to mortality?
Lung Stomach Liver Colorectal Breast
What are the 5 most common cancers?
Lung Breast Colorectal Prostate Skin
What is the most common cancer in males and females respectively?
Males: Lung
Females: Breast