Epic and Narrative Sanskrit Vocabulary: Basic 1 Flashcards
This list is from the forthcoming 'Introductory Sanskrit Reader'. Its aim is to give students who have finished an introductory Sanskrit course a good basic vocabulary and get them started on their journey towards reading Sanskrit texts with fluency.
agni- (m.)
agra- (n.)
foremost part: ‘front, top, tip, peak etc.’
agrataḥ (ind)
‘in front’; (+ Gen) ‘in front of, before’
añjali- (m.)
cupped hands as a sign of greeting or respect
kṛta-añjali- (adj)
‘with cupped hands, with respectful greeting’
ataḥ (ind)
‘from this’: ‘hence’
atra (ind)
‘here; in this matter; in this world’
atha (ind)
adya (ind)
adhi-pa- (m.)
‘lord, ruler’
anta- (m.)
antaḥ-pura- (n.)
‘harem, female apartments’
anya- (pron adj)
api (ind)
(1) (postposed) ‘even, also’
(2) (at beg. of sentence) marks yes/no question
amātya- (m.)
ambara- (n.)
‘clothes; sky, atmosphere’
ayam/idam- (pron)
‘he/she/it; this; that’
araṇya- (n.)
‘forest, wilderness’
artha- (m.)
‘aim, purpose;
cause, motive;
advantage, use;
thing, wealth’
aśva- (m.)
asura- (m.)
‘asura, demon’
as (√II asti)
asau/adas- (pron)
‘he/she/it; this, that’
astra- (n.)
‘(throwable) weapon’
(Perf: āha ‘he said’, āhuḥ ‘they said’
aham (pron)
‘I’ (stem form mad-)
Nom Pl of aham: ‘we’
ākāra- (ifc)
‘looking like, resembling’
ākāśa- (m.)
‘sky; space, atmosphere’
ākula- (adj)
‘filled with;
ātma-ja- (m.)
(m.) ‘soul, self’;
(refl pron) ‘oneself’
ādi- (m.)
‘beginning’; (ifc) ‘etc, and so on’
√āp, pra-√āp (V (pr)āpnoti)
‘get, reach, obtain’
ābharaṇa- (n.)
‘ornament, decoration’
āyudha- (n.)
ārta- (adj)
‘afflicted, pained’
āśrama- (m.)
‘hermitage; the four stages of a brahmin’s life’
āsana- (n.)
‘sitting’: ‘position, seat, dwelling’
√ās (II āste)
‘sit; exist, live’
āhāra- (m.)
‘food; livelihood’
√i (II eti)
itaḥ (ind)
iti (ind)
marks end of clause or direct speech/thought
idānīm (ind)
indra- (m.)
Indra (the god); (ifc) ‘leader, leading, best’
iva (ind)
‘like, as; as it were’
√iṣ (irreg icchati)
‘want, wish, seek’ (iṣṭa-)
iha (ind)
‘here, in this world’
√īkṣ (I īkṣate)
īkṣaṇa- (n.)
‘eye; look, view’