epidemiology Flashcards
what are measures of occurrence
Describe the distribution of an outcome in a group of people in regards to Person, Time and Place:
* Prevalence
* Incidence: Cumulative incidence
(risk), incidence rate (rate) * Proportions vs odds
what are measures of association
Describe association between outcome and its determinants (exposures, risk factors, interventions):
* Ratios
* Differences
* Regression coefficient
Point prevalence
measures the proportion of existing people with a disease in a defined population at a single point in time.
no with disease/ total of population at specific time point
Period prevalence
is the number of individuals identified as cases during a specified period of time/ the total number of people in that population.
cumulative incidence (RISK)
number of new cases in specific time period/ number of people at risk at start of time period
incidence rate (RATE)
number of new cases in specific time period/ total person-time at risk during time period
odds (of a disease)
number of new cases/ number who dont have disease at end of period
(part/none part)
if there is an association what could be the cause?
- chance
- bias
- confounding
- true association
- reverse causation
What are ratio/relative measures of association?
Divide the two measures of disease occurrence
How much higher is the risk of lung cancer among smokers (exposed) compared to non smokers (unexposed)?
cumulative indicidence ratio
CI in exposed/ CI in unexposed
incidence rate ratio
incidence rate in exposed/ incidence rate in unexposed
what do these relative risk mean.
> 1
A relative risk of 1 indicates that the incidence of disease in the exposed and unexposed groups is identical and that there is no association observed between the disease and risk factor/ exposure.
A relative risk > 1 occurs when the risk of disease is greater among those exposed and indicates a positive association, or an increased risk among those exposed to the risk factor compared with those unexposed.
A relative risk < 1 occurs when the risk of disease is lower in those exposed compared to those unexposed and indicates a negative association.
Attributable risk
is it absolute or relative
risk in exposed - risk in unexposed
what do these mean for the attributable risk
> 0
<0 exposure associated with X fewer cases
= 0 no association between exposure and disease
> 0 exposure associated with X more cases compared to unexposed
Attributable Risk Fraction Aetiological Fraction Etiological Fraction
R exposed - R unexposed/ R exposed