Epic and Narrative Sanskrit Vocabulary: Basic 6 Flashcards
This list is from the forthcoming 'Introductory Sanskrit Reader'. Its aim is to give students who have finished an introductory Sanskrit course a good basic vocabulary and get you started on your journey towards reading Sanskrit texts with fluency.
√brū (II bravīti, brūte)
‘speak, say’
√bhakṣ (I bhakṣati, X bhakṣayati)
(I bhajati) ‘distribute’,
(bhajate) ‘receive, partake of’
√bhañj (VII bhanakti)
‘break, shatter’
bhaya- (n.)
bhartṛ- (m.)
bhavana- (n.)
‘dwelling, house’
bhavat- (m.)
‘you, Sir’ (polite form of address),
used with 3rd-person verb
bhāryā- (f.)
bhāva- (m.)
‘being; state, condition; true state, reality’
√bhāṣ (I bhāṣate)
‘speak, say’
√bhī (III bibheti)
‘fear, be afraid of’ (+ Abl)
bhuja- (m.)
‘hand, arm; trunk (of an elephant); branch (of a tree)’
√bhū (I bhavati)
‘be, become’
bhūta- (n.)
‘(living) being; demon’
bhūmi- (f.)
‘earth; land, ground’
bhūyaḥ (ind)
bhūṣaṇa- (n.)
‘ornament, decoration’
bhṛśam (ind)
‘strongly, greatly, very much’
√bhram (I bhramati)
‘wander, roam’
bhrātṛ- (m.)
maṇi- (m.)
maṇḍala- (n.)
mati- (f.)
(adj) ‘sweet’;
(n. ) ‘honey, nectar, any sweet liquid;
liquor, any intoxicating drink’
madhura- (adj)
‘sweet, pleasant, charming’
madhya- (n.)
‘middle, center’
√man (IV manyate)
manas- (n.)
‘mind; heart’
mantra- (n.)
‘prayer; Vedic hymn; plan’
mantrin- (m.)
‘counselor, minister’
manda- (adj)
‘slow, weak’
mahant- (adj)
‘big, great’
(mahā- at beginning of compounds)
mahā-ātman- (adj)
‘magnanimous, noble’
mahī- (f.)
lit. ‘the great one’: ‘the earth’
mā (ind)
‘don’t’ (+ imperative or injunctive/unaugmented aorist)
mātṛ- (f.)
mātra- (n.)
‘measure, quantity’; (ifc) ‘just, only’
mitra- (n.)
mukha- (n.)
‘face, mouth’
mukhya- (adj)
‘main, chief’
√muc (VI muncati)
‘free, release’
muni- (m.)
‘sage, seer’
muhur (ind)
‘in a moment, for a moment’
muhūrta- (n.)
mūrdhan- (m.)
mūla- (n.)
√mṛ (IV mriyate)
‘die’ (mṛta- ‘dead’)
mṛga- (m.)
‘deer; forest animal’
mṛtyu- (m.)