Epi Flashcards
What is the Prevention Paradox?
The idea that a policy or intervention that’s good for the population as a whole may only be marginally beneficial for individuals
It is based on the observation that most cases of a disease come from people with low or moderate risk.
Define Evidence Based Medicine.
The explicit use of best available evidence for decision making at the level of the individual patient
Challenges include publication bias and time consumption.
What is Evidence Based Policy?
The use of evidence in policy decision, leading to better and more efficient outcomes.
What is a Descriptive Study?
A study designed only to describe the existing distribution of variables in a population without regard to causal or other hypotheses.
What is an Observational Study?
An epidemiologic study in which the role of the investigator is to be a mere observer of what happens.
What characterizes an Analytical Study?
A study designed to test a hypothesis, generally to examine whether a certain exposure is a risk factor for a particular disease.
What is a Case-Control Study?
An observational study that starts with the identification of a group of cases and a group of suitable controls, measuring exposure to a risk factor.
What is a Nested Case-Control Study?
A case-control study in which cases and controls are drawn from the population in a cohort study.
Define Cross-Sectional Study.
A study in which information on risk factors and outcomes are measured simultaneously at one point in time.
What is a Cohort Study?
A study in which a group of persons exposed and a group unexposed to a potential risk factor are followed up over time.
What is a Historical Cohort Study?
A cohort study that relies upon data collected in the past.
What is an Ecological Study?
An epidemiological study where the units of analysis are populations or groups of people rather than individuals.
What is a Cluster Randomised Trial?
A trial in which groups of individuals (clusters) are randomised, and all individuals within a cluster receive the same intervention.
Define Clinical Trial.
An intervention study in which the unit of allocation to different groups is the individual patient.
What is a Randomised Clinical Trial?
An experimental study in which subjects are randomly allocated to receive or not receive the intervention.
What is a Single-Blind Trial?
A trial in which either the subject or the observer measuring the outcome is unaware of the treatment the subject is receiving.
What is a Double-Blind Trial?
A trial in which neither the subject nor the observer measuring the outcomes know which treatment the subject has received.
What is a Crossover Trial?
A type of randomised clinical trial in which each subject acts as their own control by receiving at least two different treatments at different times.
What is a Factorial Trial?
A design of randomised clinical trial in which two or more interventions are compared, either alone or in combination.
What is a Field Trial?
A trial in which the subjects are members of the general population and not patients.
What is a Community Trial?
A trial in which the unit of allocation is an entire community.
What is a Hospital-Based Study?
A study in which the subjects are drawn from a list of patients in a hospital.
Define Prospective Study.
A study in which data are collected in an ongoing way during the study.
What is a Retrospective Study?
A study in which data about the study subjects were collected from past records.
What does a Study of Disease Prognosis estimate?
The frequency with which different disease outcomes can be expected to occur.
Define Absolute Risk.
A measure of association indicating how much greater the frequency of disease is in the exposed group compared with the unexposed.
What are Adjusted Measures?
Measures for which the effects of differences in the distribution of confounders have been minimized using statistical techniques.
What is the Attack Rate?
A cumulative incidence rate usually used for an infectious disease in an epidemic.
What does Attributable Risk indicate?
The risk of disease in the exposed group that can be considered attributable to the exposure.
Define Population Attributable Risk.
An estimate of the excess risk of disease in the total study population attributable to the exposure.
What is the Case-Fatality Rate?
The proportion of cases of a specified condition which are fatal within a specified period of time.
What is a Crude Rate?
A rate in the total population as a whole, without adjustment for potential confounders.
Define Incidence.
The number of new cases of disease that develop in a population of individuals at risk during a specified time interval.
What is an Odds Ratio?
A measure of relative risk comparing the odds of disease in the exposed to the odds of disease in the unexposed.
What is Person-Time?
A measurement combining number of people and time observed, used as a denominator in the calculation of rates.
Define Period Prevalence.
The total number of individuals in a population who had the disease or health event of interest at any time during a specified period.
What is person-time?
A measurement combining number of people and time observed, used as a denominator in the calculation of rates. It represents the sum of each individual’s time at risk, usually expressed as person-years.
Define period prevalence.
The total number of individuals in a population who had the disease or health event of interest at any time during a specified (short) period, taken as a proportion of the total population.
What is point prevalence?
The number of cases of disease in a population at one point in time, taken as a proportion of the total number of people in that population at the same point in time.
What does proportional mortality ratio indicate?
The proportion of observed deaths from a specified condition in a defined population divided by the proportion of deaths expected from this condition in a standard population.
What is the prevalence difference?
The absolute difference in the prevalence of disease in those exposed to a putative risk factor and those not exposed.
Define prevalence ratio.
A measure of the strength of an association; the ratio of the prevalence of the outcome of interest in those exposed to the putative risk factor to the prevalence in the unexposed.
What is a proportion?
A type of ratio in which the numerator is included in the denominator, taking values between 0 and 1.
Define rate.
A special type of ratio in which the denominator is expressed in units of person-time at risk.
What is the rate difference?
The absolute difference in incidence rate between a group of individuals exposed to a potential risk factor and a group not exposed.
What is relative risk?
Estimates the magnitude of an association between exposure and disease, indicating likelihood of disease development in those exposed relative to those unexposed.
What is standardisation?
A set of techniques used to remove the effects of differences in age or other confounding variables when comparing populations.
What is the standardized mortality ratio (SMR)?
The ratio of the number of events observed in the study group to the number expected, allowing for age, sex, and other confounders.
Define birth rate.
A summary rate based on the number of live births in a population over a given period, usually one year.
What is the infant mortality rate (IMR)?
A measure of the yearly frequency of deaths in children less than one year old per number of live births in the same year.
What does burden of disease measure?
Impact of disease in a population, accounting for number of events and severity/impact on quality of life.
What is the global burden of disease study (GBD)?
A comprehensive research program assessing mortality and disability from major diseases, injuries, and risk factors.
What is health-adjusted life expectancy?
Average number of years a person can expect to live in full health, incorporating information on mortality and health status.
Define number needed to treat (NNT).
The number of patients who need to receive a treatment for one patient to benefit with respect to the outcome of interest.
What is negative predictive value?
The proportion of people who truly do not have a disease or risk factor out of those with a negative result in a screening test.