Epic and Narrative Sanskrit Vocabulary: Basic 4 Flashcards
This list is from the forthcoming 'Introductory Sanskrit Reader'. Its aim is to give students who have finished an introductory Sanskrit course a good basic vocabulary and get you started on your journey towards reading Sanskrit texts with fluency.
tejas- (n.)
‘brilliance, brightness; blaze, heat’

tena (ind)
‘by this’: ‘thus’

√tyaj (I tyajati)
‘leave, abandon’

tri- (num)

tvam (pron)
(tvayā Ins Sg,
te GenDat Sg,
tvad- stem form)

dakṣiṇa- (adj)
‘southern; right (vs. left); clever, able’

daṇḍa- (m.)
‘stick; punishment’

darśana- (n.)
‘sight, view; world-view, philosophy, religion’

daśa- (num)

√dah (I dahati)

√dā (III dadāti)

ā-√dā (III ādadāti)
‘take, receive’,
Abs ādāya lit. ‘having taken’: ‘with’

dānava- (m.)
‘dānava, demon’

dāra- (m., usually Pl)

dāruṇa- (adj)
‘harsh, rough’

divya- (adj)
‘divine, heavenly’

√diś (VI diśati)
‘show, point out’

diś- (f.)
‘direction’; diśaḥ ‘the directions’: ‘the entire world’

dīna- (adj)
‘miserable, wretched’

√dīp (IV dīpyate)
‘shine, glow, burn’

dīrgha- (adj)
‘long, tall’

(n. ) ‘unhappiness’,
(adj) ‘unhappy’

duḥkhita- (adj)

dūta- (m.)

√dṛś (irreg paśyati)
Caus darśayati ‘show’

deva- (m.)
‘god, deity; lord, master’,
in Voc ‘your highness, my lord’

devatā- (f.)

devī- (f.)
‘goddess; mistress’,
in Voc ‘milady’

deśa- (m.)
‘land, country’

√dru (I dravati)

druma- (m.)

dvāra- (m.)
‘door; gateway’

dvi- (num)

dhana- (n.)
‘possessions; wealth’

dhanus- (n.)
‘bow’ (the weapon)

dharma- (m.)
‘morality, righteousness;
(religious/caste-based) duty, obligation;

√dhā (III dadhāti)
‘put’ (hita-)

vi-√dhā (III vidadhāti)
‘perform, do, arrange’

abhi-√dhā (III abhidadhāti)
‘utter, say’

dhī-mant- (adj)

√dhṛ (X dhārayati)
‘hold, carry’

na (ind)

nagara- (n.), nagarī- (f.)
‘city, town’

nadī- (f.)

nara- (m.)

nāga- (m.)

nātha- (m.)
‘protector; lord, husband’

nānā (ind or pref)
‘variously, differently’

nāma (ind)
‘named, called; indeed’

nāman- (n.)
‘name’, (ifc) ‘called’